05 May 2016

1. Widget

All widgets (DataTable, Form, Charts) or any custom widget as described in the widget tutorial, share the following configuration options.

1.1. Configuration

Name Description Example


The title of the widget. Supports macros if a context object exists, e.g. ${oid}, ${name}, and ${type}.

<Title>Title of the widget</Title>


Javascript function that creates the widget.

This is usually implemented in the specific widget definition, for instance the <DataTable> widget provides its own implementation.


Additional options that is to be passed to the OnInit function.

<OnInitOption name="formConfigName"
    value="tvc:form:helium/Form.xml" />


A javascript function that will be executed when the content of the widget has been rendered.

It is up to the widget implementation to execute the PostRender function after the rendering is complete.


By providing a reference to a menu XML file, it is possible to add custom actions to the widget header.

<HeaderActions ref="tvc:menu:helium/MyHeaderActions.xml" />


Whether the header actions tooltip should be visible or not. Default value is true.



HTML that should be rendered inside of the widget container

    <![CDATA[ <h1>This is html</h1>]]>


Describes the toolbar of the widget. For more information, see the Toolbar chapter.

    <!-- toolbar definition -->


Describes an optional sidepanel in the widget. For more information see the Sidepanel chapter

 <Sidepanel position="left" width="200">
    <!-- sidepanel definition -->


Defines access rules.

1.1.1. Replace/Toggle widgets

To toggle/replace a widget with another (switching views) you can do the following.

  1. Create the initial widget as described in the Dashboard chapter.

  2. Also add the other widget (that you want to toggle to) in the same Dashboard but add the element: <Hidden>true</Hidden>. Make sure the X, Y, Width and Height elements have the same values as the initial widget.

        <Label>Label for the command</Label>

    The <To> element must point to the id of the widget to toggle to. To toggle back to the initial widget create the same command as above but change the <Id> to point to the initial widget. This means that the relationships will most likely be symmetrical in your configurations.

    For <Access> definition, see Access Control

1.2. Conditionally evaluate dataset on drilldown

In some cases, the user might want to evaluate a different dataset for a widget on a drilldown dashboard. This is possible by configuring the widget you want to evaluate with:

<OnInitOption name="evaluateWithDataSet" value="true" />

Example widget configuration:

    <Title>Multi Series Stacked Bar Chart</Title>
    <OnInitOption name="evaluateWithDataSet" value="true" />
    <ChartConfig namespace="hex:engineering">EBOMMultiSeriesStackedBarChart.xml</ChartConfig>

JavaScript API, .loadRelatedWidgets() is added to Widget instance. This API can be used to reload related widgets within the dashboard with different context ids. If any related widget is initially hidden, it’ll be made visible.

You need to have access to the widget instance to invoke this method. If you instead have access to Dashboard instance, see this