Tutorial - How to connect with IBM MQ over JMS

The goal of this tutorial is to configure a JMS Destination that connects with an IBM MQ system.

The tutorial includes reference configuration for an outbound integration that transfers payload to the MQ. The examples cover both MQ queue and topic.

This tutorial is written for IBM MQ version 9.1 with file based JNDI service provider. Some steps might differ depending on your MQ version and type of JNDI service provider.

Configuration File Structure

During this tutorial, we are going to create the following kind of configuration file structure.

jms ibm mq
Figure 1. Configuration File Structure

Configuration Files

The following files are part of the tutorial.

Use Case Flow

In brief, the flow in this tutorial is the following:

  1. A job is triggered.

  2. Payload is extracted from ENOVIA.

  3. The extracted payload is transferred to MQ over JMS.


In order to connect the MQ, some preparation is necessary. This requires access to the MQ server, as some of the needed files are part of the MQ installation.

Download MQ Client JAR Files

First, we need to download MQ client JAR files from IBM fix central. Choose a client that matches with your MQ version. In this example we are connecting to version 9.1, so we choose "IBM MQ clients v9.1 LTS & CD" ⇒ "9.1.x.x-MQ-Install-Java-All".

Download and run the installer and copy extracted JAR files in ${TIF_ROOT}/lib/custom. The following files are at least required:

  • bcpkix-jdk15on.jar

  • bcprov-jdk15on.jar

  • com.ibm.mq.allclient.jar

  • com.ibm.mq.traceControl.jar

  • fscontext.jar

  • jms.jar

  • providerutil.jar

Create Bindings for Context Factory

In this example, we are using file based JNDI service provider. The MQ server installation contains a tool called "JMSAdmin" that creates necessary .bindings file for the provider.

JMSAdmin is located under ${MQ-INSTALL-DIR}/java/bin and there is also template file ${MQ-INSTALL-DIR}/java/bin/JMSAdmin.config.

Modify the template:

  • uncomment line INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory.

  • uncomment and modify line PROVIDER_URL=file:///tmp where tmp is the folder where .bindings file will be written.

Next, run JMSAdmin with parameters ./JMSAdmin -t -v -cfg JMSAdmin.config. In the JMSAdmin console you need to enter some commands to create definitions for a queue or topic.

An example for a queue:

def qcf(MY_CONN_FACTORY) qmgr(MY_QUEUE_MANAGER) transport(CLIENT) channel(MY_CHANNEL) host( port(1414)


  • JNDI_MY_QUEUE is "JNDI name" for the queue

  • MY_QUEUE is the queue name in MQ

  • MY_CONN_FACTORY is "JNDI name" for queue connection factory that will be referred in ${TIF_ROOT}/etc/destinations.xml

  • MY_QUEUE_MANAGER is queue manager name in MQ

  • MY_CHANNEL is channel name in MQ

  • and 1414 are address and port number of MQ server

An example for a topic:

def t(JNDI_MY_TOPIC) topic(MY_TOPIC)
def tcf(MY_CONN_FACTORY) qmgr(MY_QUEUE_MANAGER) transport(CLIENT) channel(MY_CHANNEL) host( port(1414)


  • JNDI_MY_TOPIC is "JNDI name" for the queue

  • MY_TOPIC is the topic name in MQ

  • MY_CONN_FACTORY is "JNDI name" for topic connection factory that will be referred in ${TIF_ROOT}/etc/destinations.xml

  • MY_QUEUE_MANAGER is queue manager name in MQ

  • MY_CHANNEL is channel name in MQ

  • and 1414 are address and port number of MQ server

Copy the created .bindings file to a folder that is accessible by TIF server, for example ${TIF_ROOT}/lib/custom.

Modify destinations.xml

Finally, modify JMS destination config in ${TIF_ROOT}/etc/destinations.xml to match with the bindings file:

<JMS id="jms-1"
    providerURL="file:///tif/lib/custom" (1)
    user="MY_USERNAME" (2)
    password="MY_PASSWORD" (3)

    <!-- Uncomment Queue OR Topic, not both!
        <Queue name="JNDI_MY_QUEUE" />
        <Topic name="JNDI_MY_TOPIC" />
1 Assuming you have placed .bindings to /tif/lib/custom.
2 MQ user name.
3 MQ password.

Integration Configuration

On the TIF server we need to create XML configuration files for a job that extracts and transfers payload to MQ.

Job configuration:

    <Name>Send to JMS</Name>
            <JMS id="jms-1" messageType="text" /> (1)
1 Sends message to JMS in text format.


    <!-- Modify according to your integration -->


    <!-- Modify according to your integration -->

Testing Transfer

Trigger a job for example from MQL: exec prog TIFTrigger -method newJob tvc:jobcfg/SendToJMS.xml where is the source object ID.

You can observe the job status from TIF Admin UI.

jms ibm mq job
Figure 2. Successful Job

Once job is completed, you should also see the message in MQ admin console.

jms ibm mq queue
Figure 3. IBM MQ Admin Console - Queue
jms ibm mq topic
Figure 4. IBM MQ Admin Console - Topic