21 March 2016

1. Configuring the XBOM Manager

The XBOM Manager includes the code package and specific tables, views, filters and commands to display these specific structures. The configuration of these is partly open to configuration, but a good understanding of the mechanisms behind the concept is needed in order to achieve the desired effects. Unlike with the basic structure browser, some of the configuration on these items defines part of the functionality. Updating these parameters without taking this into account may result in breaking of the functionality. The objects that compose the functionality are indicated in the chart below. (For more details about the usage of the different objects, refer to the Structure Browser Administration Guide)

Figure 1. Configuration possibilities in the XBOM
when you create new administrative objects (e.g., commands, menus, system tables, types, attributes) you should not prefix their names with the letters TVC as that might cause naming conflicts upon upgrading to a newer version.

1.1. The XBOM concept

The concept behind the XBOM structures is to create a parallel shadow structure to the main structure (in this case an EBOM structure).

Figure 2. The XBOM structure

The mechanism behind the structure is important to understand as it affects the definitions of the tables. The basics and attribute information is retrieved from the actual objects in the structure, but the relationship information is carried in the shadow structure. Therefore, in a typical table definition as below, some information will be retrieved from the objects in the EBOM structure, and some from the relationships between the shadow objects.

Figure 3. XBOM table with object and relationship attributes

The columns in the orange fields are attributes and basics from the original objects, the columns in the green field are from the XBOM structure. This means that any update of the original object’s attributes will be visible on in the XBOM, e.g. when the top object is released, the state column will read "Release" instead of "Preliminary". It also means that tables designed for the EBOM structure cannot be reused for the XBOM. The expressions for retrieving the attributes and basics will be detailed below.

All the XBOM shadow objects are stored in a separate vault, and they therefore will not interfere with searches. The installation will prompt the setup of this vault in separate Oracle tablespaces (data and index), which is strongly recommended for performance reasons.

1.2. Commands

The XBOM functions are commonly launched from Commands. This section describes how to manage these commands.

Command and Menu objects can be created and modified with the Business Administrator and MQL thick clients; however, it is recommended that you use the Business Administrator if you are not familiar with MQL.

The database schema includes commands that correspond to four functions:

  • XBOM Engineering Baselines

  • XBOM Manufacturing Baselines

  • XBOM Doc Used In

  • XBOM Part Used In

The installation will add these to Parts and Documents, as needed:

Figure 4. Functions for XBOM Management added to the menu for a Part

The XBOM objects themselves have a menu, with three commands:

  • Lifecycle

  • History

  • Structure

Figure 5. Menus for XBOM Objects with their command items

Lifecycle and history are unchanged AEF functions, with access control guiding the ability to promote and demote the objects. The structure pages manage the functionality to navigate the structures and make changes.

Using VPLM roles? These roles need to be added to the appropriate commands and access needs to be added to the policies used by TVC XBOM (XBOM Baseline, XBOM Engineering Baseline and XBOM Manufacturing Baseline).

1.2.1. URL Parameter Usage

Query string parameters appended to a URL consist of name-value pairs separated by an ampersand (&) while the entire query string is separated from the rest of the URL using a question mark (?). The following example is a relative URL to the JSP page /url/to/some/page where the query string parameters param1 and param2 have been appended. The value of param1 and param2 is value1 and value2 respectively.


1.2.2. Command Settings

Standard ENOVIA settings will of course operate on these commands as any others. Some of the most common ones are listed below.

Setting Description Accepted Values/Examples

Target Location

This setting defines the target frame when executing the command. The value should be set to "content" to ensure that the Structure Browser is loaded in the correct frame.




Window Height

The height in pixels of the popup window (if Target Location is popup)


Window Width

The width in pixels of the popup window (if Target Location is popup)


Access Mask

This setting determines whether or not the command will be displayed based on the user’s current access to the main object


Access Expression

This setting lets you determine whether or not the command will be displayed or not based on other criteria than access, for instance an attribute value on the active type, details about the user, etc.

policy.state.current != "Preliminary"


This setting will ensure that the command is dimmed unless a selection is made in the table below. The selected object(s) will be passed as request parameters to the called function


Confirm Message

This function will both ensure that the function will not execute until the user has confirmed the action (suitable for Delete, disconnect functions), and also specify the wording of the message.

"Do you wish to delete the selected object?"

Figure 6. Command Settings

1.2.3. URL Parameters for XBOM Review Commands

The launch functions for Engineering and Manufacturing Baselines are simple TVC tables with preset inquiries.

(For more information on configuring this type of TVC table, please refer to the Structure Browser Administration Guide).

This section will detail the input parameters and the default configuration that is done in the installation.


Table with URL parameters for configuring the XBOM Engineering Baselines command:

URL Parameter Default Value Description


pageConfig=XBOM Engineering Baseline

This page configuration primarily includes:

  • XBOM Engineering Baseline Toolbar (Create, Copy and Delete functions)

  • XBOM Engineering Baseline view, featuring the XBOM Engineering Baseline table

These can be added to, and the other normal page configuration settings may be modified.



This inquiry will run a search based on a relationship expansion. This may be modified by additional criteria, such as a filter on attribute values.

Table with URL parameters for configuring the XBOM Manufacturing Baselines command

URL Parameter Default Value Description


pageConfig=XBOM Manufacturing Baseline

This page configuration primarily includes:

  • XBOM Manufacturing Baseline Toolbar (Create, Copy, Delete and Copy To Other Part functions)

  • XBOM Manufacturing Baseline view, featuring the XBOM Manufacturing Baseline table

These can be added to, and the other normal page configuration settings may be modified.



This inquiry will run a search based on a relationship expansion. This may be modified by additional criteria, such as a filter on attribute values.

1.2.4. URL Parameters for XBOM Used in Configurations


Table with URL parameters for configuring the XBOM Doc/Part Used In commands

URL Parameter Default Value Description


pageConfig=XBOM Used In Configurations

This page configuration primarily includes:

  • XBOM Used In Configurations view, featuring the XBOM Used In Configurations table

This can be updated, and the other normal page configuration settings may be modified.

1.2.5. URL Parameters for XBOM Structure Commands

The Engineering and Manufacturing Baselines are navigated in similar ways; their construction is identical. The distinguishing difference between the two is the number of actions that are possible to run – the manufacturing baseline can be modified after creation, the engineering cannot. The call is all but identical to both commands; the page configuration is the distinguishing item.


Table with URL parameters for configuring the Engineering Baseline Structure command

URL Parameter Default Value Description


pageConfig=Engineering Baseline Structure

This page configuration primarily includes:

  • XBOM Engineering Baseline Structure Toolbar

  • EBL view

  • Custom Parameters

    • configurationClass=com.technia.tvc.xbom.buildstructure.BuildMBOMConfiguration

    • showRelationshipTooltip=false

The toolbar and view updated as per usual. Of the custom parameters, only the showRelationshipTooltip setting is appropriate to configure. The configurationClass determines the pre-processing on the structure before expansion. Updating this requires deep knowledge of the functionality.

Table with URL parameters for configuring the Manufacturing Baseline Structure command

URL Parameter Default Value Description


pageConfig= Manufacturing Baseline Structure

This page configuration primarily includes:

  • XBOM Manufacturing Baseline Structure Toolbar

  • MBL view

  • Custom Parameters

    • configurationClass=com.technia.tvc.xbom.buildstructure.BuildMBOMConfiguration

    • showRelationshipTooltip=false

The toolbar and view updated as per usual. Of the custom parameter, only the showRelationshipTooltip setting is appropriate to configure. The configurationClass determines the pre-processing on the structure before expansion. Updating this requires this deep knowledge of the functionality.

The Visible Disconnect in the page-config must be set to FALSE.

1.2.6. URL Parameters for XBOM Action Toolbar Commands

The main actions are run from the Structure page as defined above. These actions are designed to update the structure, test different configurations, add placeholder items before the actual ones are available, and to run comparison functions. See XBOM User Guide for more information. All these functions except Build Structure require a selection in the table to be active.

Figure 7. XBOM Structure Toolbar
Build Structure

Table with URL Parameters for configuring the XBOM Build Structure command

URL Parameter Default Value Description


pageConfig=XBOM Build Structure

This page configuration primarily includes:

  • XBOM Build Structure Toolbar (New Search)

  • XBOM Build Structure View (feat TVC EBOM)

  • Custom Parameters

    • showRelationshipTooltip=false

This page configuration covers the source side of the build structure window, which does not require specific XBOM tables and filters.


buildStructureConfig=XBOM Build Structure

This build structure configuration primarily includes:

  • Allowed Relationships

    • relationship_XBOMBaselinePart

    • relationship_XBOMBaselineDoc

  • Custom Parameters:

    • configurationClass=com.technia.tvc.xbom.buildstructure.BuildMBOMConfiguration

    • forceConnectWhenSingleRel=true

    • relationship_XBOMBaselinePart_table=XBOM Baseline Part

    • relationship_XBOMBaselineDoc_table= XBOM Baseline Doc

    • hideRelationshipChooser=true

Of these, only the last three should be configured. The relationship_XXX_table parameters specify the table to be used in the relationship attribute modification page. If this table is not specified, all attributes will be presented in alphabetical order.

The relationships used must be the specified ones, so displaying the relationship chooser is only for information.


The Disconnect function is specific to XBOM and does not take parameters. Reusing the Structure Browser’s variant will cause the wrong item to be disconnected. For this reason, the TVC Visible Disconnect button must be set to FALSE in the page configuration for the structure page, to avoid unexpected errors.

Replace with Latest Released

Replace with Latest Released will find the latest released revision of the selected item, and let it take the place in the structure. This command, as well as the preceding Disconnect function, will display a confirmation box before executing. The management of this is done in the Commands settings table:


The Split Quantity command will make a duplicate connection of the selected item, with the exception that the quantity attribute is set to zero. The user must therefore have FromConnect and Modify access to the parent object to perform this operation.

Create Placeholder

Table with URL Parameters for configuring the Create Placeholder command

URL Parameter Default Value Description



This parameter must not be updated or the Move into Placeholder function will not work.

The Create Placeholder function is used to regroup BOM objects, for instance into different assembly levels at manufacture. The XBOM structure will contain an assembly level that is not reflected in the EBOM structure.

Figure 8. Placeholder functionality
Move into Placeholder

Move into Placeholder does not take in parameters, but does require a selection in the table to be active.

Toggle Phantom

Toggle Phantom will create/destroy the substructure under the selected item in the XBOM view. This substructure is created based on the EBOM structure. Toggling back will only remove the substructure if it is labeled as a phantom – that is, structures created with the original XBOM cannot be removed this way. You can run toggle command on any of the items that are created this way, to create substructures under them as well.

Figure 9. Indication of a phantom structure

The compare function is configured via a configuration stored inside a page object with the name "XBOM Compare Configuration". This page object is an XML definition, containing all different kind of comparison configurations.

The example below shows a comparison configuration that applies to comparison with EBOM structures.

    <!-- Add comparison configurations here -->
        <!-- Defines the types, which this configuration is valid for  -->
        <!-- Defines how structures should be expanded -->
        <!-- Defines the key, which is used to identify a row in the structure. -->
                <Key relationship="true"><![CDATA[$<attribute[attribute_FindNumber]>]]></Key>
        <!-- Defines the display name of this config -->
        <!-- Defines fields that should be displayed and included in the comparison -->
            <Field comparable="false">
            <Field relationship="true">

The Hide function will conceal the selected objects and their substructures from the structure browser. This is useful in large structures where all parts are not relevant at once. If there is a column using the function XBOMTableFunctions.hasHiddenChildren, the parent of the (top) hidden object will be indicated with an icon in this column.

Figure 10. Indicator of hidden children
Unhide Children

The Unhide Children function will reset any hidden substructures under the selected object. This is not a recursive function, i.e., selecting a parent of an object with hidden children will have no effect.

1.2.7. URL Parameters for XBOM Create, Copy, and Delete Commands

Figure 11. Action menu for create, copy and delete

The commands for creating, copying and deleting baselines are found on the page where the existing baselines are created.

Figure 12. Create Manufacturing

Baseline interface


Table with URL Parameters for configuring the Create Engineering/Manufacturing Baseline command

URL Parameter Default Value Description




This will control the type of baseline create, and by extension, the attributes displayed in the window. The *Type* field in Figure 18: Create Manufacturing Baseline interface does not apply to Engineering Baselines.




This controls the lifecycle of the created baseline.



This controls how many levels the baseline is created for. If no value is provided (as for Manufacturing Baselines), the value 1 is used – this corresponds to the selected part and its children and specifications. The value 100 is selected for Engineering Baselines to create a structure including all levels. This number can be adjusted for performance reasons, if the structure allows it.



This parameter controls whether the structure should be released directly upon creation, such as in the engineering baseline. If nothing is provided, it is set to false.

Figure 13. Copy Manufacturing Baseline



Table with URL Parameters for configuring the Copy Engineering/Manufacturing Baseline command

URL Parameter Default Value Description




This will control the type of baseline create, and by extension, the attributes displayed in the window. The *Type* field in Figure 19: Copy Manufacturing Baseline interface does not apply to Engineering Baselines.




This controls the lifecycle of the created baseline.



This controls how many levels of the baseline is copied. If no value is provided (as for Manufacturing Baselines), the all levels of the original are used. The value 100 is provided for Engineering Baselines so all levels of the structure are used. This number can be adjusted for performance reasons, if the structure allows it.



This parameter controls whether the structure should be released directly upon creation, such as in the engineering baseline. If nothing is provided, it is set to false.



The function will verify that there are other baselines (*Copy – Specific Revision* in Figure 19: Copy Manufacturing Baseline interface) to copy. If there are none, this option controls where the user can choose create a new baseline (allowCreate = true), or whether an error message is displayed (allowCreate = false).

Figure 14. Search panel for Copy to Other Part

The Copy to Other Part function is available for Manufacturing Baselines only, and makes it possible to attach a created Manufacturing Baseline to another part than the one that originated it. A typical use for this is to copy baselines to other revisions of the part.


Table with URL Parameters for configuring the Copy to Other Part command

URL Parameter Default Value Description


searchConfig=XBOM Find Part To Copy Configuration To

This search configuration features primarily:

  • Find Like type (Part only)

  • Page configuration *XBOM Find Part To Copy Configuration To*

This page configuration features:

  • Source side view (Part view)

  • Custom Parameters

    • SubmitURL=${TVC_ACTION}/copyXBOMToOtherPart

    • SubmitLabel=tvc.xbom.label.copyXBOMToOtherPart

In addition, the normal Page Configuration settings apply. The view may be extended or modified, others can be added here.

The custom parameters should not be updated without a deep understanding of the functionality.


The Delete function requires a confirmation message before it is activated .

For configuration management purposes it is important to note that if the latest baseline on a given structure is removed, the next one created will bear the same revision label as the one deleted. If this is not wanted, an alternate option is to use the Obsolete state in the baseline lifecycle.

Figure 15. Confirmation message upon delete

1.2.8. URL Parameters for XBOM View and Edit Details Commands

Edit Details is called from the main properties page of the baseline. It uses the standard Matrix forms page and a customized form object. The same form also defines the view page – the same attributes that are shown in the properties page can be edited. The URL for the properties page is defined as the link on the menus for Engineering and Manufacturing Baselines.

Figure 16. Properties page interface
Figure 17. Edit Details interface

Table with URL Parameters for XBOM View and Edit Details command

URL Parameter Default Value Description



The form defines the fields in the interface, and which ones are mandatory. Both types of baselines use the same form; an Access Expression setting on the *Type* field ensures that it is not displayed for Engineering Baselines.



Ensuring the values can be updated. Fields such as name in Figure 23: Edit Details interface must be defined as read-only specifically.

This parameter is left out in the definition of the properties page.


toolbar=XBOM Details Toolbar

Contains commands for PDF rendering and help.


A number of views are preconfigured and included in the installation of the components. For information about views, tables, filters, and configuration objects and how to set them up, refer to Structure Browser Administration Guide.

Table with views for the XBOM Manager functions

View Name Description Tables Filters


The view used for navigating the Engineering Baseline Structure. The table operates on the XBOM structure




The view used for navigating the Manufacturing Baseline Structure. The table operates on the XBOM structure

MBL, MBL Detailed


XBOM Build Structure View

The view used for the source objects when adding new parts and documents to the XBOM. The tables are not specific XBOM ones, but rather included in the Structure Browser package, and the filters do not operate on the XBOM relationships either.

TVC Basic Information, TVC Simple, TVC EBOM

From, EBOM From

XBOM Engineering Baseline

The view for the review page of the different engineering baselines

XBOM Engineering Baseline

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline

The view for the review page of the different manufacturing baselines

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline

XBOM Used In Configurations

The view for the Used in Baselines page

XBOM Used In Configuration

1.4. System Tables

The installation also includes completed tables. These are tailored especially for the XBOM Manager functionality, taking into account the relationships between the original EBOM and its parts and documents, and the parallel XBOM structure.

When navigating the structure, the maroon relationships are followed, and the relationship attributes are retrieved from here, but object information is retrieved as needed from the blue ones. In a very simple case with the columns name, unit of measure, and quantity, the definition would be as follows:


to.from[XBOM Baseline Of].to.name

Unit of Measure

to.from[XBOM Baseline Of].to.attribute[Unit Of Measure].value



All these operate on relationships (rather than business objects). Symbolic names may be used for relationship, type, and attribute names in the expressions.

Figure 18. Relationships between objects in the XBOM structure

Table below shows the tables provided with the XBOM Manager component.

Table Name Description Columns Functions


The table used for the Engineering Baseline Structure. The table operates on the XBOM structure

Type, name, revision, state, description, find number, quantity, reference designator, unit of measure

Actions (Files, documents), ECO


The simple table used for the Manufacturing Baseline Structure. The table operates on the XBOM structure

Type, name, revision, state, description, find number, quantity, reference designator, unit of measure, sequence order, phantom

Actions, Has hidden children, baselines

MBL Details

The detailed table used for the Manufacturing Baseline Structure. The table operates on the XBOM structure

Type, name, revision, state, description, find number, quantity, reference designator, unit of measure, sequence order, phantom, operation sequence, effectivity date from, effectivity date to

Actions, Has hidden children, baselines

XBOM Baseline Doc

The table containing the relationship attributes for updating when connecting a document to an XBOM structure

Name, operation sequence, sequence order, effectivity date from, effectivity date to

XBOM Baseline Part

The table containing the relationship attributes for updating when connecting a part to an XBOM structure

Name, operation sequence, reference designator, find number, sequence order, effectivity date from, effectivity date to, phantom, quantity

XBOM Engineering Baseline

The table of the listing of Engineering Baselines

Name, revision, description, site, state, originated, owner

Navigate XBOM

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline

The table of the listing of Manufacturing Baselines

XBOM Type, name, revision, site, state, originated, owner

Navigate XBOM

XBOM Used In Configuration

The table showing the baselines the part or document is used in

XBOM Type, name, revision, site, state, originated, owner

Navigate XBOM

1.5. Filters

Filters are used to determine how the structures are expanded, and which items are included. The filters provided with the XBOM Manager primarily manage the navigation along the XBOM structure.

Table below shows the filters provided with the XBOM Manager component

Filter Name Description Filter Selection

Part Specification

The filter used to find documents in the EBOM parts of the compare function

Relationship = Part Specification

Direction = from


The filter to navigate XBOM Structures (down)

Relationship = XBOM Baseline Part, XBOM Baseline Doc, XBOM Baseline Placeholder,

Direction = from


The filter to navigate XBOM Structures (up)

Relationship = XBOM Baseline Part, XBOM Baseline Doc, XBOM Baseline Placeholder,

Direction = to

1.6. Toolbars

This section describes the toolbars provided. Toolbars are defined by Menus that contains Commands, where each Command defines an action available to the users. In addition, a toolbar can contain other Menus that are displayed as pull-down menus in the toolbar. Menus and Commands can be created and modified with the Business Administrator and MQL thick clients.

It is important to keep in mind the context the toolbar is used at – will it appear in a table or structure page, or will it contain single-object functions. For usability, it is best to manage commands of the same type in toolbars together.

Table below shows the Toolbars for the XBOM Manager functions

Name Description Included items Where Used

XBOM Build Structure Toolbar

A button in the build structure source side to run a new search

TVC Build Structure New Search

XBOM Configuration Structure Actions Toolbar

XBOM Configuration Structure Toolbar

Action dropdown with structure related functions

XBOM Build Structure Search

XBOM Disconnect

XBOM Replace With Latest Release

XBOM Quantity

XBOM Create Placeholder

XBOM Move Into Placeholder

XBOM Toggle Phantom

XBOM Compare Structure

Not used

XBOM Details Actions Toolbar

XBOM Details Toolbar

Action dropdown with single object functions

XBOM Edit Details

The properties pages for the baselines

XBOM Engineering Baseline Actions Toolbar

XBOM Engineering Baseline Toolbar

Action dropdown with create-and-connect functions

XBOM Create New Engineering Baseline

XBOM Copy Engineering Baseline

XBOM Delete

The list page containing the engineering baselines for a given part

XBOM Engineering Baseline Structure Actions Toolbar

XBOM Engineering Baseline Structure Toolbar

Action dropdown with structure related functions

XBOM Compare Structure

The structure page of an engineering baseline

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline Actions Toolbar

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline Toolbar

Action dropdown with create-and-connect functions

XBOM Create New Manufacturing Baseline

XBOM Copy Manufacturing Baseline

XBOM Delete

XBOM Copy Baseline to Other Part

The list page containing the manufacturing baselines for a given part

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline Structure Actions Toolbar

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline Structure Toolbar

Action dropdown with structure related functions

XBOM Build Structure Search

XBOM Disconnect

XBOM Replace With Latest Release

XBOM Quantity

XBOM Create Placeholder

XBOM Move Into Placeholder

XBOM Toggle Phantom

XBOM Compare Structure


XBOM Unhide Children

The structure page of an manufacturing baseline

1.7. Configuration Objects

1.7.1. Page configurations

The page configurations make it possible to define which views, buttons, headers, and toolbars will appear on a list or structure page. The page configurations used in for XBOM Manager functions work the same way as those for the Structure Browser, with the exception that the structure pages in the XBOM pages are called with a specific URL:

${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/navigateXBOM?pageConfig=My Config&...

Table below shows the Page configurations for the XBOM Manager functions

Name Description Included views Notes

XBOM Build Structure

The page definition for the build structure source side

XBOM Build Structure View

TVC Visible Disconnect must be set to False

TVC Visible Filter is recommended to be set to False

XBOM Configuration Structure

The common structure page definition for both baseline types


TVC Visible Disconnect must be set to False

TVC Visible Filter is recommended to be set to False

XBOM Engineering Baseline Structure

The structure page definition for engineering baseline types


TVC Visible Disconnect must be set to False

TVC Visible Filter is recommended to be set to False

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline Structure

The structure page definition for manufacturing baseline types


TVC Visible Disconnect must be set to False

TVC Visible Filter is recommended to be set to False

XBOM Engineering Baseline

List page for Engineering Baselines

XBOM Engineering Baseline

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline

List page for Manufacturing Baselines

XBOM Manufacturing Baseline

XBOM Find Part For Comparison

Search page for Compare function

XBOM Used In Configurations

Note common view between this and "Used In Configurations"

XBOM Find Part To Copy Configuration To

Search page for "Copy Baseline to other Part"

Part View

Provided with Structure Browser

XBOM Used In Configurations

List page for included in function.

XBOM Used In Configurations

Note common view between this and "Find Part for Comparison"

1.7.2. Search Configurations

Search configurations contain a page configuration for the search result, and for definitions for the search panels. A normal search function will be called with the URL:

${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/beginSearch?searchConfig=My Config&...

Table below shows the Search configurations for the XBOM Manager functions

Name Description Included views Notes

XBOM Find Part for Comparison

The configuration for the compare function

XBOM Find Part For Comparison

The compare function is not called with the standard URL.

XBOM Find Part To Copy Configuration To

The configuration for the search for a part to attach the baseline to

XBOM Find Part To Copy Configuration To

1.7.3. Build Structure Configurations

Build structure configurations define (among other things) the search panel, the relationships involved and the display of source and target side functions of a build structure operation. The appearance of these is defined by separate page configuration items also included in the URL:

${ROOT_DIR}/tvc-action/startBuildStructure?buildStructureConfig=MyConfig&pageConfig=My Other Config&...

Table below shows the Build structure configurations from the XBOM Manager functions

Name Description Notes

XBOM Build Structure

The configuration for the Build Structure search panel and connect side

The allowed relationships must not be changed

1.7.4. Number Generators

Two TVC number generators are provided but it is only relevant to configure the one controlling the place holders (the other, for the baseline objects, controls objects that will not be seen by the end user).

Please note that TVC Number Generator objects are used, not standard eService Number Generators.

Table below shows the Number Generators for the XBOM Manager functions

Type Name Revision Generates type Prefix Suffix Digits Number

TVC Number Generator Settings



Placeholder objects




Starts at 0

TVC Number Generator Settings



XBOM Baseline objects




Starts at 0