Rabbit MQ / AMQP

The subchapters below describes the configuration aspects for a Rabbit MQ destination.

You can control the following aspects of a Rabbit MQ message:

  • Reply To

  • Correlation ID

  • Routing Key

  • Type

  • Priority

  • Delivery Mode

  • User ID

  • Application ID

Reply To

You can specify an exchange to which replies are generated. This is done via the replyTo attribute. The value of this attribute must be the name of an exchange in your Rabbit MQ broker.

Below is an example how to configure the replyTo.

<RabbitMQ id="rabbit-mq-dest-id" replyTo="NAME-OF-EXCHANGE" />

If a job is sent to a Rabbit MQ destination whose replyTo has been set, the job will after being processed get the status "Awaiting Reply."

When you have set the attribute replyTo, then you should setup a so called reply-handler that is able to update TIF when the reply arrives in order to track whether or not the integration job failed or not.

If you do not set up such reply handler, your jobs will stay in the state "Awaiting Reply".

See this chapter for further details.

Routing Key

The routing key can be defined in the destinations.xml file, but a more flexible approach is to define the routing key per use-case.

The routing key can be defined as macro, allowing to resolve dynamic value based upon some parameter etc.


<RabbitMQ id="rabbit-mq-dest-id"
          routingKey="${job.param.NAME-OF-PARAM}" />
The macros are described here

Correlation ID

The correlation id of a message is by default set to:


This value contains macros, which during runtime are resolved to real values. The information in the correlation id is used for example by the reply handler to correlate a message back to its origin.

You may change this, but, please note that if you do then you must consider so in the reply-handler that you might use.

Below is an example how to configure the correlation id.

<RabbitMQ id="rabbit-mq-dest-id"
          correlationId="${job.id}/${destination.id}" />
The macros are described here


You may specify a value for the type property as shown below.

<RabbitMQ type="something"  />

<RabbitMQ type="${macro}" />
The macros are described here


You may specify a value for the message priority as shown below. The priority is a value between 0 and 255.

<RabbitMQ priority="4" />

Delivery Mode

You may specify persistent or non-persistent delivery modes by specifying this in the deliveryMode attribute as shown below.

<RabbitMQ deliveryMode="non-persistent"/>
<RabbitMQ deliveryMode="persistent"/>

User ID

The userId attribute can be used to associate the message with some user. The value may be a macro.


<RabbitMQ id="rabbit-mq-dest-id"
          userId="${job.enoviauser}" />

Application ID

The appId attribute can be used to associate the message with an application. The value may be a macro.


<RabbitMQ id="rabbit-mq-dest-id"
          appId="TIF/${tif.instance.id}" />