30 March 2016

1. User Help

The TVC Structure Browser includes a built-in user help page. Unless you have configured the TVC Structure Browser to use another help page (using the HelpMarker parameter), the internal TVC help page will be displayed.

The internal help page contains general information on how to use the TVC Structure Browser features.

The help page is found from the icon shown below:


If you have defined the HelpMarker parameter, this will take precedence over the internal user help. If the HelpMarker is not set, TVC Structure Browser will show the help button and link to the internal help. This can however be disabled in two ways:

  1. Globally through an init parameter

        <param-value>true | false</param-value>
  2. Per Structure Browser instance (the value of the global parameter defines the default value) through a custom parameter


1.1. Customizing the Help Pages

First of all, do not modify the existing help pages that exists in the folder "/tvc/structurebrowser/help". A better alternative is described below.

Basically, there are two types of customizations one might want to do:

  1. Translating the existing help pages to another language

  2. Add custom content to the existing help pages

If you only want to translate the pages, then you can add files in the /tvc/structurebrowser/help using the following name convention:

  • tvcHelp_en.jsp

  • tvcHelp_sv.jsp

  • tvcHelp_de.jsp

E.g. what you do is adding the locale to the file name, before the suffix.

The existences of available locale specific pages are cached in TVC, so if you add a page at runtime - clear the TVC cache. (This is just needed first time the page is added, no need to clear the cache if you modify the existing file).

If you want to change the page completely, then you should apply a system parameter (in web.xml) that points out a different JSP page. Add the below to the tvc-servlet definition:

Your custom page can still include the pages that are used by the original help page.