
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This page describes the steps necessary when upgrading either Schema Tool or the Gradle plugin called gradle-plm. This applies each time you go from one version to another. No exceptions.

2. Steps

These steps must be followed in order to avoid critical problems like data-loss etc. The reason is that changes might have been made in Schema Tool that changes the format/layout of the XML-files. If the files in your current schema aren’t updated accordingly, it might lead to a loss of data or an incorrect installation. Changes to element-names and additions of elements are examples of changes.
  1. Update the version of Schema Tool in your script or download the new version. Don’t do anything else yet.

  2. Perform an export into a clean directory

    1. If using our Gradle plm-plugin the directory used for schema-export is {projectDir}/build/schema/export - make sure that this directory doesn’t exist.

  3. Start going through your existing schema:

    1. For each <definition> that you have, for each type of schema-object (attributes, commands etc), overwrite the existing file with the one from the fresh export.

    2. You should now be able to review the changes in a code-versioning-system, like Git.