12 December 2024
Key | Description | Default Value | Link |
helium.customFolder.css |
Path to custom CSS folder |
- |
helium.customFolder.js |
Path to custom JS folder |
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helium.form.error.consolidatedErrormessgae |
Use consolidated error messages in forms |
helium.i18n.requestLanguageDataSeparately |
Request language data separately (i18n feature) |
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tvc.helium.3dswym.person.url |
URL for 3DSwym person feature |
tvc.helium.cache.dynamic.enabled |
Enable dynamic caching |
tvc.helium.cache.static.custom.enabled |
Enable custom static caching |
tvc.helium.core.preserveOutput |
Preserve UI core output |
tvc.helium.dashboard.customization.enabled |
Enable dashboard customization |
tvc.helium.dashboard.emptyDashboardHeight |
Height for an empty dashboard (in pixels) |
tvc.helium.dashboard.useSameDashboardDrilldown |
Use same dashboard for drilldown |
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tvc.helium.datatable.column.colorWholeCell |
Apply colors to entire column cell |
tvc.helium.datatable.fixedHeader |
Use fixed headers in the data table |
tvc.helium.datatable.headerNoTruncate.enabled |
Enable non-truncating headers for data tables |
tvc.helium.datatable.resizeColumns.enabled |
Allow resizing of columns in data tables |
tvc.helium.datatable.tooltip.onResizeColumns |
Show tooltips when resizing columns |
tvc.helium.date.useMoment |
Use Moment.js for date handling |
tvc.helium.embed.forceConfiguredTheme |
Force use of the configured theme in embeds |
tvc.helium.embedded.disableMobileMode |
Disable mobile UI mode in embeddings |
tvc.helium.embedded.showBreadcrumb |
Show breadcrumb navigation in embeds |
tvc.helium.favoriteObjects.limit |
Maximum number of favorite objects |
tvc.helium.files.excludeFormat |
Excluded file formats for Helium |
tvc.helium.form.badCharacters |
Disallowed characters in form inputs |
tvc.helium.form.requiredFieldLabel.red |
Highlight required fields with red |
tvc.helium.grid.defaultItemsPerPage |
Default items per page in grids |
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tvc.helium.grid.filterHighlightColor |
Highlight color for grid filters |
tvc.helium.grid.intersectionFiled.minimumWidth |
Minimum width for grid cells (in pixels) |
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tvc.helium.grid.pageLengths |
Available page length options for grids |
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tvc.helium.inappdesigner.appstore.url |
URL for the in-app designer app store |
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tvc.helium.isHttp2Enabled |
Enable HTTP/2 for the web application |
tvc.helium.page.sidePanel.width |
Width of the side panel (in pixels) |
tvc.helium.resources.directory.path |
Path to resources directory |
tvc.helium.richtext.toolbarOptions |
Toolbar options for the rich text editor |
tvc.helium.row.highlightDuration |
Duration to highlight rows (in milliseconds) |
tvc.helium.search.alwaysShowSearchForm |
Always show the search form |
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tvc.helium.search.exportCSV.formatted |
Export CSV with formatting |
tvc.helium.search.external.searchURL |
URL for external search functionality |
tvc.helium.selectize.showDropdownOutsideFrame |
Show dropdowns outside frame boundaries |
tvc.helium.serviceworker.enabled |
Enable service workers |
tvc.helium.showPreviewFileInModal |
Show file previews in modals |
tvc.helium.showTimeoutAlert |
Show timeout alerts |
tvc.helium.tableconfigurator.showMoreColumnsLink |
Show a "More Columns" link in table configurators |
tvc.helium.theme.3ddashboard |
Default theme for the 3D dashboard |
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tvc.helium.theme.current |
Current active theme |
tvc.helium.themes |
Supported themes |
tvc.helium.timeoutAlert |
Timeout duration for alerts (in milliseconds) |
tvc.helium.toaster.timeout |
Timeout duration for toasts (in milliseconds) |
tvc.helium.toolbar.command.accessBehavior |
Behavior for toolbar commands |
tvc.helium.tooltipSettings |
Tooltip settings (JSON format) |
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tvc.helium.truewidget.searchtext.enabled |
Enable search text for the true widget |
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tvc.helium.uipTabs.vertical.addToggleIcon |
Add a toggle icon to vertical UI tabs |
tvc.helium.usertable.addableColumnCell.editable |
Allow editable cells in user table columns |
tvc.helium.widget.chart.useVersion2 |
Enable version 2 of the chart widget |
tvc.helium.widget.enableHeaderActionsMenu |
Enable header actions menu in widgets |
tvc.helium.widget.enableHeaderExpandCollapse |
Enable expand/collapse functionality in headers |
tvc.helium.widget.overlay.dimmable |
Enable dimmable overlay for widgets |
tvc.helium.xsd.onlineValidation |
Enable online XSD validation |
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tvc.helium.xsd.server.url |
URL for the XSD validation server |
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tvc.helium.xsd.version |
XSD version for validation |
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