TIF 2018.1.0 Release Information 2018-02-23

Upgrade Notes

This release contains updated Axis2 installation and new features regarging hosted web services. In case you are upgrading an existing TIF installation with this release, you need to do the following mandatory steps:

  • Delete folders ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/webapps/jaxrs and ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/webapps/jaxws and replace them with the ones found from the installation package. You can also merge the folder contents instead of deleting, but make sure you do not leave any files that are originated from the previous TIF installation package. Also, in that case, you need to merge new filter settings into ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/webapps/jaxrs/WEB-INF/web.xml and ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/webapps/jaxws/WEB-INF/web.xml from web.xml.template to enable logging from hosted SOAP and RESTful web services.

  • Let TIF re-deploy configurable SOAP web services (if such exist) by deleting files from ${TIF_ROOT}/data/(host)/(instance.id)/axis2/services. This is mandatory, as existing files are not compatible with the updated Axis2 installation and may cause TIF not to start.

New Features

Improved table data loading performance in Admin UI

Table data loading performance in Admin UI is improved.

Log Job from REST and SOAP services, Store Payload in Custom Job

Hosted RESTful and SOAP web services are logged into TIF database. Also, it is possible to store payload from custom job.

Apache Axis2 Updated

Apache Axis2 installation included in TIF is updated to version 1.7.7.

Host SOAP Web Services Implemented by JSR 181 Annotated Classes

SOAP web services implemented with JAX-WS annotations (@WebService, @WebMethod) can be hosted in TIF.

See chapter "Hosting SOAP Web Services" in ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE Connector documentation.

NativeMQ Listener Stores Payload Data

NativeMQ listener stores payload data when a message is received.


Internal Change of TIF Job Data Model

The datamodel in ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE related to TIF Job business objects has been slightly changed in order to improve performance. Job objects are no longer reused, instead they are deleted at completion automatically at certain intervals.

Fixed Bugs

Below is the list of fixed bugs as of this release.

Issue No Description


Duplicate connections created if Connection IdentityMatch contains multiple fields


SOAP response without header element causes null pointer exception


Fault string is not set if validator fails in SOAP update web service