30 March 2016

1. Using Inquiries to Retrieve Table Rows

Inquiry objects can be used to retrieve table rows in a flat table. The following table describes the parameters that are available on the Inquiry objects.

Parameter Description Accepted Values/Examples


Arguments are used to translate macros within the code.

If the value of an argument is a symbolic name, the macro will be replaced by the actual name. For instance if the value of an argument is "type_Part" and "type_Part" is the symbolic name for a business type named "Part" then the macro will be replaced by "Part".

Also, there are two macros that are reserved by the system. In order to use these macros within the code it is necessary to define them as arguments with a "dummy" value. The reserved macros are:


This macro will be replaced by the value of the objectId parameter at runtime.


This macro will be replaced by the current user’s user name at runtime.






The code parameter specifies the code that will be executed when the Inquiry is evaluated. This is usually an MQL statement like a query or an expansion.

temp query bus "${TYPE}" * * where 'owner == "${USER}"' select id dump |;

expand bus ${ID} from relationship "${REL}" select businessobject id select relationship id dump |;


The format defines how the output from the Inquiry is to be interpreted. The expected output from the Inquiry is a line break separated list of business object IDs and/or relationship IDs.




The name of the Inquiry object.




The pattern defines how the output that the code produces should be interpreted. The interpreted output is then formatted according to the specified format.

