Tutorial - Create / Update a Structure

The goal with this tutorial is to understand the create/update integration and create or update a bill-of-material structure inside ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE.

In this tutorial the use case is to set up an integration that will receive messages via a REST service, and based upon the content of the message trigger a create/update configuration that will build the structure inside ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE.

Configuration File Structure

During this tutorial, we are going to create the following kind of configuration file structure.

create structure
Figure 1. Configuration File Structure

Configuration Files

The following files are part of the tutorial.

Use Case Flow

The image below illustrates the flow.

create update structure
Figure 2. Create/Update data in ENOVIA from External System
  • An external system posts XML data over HTTP into TIF

  • A TIF REST service accepts the data and triggers a create/update integration use case.

First, the Data Format

The remote system will publish data that follows this schematic format:

        <Item ...>
            <Item ...>
        <Item ...>
            <Item ...>
            <Item ...>
        <Item ...>
            <Item ...>
                <Item ...>
                    <Item ...>
                    <Item ...>

For example this data would be allowed to send:

        <Item t="sap-material" id="XZ-0001" status="Released" weight="100 g">
            <Item qty="1" pos="0001" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0002" status="Released" weight="0.025 kg" rdo="Corporate Plant" />
            <Item qty="1" pos="0002" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0003" status="Released" weight="53 g" rdo="WIP Plant" />
            <Item qty="1" pos="0003" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0004" status="Released" weight="20.0" rdo="WIP Plant" />
            <Item qty="2" pos="0004" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0005" status="Released" weight="30.0" rdo="WIP Plant">
                <Item pos="0001" qty="1" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0006" status="Released" weight="5.12 g" rdo="WIP Plant" />
                <Item pos="0002" qty="1" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0007" status="Released" weight="212 g" rdo="WIP Plant" />
                <Item pos="0003" qty="1" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0008" status="Released" weight="12 g" rdo="WIP Plant" />
                <Item pos="0004" qty="1" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0009" status="Released" weight="2.4 kg" rdo="WIP Plant" />
                <Item pos="0005" qty="2" t="sap-material" id="XZ-0010" status="Released" weight="5 kg" rdo="WIP Plant" />

The Create/Update Configuration

On the TIF server we need to create our create/update configuration that defines how to create/update the object(s) and relationship(s) inside ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE.

Based upon the input format, we create this configuration:

    <EntryPoint select="/Data/Items/Item" /> (1)
    <ValueMapper id="type-mapping"> (2)
        <ValueLookup name="sap-key-values.properties" keyPrefix="type." />
    <ValueMapper id="status-mapping"> (3)
        <ValueLookup name="sap-key-values.properties" keyPrefix="state." />
    <Config match="Item"> (4)

        <IdentityMatch> (5)
            <Type select="@t" valueMapper="type-mapping" />
            <Name select="@id" />
            <Revision latest="true" select="@status" valueMapper="status-mapping"/>

        <CreateValues>  (6)
            <Revision firstInSequence="true" />
            <Policy fallbackValue="policy_ECPart" />
            <State select="@status" valueMapper="status-mapping" />
            <Vault fallbackValue="vault_eServiceProduction" />
            <Owner fallbackValue="tiftest" /> 
            <Originated select="@created" dateFormat="iso-date" />
        <UpdateValues useForCreate="true"> (7)
            <Attribute name="attribute_Weight" select="@weight" />
            <RDO select="@rdo" />

            <Connection relationship="relationship_EBOM" select="Item" disconnectExisting="true"> (8)
                        <Attribute name="attribute_FindNumber" select="@pos"/>
                    <Attribute name="attribute_Quantity" select="@qty" />
1 Defines the XPath specifying where to start processing data from the incoming payload.
2 Here we illustrate how to translate values using an external file.
3 Same as above. Use a property file for value lookup.
4 The entry point xpath will match on Item elements, and this configuration specifies the logic to apply on such element
5 The identity match defines how we map to an object inside the ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE database
6 If we were not able to map the object, we use the create values to instruct how to create the Item.
7 The update values section is used when updating the object (but can also be configured to be applied also when creating the object)
8 The Connection specifies the kind of relationship (among others), and how to identify a relationship from the inbound data with a relationship within the ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE DB. Note that the Item configuration will be applied recursively in this case for any child Item.

We also used an external properties file for value lookup. This file is defined as:

type.sap-material = Part
type.something-else = Something Else Part

state.Released = Release
state.Obsoleted = Obsolete

The End Point

The integration will be invoked via HTTP/REST, hence we need to setup a REST service.

    <DisplayName>EBOM Create/Update Service</DisplayName> (1)
    <ServiceName>ebom</ServiceName> (2)
    <Credentials containerManaged="true" /> (3)
    <Create config="EBOM.xml" /> (4)
1 This is a friendly name that will be used in the Admin UI
2 The service name maps to the URL. E.g. this service will be triggered via http://tifserver/enovia/jaxrs/service/ebom
3 The credentials defines that this service requires authentication against ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE. Please read this document for more information.
4 Point out the Create/Update configuration to be used.

Testing the Service

One way to test the service is to use for example the "Postman" tool available as a Chrome plugin.

postman in action
Figure 3. Postman in Action