TIF ENOVIA/3DExperience Connector - Custom SOAP Services

TIF allows deploying custom SOAP Webservice’s.

Custom Axis Archive (AAR)

If you have built a Webservice and packaged it as an AAR file, you can simply drop your AAR file with in the directory:

These services are then automatically deployed during startup.

@WebMethod Annotated Classes (JSR 181)

It is also possible host web services that are implemented by JSR 181 annotated Java classes.

The web service classes needs to be compiled with the help of the Apache Axis2 libs in to a JAR file. The web service is deployed by dropping the compiled JAR file into ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/webapps/jaxws/WEB-INF/servicejars.

For example:

package com.acme.tif;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;

@SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
@WebService(serviceName = "MyWebService", targetNamespace = "http://technia.com")
public class MyWebService {
	@WebMethod(operationName = "myMethod")
	public String myMethod(@WebParam(name = "yourString") String yourString) {
		return yourString + " received";


Custom Web-application

An alternative to use Apache Axis and AAR files, is to use Apache CXF and host the CXF application inside TIF.

You deploy custom webapps by creating a new folder below ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/webapps.

By default, the URL to such webapp is following this format


Note that you can customize the context path per webapp via ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/etc/module.custome.properties.

Apache CXF Base Web Application with Logging Support

There is a Apache CXF base webapp under ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/webapps/cxf that can be used as base/template for CXF based web services.

There are own servlet filters for SOAP and RESTFul web services that can be used for logging web service calls to TIF DB. See web.xml for filter details. Also, there is cxf-servlet.xml that contains configurations for example web services.

If you have not started TIF, you will not find the web.xml or cxf-template.xml file, instead there are template files. Upon start, TIF will copy over the template file unless the web.xml or cxf-template.xml file is found.


Hosted SOAP web service is automatically logged in the TIF database. It appears as a SOAP service in Admin UI.

For example, http://localhost:8181/enovia/jaxws/services/myService is visible in Admin UI as "myService" SOAP service.

Limiting Logged Payload

There are configurable webapp init parameters to set maximum length for logged inbound (request) and outbound (response) payloads. Parameters help to limit usage of heap memory and storage by preventing to persist too large payloads to TIF DB.

See parameters "inboundPayloadMaxLength" and "outboundPayloadMaxLength" in web.xml.

Default value for parameters is 1 000 000 bytes, if not defined.