05 May 2016

1. Helium

The main configuration of the application is performed in a file named Helium.xml which is located in WEB-INF/classes/.

This file is responsible for the following.

  • The name of the application

  • The login page of the application

  • What pages should be accessible and to which users

  • What the application topbar should contain

1.1. Configuration

The root element of the Helium.xml is <Application> and it supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The name of the application. May be visible in the TopBar.



Describes the LoginPage

    <!-- LoginPage attribute, see login page chapter -->


Describes the PageSidepanel

    <!-- PageSidepanel attribute, see page sidepanel chapter -->


How should dates be formatted on the client. All moment.js formats is supported but each format must contain month, day and year. If the element is omitted YYYY-MM-DD will be used.

<DateFormat>MMM DD, YYYY</DateFormat>


How should dates with time (used in some places like the history widget) be formatted on the client. All moment.js formats is supported. If the element is omitted YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss will be used.

<DateTimeFormat>MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a</DateTimeFormat>


Specifies which page the user should be redirected to after a successful login (if no other page is requested).

    <Page namespace="helium">


Specifies what the TopBar should contain.

    <!-- TopBar definition, see TopBar chapter -->


Specifies the PageMapping. What pages are accessible given object type and what roles the user has.

   <!-- PageMapping definition, see PageMapping chapter -->

1.1.1. Login page

The <LoginPage> element is responsible for customization of the login page and it supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The path to the login page.



The title of the login page

    Login to Helium


Specifies what title the login form should have.

    Welcome to Helium


Specifies what sub title the login form should have.

    Please enter your credentials
LoginPage example
    <Title>Login to Helium</Title>
    <FormTitle>Welcome to Helium</FormTitle>
    <FormSubTitle>Please enter your credentials</FormSubTitle>

1.1.2. TopBar

The TopBar is placed in a fixed, always-visible container in the top of the page, and it holds common actions and menus for the entire application.

Figure 1. Top Bar

The <TopBar> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


Whether the application name should be visible or not. Valid values: true or false (default).

If you would like to display image instead of name (e.g. company logo), see Using image as logo


Optional settings as given in Semantic Popup Settings can be passed for tooltip.

Tooltip will only be shown when commands are configured with <Alt>
    "variation": "inverted",
    "hoverable": "true",
    "position":"bottom center"


Child elements to the <Left> element will be left aligned. See Menu/Commands section.

    <!-- child elements -->


Child elements that are aligned in the middle of the available remaining space between <Left> and <Right> sections. Currently this section can exclusively hold a <Search inline="true"> command, rendering an inline search field.

Recentobject menu

search can be configured to display recent objects on activation. This can be configred by defining attribute dynamicmenu in the search tag. By default its value is false.

Table config and template to be used for recent object menu are configurable using attributes config and template. If no value is specified default configs will be considered. Menu will list down all the values of available columns defined in table config.

Width of the search input is configurable by adding width attribute in the search tag. Value of width should be mentioned in pixels. Width will be applied when hovered over search input.

  <Search inline="true">tvc:search:hex:common/TopBarSearchV2.xml</Search>
<Search inline="true" dynamicmenu="true" width="300px">tvc:search:hex:common/TopBarSearchV2.xml</Search>


Child elements to the <Right> element will be right aligned. See the Menu/Commands section.

    <!-- child elements -->


Whether the breadcrumb navigation should be visible or not. Valid values: true or false (default). See Breadcrumb section.


A breadcrumb trail on a page indicates the page’s position in the application hierarchy. A user can navigate all the way up in the application hierarchy, one level at a time, by starting from the last breadcrumb in the breadcrumb trail. It has maximum length of 5 elements.

For breadcrumb trail to work properly, pages need Title element.

It is a fixed container below topbar of the and is configurable with ShowBreadcrumb setting in TopBar.

Figure 2. Breadcrumb

It is responsive by design. Once breadcrumb container exceeds device display width, it will get collapsed and an ellipsis icon will be shown to left of breadcrumb. One can expand it again by clicking on ellipsis icon.

Mobile Breadcrumb

The <Left> and <Right> elements mentioned above can have the following child elements.

Depending on their parent element, they will either be left or right aligned in the TopBar

It is recommended to group commands in menus to avoid spill over of commands in topbar.
Name Description Example


Will render a horizontal separator

<Separator />


Will render a dropdown menu containing commands. The menu is defined in the xml referenced inside of the element.



Will render a command. The command is defined in the xml reference from inside of the element.



Will display logged in user name (first name last name)

<User />
Dynamic Menu

Normally, a menu holds a list of pre-configured commands and/ or menus. As opposed to this, a dynamically defined menu allows different content. A dynamic menu is still configured as a regular menu, but has some extra settings which when configured allows developer to get control when the menu is activated. This means, it’s also possible to have a dynamic menu that has a mix of predefined commands as well as dynamically added ones.

An example of such a menu is Recently Viewed objects.

Name Description Required Example


Defines a menu as a dynamic menu


	<Setting name="dynamicmenu" value="true" />


Ajax endpoint to fetch JSON data for dynamic content


    <Setting name="href" value="tvc-action/heliumDataTable?config=tvc:tableconfig:helium/RecentlyViewed.xml&amp;reload=true&amp;bindKey=foo" />


Unique identifier for the dynamic menu. Can be used, for e.g. to get hold of the menu from JavaScript.


    <Setting name="id" value="recent-objects" />


Reference to Handlebars template to render content on client


    <Setting name="template" value="helium/templates/recentobject/recentobjectcommand" />


JavaScript callback to handle menu when activated. If defined, it’s this callbacks' responsibility to configure dynamic menu content.

onActivate and/ or template should be provided.


    <Setting name="onActivate" value="App.RecentObjects.render" />

A JavaScript API, App.Topbar.dynamicMenus.getById(menuId) can be used to get access to the dynamic menu.

Dynamic menus are currently available only in Topbar.
<Menu xmlns="http://technia.com/TVC/Menu" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://technia.com/TVC/Menu http://products.technia.com/tvc/schema/latest/Menu.xsd">
	<Setting name="dynamicmenu" value="true" />
	<Setting name="id" value="recent-objects" />
	<Setting name="template" value="helium/templates/recentobject/recentobjectcommand" />
	<Setting name="onClick" value="App.routing.open" />
	<Setting name="onActivate" value="App.RecentObjects.render" />
	<Setting name="href" value="tvc-action/heliumDataTable?config=tvc:tableconfig:helium:recentobject/RecentlyViewed.xml&amp;reload=true&amp;bindKey=foo" />
Recently Viewed objects

"Recently Viewed" objects is a built-in dynamic menu which when configured shows a list of objects that the user has recently visited. The built-in menu uses TableConfig for defining and retrieving its data and a handlebars template to display the data. Both of them can be overridden if needed, for e.g. to fetch and display information in a different way.

Figure 3. Recent Objects Menu

To enable it, add following in the Topbar definition in Helium.xml.

Looking to configure recent objects in a widget instead? See Recent Object Widget Configuration for more information.

"Themes" is a built-in dynamic menu which when configured gives user capability to switch between themes in real time. The built-in menu uses tvc.helium.themes property for retrieving the list of themes. Default value of this property is flat and light as tvc.helium.themes=flat|light.

Figure 4. Themes Menu

To enable it, add following in the Topbar definition in Helium.xml.

TopBar example
        <Separator />
        <Myspace />
        <User />
        <Search />
        <Logout />

1.1.3. PageMapping

The <PageMapping> element controls which type of objects should be mapped to which pages. It is possible to control the page mapping based on object type, object state and which access role the user belongs to.

This is done by creating a tree of Page elements with different rules. Given the following example:

   <!-- Evaluate the 'PartPage' if the type of the current object is a part
       and the state of the object is 'Released' and the current user belongs
       to the 'SeniorDesignEngineer' or 'ManufacturingDesignEngineer' roles,
       otherwise try the next page. -->
    <Page namespace="helium" name="PartPage.xml">
        <Type is="type_Part" and="current == Released">

    <!-- If the above rule evaluates to false and the current object is of the 'Part'
         type, evaluate 'OtherPartPage.xml' -->
    <Page namespace="helium" name="OtherPartPage.xml">
        <Type is="type_Part" />

    <!-- If the type of the page is ECR, evaluate the 'ECR.xml' page -->
    <Page namespace="helium" name="ECR.xml">
        <Type is="type_ECR" />

    <!-- If none of the above are true, evaluate the DefaultPage.xml -->
    <FallbackPage namespace="helium" name="DefaultPage.xml" />

The framework will try to evaluate the different pages from top to bottom until one of the criteria is met. If no criteria is met, the <FallbackPage> will be evaluated.

The <PageMapping> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


Specifies the current Page to evaluate via the namespace and name attributes.

Only evaluate the page if the rules given via the child elements <Type> and <Access> evaluate to true, otherwise try the next page.

<!-- Evaluate the 'PartPage.xml'... -->
<Page namespace="helium" name="PartPage.xml">
        <!-- ...if the current object type is 'Part'
        and current state is 'Released'... -->
        <Type is="type_Part" and="current == Released">
        <!-- ...and if the current user belongs to the roles below -->


The page to fall back to if none of the above rules have been applied. Supports the namespace and name attributes.

<FallbackPage namespace="helium" name="DefaultPage.xml" />

1.2. Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Application xmlns="http://technia.com/helium/Application">


        <Title>Login to Helium</Title>
        <FormTitle>Welcome to Helium</FormTitle>
        <FormSubTitle>Please enter your credentials</FormSubTitle>

        <Page namespace="helium">Page.xml</Page>

            <Separator />
            <Myspace />
            <Search />
            <Logout />

        <Page namespace="helium" name="PartPage.xml">
            <Type is="type_Part" and="current == Released">

        <Page namespace="helium" name="PartPage.xml">
            <Type is="type_Part" />

        <Page namespace="helium" name="ECO.xml">
            <Type is="type_ECO" />

        <Page namespace="helium" name="ECR.xml">
            <Type is="type_ECR" />

        <FallbackPage namespace="helium" name="DefaultPage.xml" />

