Tutorial - File Check-out

The goal of this tutorial is to understand File Read Operation of Configurable RESTful Web Services.

This operation can be used for checking out file(s) from an object in ENOVIA/3DEXPERIENCE. In this tutorial the use case is to set up an integration that performs this operation.

Configuration File Structure

During this tutorial, we are going to create the following kind of configuration file structure.

file checkout
Figure 1. Configuration File Structure

Configuration Files

The following files are part of the tutorial.

Use Case Flow

In brief, the flow in this tutorial is the following:

  1. Client sends a HTTP request containing necessary information.

  2. Web service corresponding to the request is located.

  3. The IdLocator is executed. The IdLocator is responsible for locating the object that client is interested in. This is done by using parameters associated in the request.

  4. The Operation is executed. The operation is the actual job to perform. For example, check out files from an object.

  5. The response is sent back to the client.

Configuration for Check-out

On the TIF server we need to create a XML configuration file for the web service that allows to check out files from an object.

    <DisplayName>File Check-out</DisplayName> (1)
    <ServiceName>filecheckout</ServiceName> (2)
    <IdLocator type="tnr">
    </IdLocator> (3)
    <Read type="file" (4)
          includeFormats="generic" (5)
          includeFileNames="Example*" (6)
          excludeFileNames="*.txt" /> (7)
1 User friendly name of the service that is visible in Admin UI.
2 Unique name of the service that is used by clients to access the service.
3 Defines how to find the object the client is interested in. In this tutorial we are going to use TNR IdLocator that uses type, name and revision to identify the object.
4 This web service provides an read operation of type file.
5 We are interested in files that are in generic format.
6 We are including files of which names are beginning with "Example".
7 In this tutorial .txt files are ignored.

Credentials (Optional)

We may also define the credentials that will be used when running the web service.

To do so, within the ${TIF_ROOT}/modules/enovia/etc/module.custom.properties, we need to add the following


As "loginService" is set to "enovia" it tells TIF to authenticate users against the ENOVIA database.

We have also set "realm" to "WebServices". About realm, see

Next we need to configure Security Constraints in WEB.XML:

        <role-name>Employee</role-name> (1)
    <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method> (2)
    <realm-name>Webservices</realm-name> (3)
1 Value of "role-name" element should point to some ENOVIA role that user must have to use the web services. In this example the role is "Employee".
2 We are using basic authentication.
3 Realm name equals with the one that is configured in property "http.webapp.jaxrs.realm".

Finally, <Credentials> needs to be added to the web service configuration created earlier:

    <!-- Append the following line -->
    <Credentials containerManaged="true" />

Testing Check-out

In this example "Postman" tool (available as a Chrome plugin) is used for testing.

Consider two files has been checked into an object ("Example1.docx" and "Example2.txt").

file checkout postman 6
Figure 2. Files

Use "Send and Download" to check in the file(s).

file checkout postman 1
Figure 3. Check-out of Files

An interesting observation is that only file "Example1.docx" is returned even though we have checked in two files ("Example1.docx" and "Example2.txt"). "Example2.txt" is ignored because we have set "excludeFileNames" to "*.txt" in our web service configuration.

file checkout postman 2
Figure 4. Save File
Current version of "Postman" tool does not determine file name from response headers. If "Postman" is used for testing, file name must be entered manually in save file dialog. See more details from Issue in GitHub and Discussion in StackOverflow.

Testing Check-out with Request Specific Parameters

Consider we checked in two more files, for example "Example3A.docx" and "Example3B.docx".

file checkout postman 7
Figure 5. More Files Checked in

Lets do another check-out.

As there are more than one files to be returned, the web service generates a zip file containing all files. Since we have configured the web service to include files beginning with "Example", there are three files: "Example1.docx", "Example3A.docx" and "Example3B.docx". "Example2.txt" is ignored like we observed earlier.

file checkout postman 3
Figure 6. Multiple Files

We may apply some filters to the request using request parameters. Consider we add parameter "includeFileName" with value "Example3*":

file checkout postman 4
Figure 7. Filter Applied

"Example1.docx" is now ignored since it does not match with the wild card in "includeFileName". Thus, the result contains only "Example3A.docx" and "Example3B.docx".

file checkout postman 5
Figure 8. Restricted Set of Files