30 March 2016
A range handler provides range values to a column. A custom range
handler can be registered on a column by defining the setting "Range
Handler Class". The value of this setting must either point to a class,
which is implementing the interface
or to a named dataset
If you want to use a data-set as range handler, use the prefix "dataset:" in the value. Example:
To specify what value you will show for each object returned by the data-set, use the following syntax:
<RangeHandlerClass>dataset:tvc:dataset/MyDataSet.xml|${name}</RangeHandlerClass> ^^^^^^^^
Since data-sets returns either id’s of objects or relationships, the range value should either match on an object-id or a relationship-id. There are two additional column settings that can be used to solve this:
Match Range On Object ID
Match Range On Relationship ID
If you are using a data handler for retrieving the data in a column, and
also want to use a range handler; you can simply let the datahandler
implement the interface com.technia.tvc.core.gui.table.RangeHandler
skip adding the setting Range Handler Class
as it will be determined
Consult the developer documentation for details about using custom range handlers.