05 May 2016

1. Widgets

1.1. Chart

Visualizes data in charts. Available type of charts:

  • Line

  • Bar

  • Pie

  • Donut


The chart solution is based on Chartist.js

A dataloader can be configured at dashboard level. The data loaded at dashboard level is available to all the chart widgets defined in the dashboard. In this case, the data will not be cached by the service worker.

1.1.1. Widget

To create a chart widget you must first create an xml with the following contents:

    <ChartConfig namespace="helium">StateChart.xml</ChartConfig>

The <ChartWidget> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The title of the chart widget



Specifies the chart config file

<ChartConfig namespace="helium">StateChart.xml</ChartConfig>


If set to true the new chart library ApexCharts will be used else the older one Chartist. This can be set globally by using tvc.helium.widget.chart.useVersion2, default value is true.


1.1.2. Chart configuration

The <ChartConfig> element can have the following children. Full example.

Name Description Example


Defines the data to display in the chart. More details


Controls sorting of the data. Sorts by default on label. More details

    <Label ascending="true" />


Controls if tooltips are displayed.



The number of entries to display in the chart. The ones with highest values are displayed and others are grouped together in the "other" section. Useful when there are lots of entries and the chart feels crowded.



Reference to dashboard to use when performing drilldowns. Use either DrillDown or OnClick



Reference to javascript function which is invoked when user clicks on chart elements. Example



Controls if legend are displayed. For multi series, it is automatically enabled.



To show multi series bar chart as a stacked bar chart. Defaults to false



Options for the chart. For example you can control offsets/paddings of the chart, labels and layout.

The full list of the available options is available in the Chartist documentation.

Note that the options varies depends on the type of chart (bar, line etc).

Option for legend :
legendPosition :
For bar and line chart legend position either top or bottom and default is top.

  "high": 100,
  "low": 0,
  "chartPadding": {
    "top": 30
  "legendPosition": "bottom"


Responsive options are used to adapt the chart to look good across different devices. Responsive options controls the layout based on media queries. The full list of the available options is available in the Chartist documentation.

Example displaying only first character of the month (J, F, M, A …​) on small screens:

	['screen and (max-width: 640px)', {
	    seriesBarDistance: 5,
	    axisX: {
	        labelInterpolationFnc: function(value) {
	            return value[0];


There could be some use cases like events etc. to configure custom js function as documented in apex charts library.

This is only supported version2 charts.

Example for using custom js functions

        	"chart": {
			"events": {
			"animationEnd": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"beforeMount": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"mounted": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"updated": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"mouseMove": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"mouseLeave": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"click": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"legendClick": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"markerClick": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"selection": "App.hex.customEventListener",
			"dataPointSelection": "App.hex.customEventListener"


Controls the type of data to display in the chart. By default it uses the data type group. Read more



Reference to a JavaScript function which registers a chart animation. One included example for line charts is available via example.js as App.custom.registerLineChartAnimation. For more examples and details, please refer to Chartist - Examples.

This is not supported on version2 charts, you can pass configuration directly in options. For more details, please refer to Apex Charts-Animation


A rest api url / some js function that returns request object or url



A js function to convert the external source response to data expected by the chart library


Controls how to sort the data in the chart.

Name Description Example


Sort on the label. Supports ascending="true|false".

  <Label ascending="true" />


Sort on the value. Supports ascending="true|false".

Either Label or Value can be used for sorting
  <Value ascending="true" />


Sort on label with a fixed order. Useful when display states.

    <Label>Peer Review</Label>



Defines the data to display in the chart. There is pre-built support for multiple data series but the default data type 'group' supports only one serie. Multiple data series can be utilized when writing custom data type example.

Name Description Example


Optional. Data loader to use across all series in the chart. Use this setting in case all data series uses same set of objects.



Respresents one serie of data serie in the chart. More Details

For multi series chart DataSeries may contain multiple Serie and ChartType for all serie must be same.

Represents one serie of data in the chart.

Name Description Example


Defines which data to use in data serie. Optional in case specified on <DataSeries> level



Legend label for bar and line chart.



Data to select. Used to group data by default.

  • usesBusinessObject: This attribute value on Expression tag enable to evaluate expression on relationship.

    • true: Expression is object selectable . This is default behaviour.

    • false: Expression is relationship selectable.

If usesBusinessObject attribute is used, then DataSet need to be defined in such a way that it will remove the root object.
<Expression usesBusinessObject="false">${attribute[attribute_UnitofMeasure]}</Expression>

If user want to show chart based on EBOM relationship on relationship attribute Unit of Measure then chart DataSeries and DataSet will be look like below

		<Expression usesBusinessObject="false">${attribute[attribute_UnitofMeasure]}</Expression>


Supports multiple Expression elements which can be used to select data. By default, the first expression in the list will be used to group chart data. In this example data will be grouped by Material Category.



Data used to create multi series chart. SeriesExpression value becomes legend label and Name setting ignored. For multiple Serie it will be ignored.

  • usesBusinessObject: This attribute value on SeriesExpression tag enable to evaluate expression on relationship.

    • true: SeriesExpression is object selectable . This is default behaviour.

    • false: SeriesExpression is relationship selectable.

If usesBusinessObject attribute is used, then DataSet need to be defined in such a way that it will remove the root object.
<SeriesExpression usesBusinessObject="false">${attribute[attribute_UnitofMeasure]}</SeriesExpression>

If user want to show multi series chart based on EBOM relationship on relationship attribute Unit of Measure then chart DataSeries and DataSet will be look like below

        <SeriesExpression usesBusinessObject="false">${attribute[attribute_UnitofMeasure]}</SeriesExpression>


Type of chart.

Available kind of charts:

  • bar

  • line

  • pie

  • donut

  • radar*

  • Histogram*

  • radialBar*

  • scatter*

  • bubble*

  • heatmap*

  • Candlestick*

  • rangeBar* NOTE: * These are only available version2 charts.

Example configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Value ascending="false" />
Multi Series Chart Example configuration

Multi Series Bar Chart

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Value ascending="false" />
  		"legendPosition": "top"
            <Name>Software Part</Name>
            <Name>Electrical Part</Name>
            <Name>Mechanical Part</Name>

Multi Series Stacked Bar Chart

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Value ascending="false" />
  		"legendPosition": "top"
            <Name>Software Part</Name>
Example custom onClick

The <OnClick> configuration can be used to perform custom action when the user clicks in the chart. This enables the possibility to do drill down, exchange information in tables or something else. In the configuration you specify the JavaScript function to invoke upon user clicks.




var App = App || {};
var App.custom ={
    chartOnClick: function(data) {
        console.log('Clicking in chart');
        console.log('  Clicked data=', data);
        console.log('  Chart reference=', this);

        // Code performing something nifty
Use either DrillDown OR OnClick.
The javascript function will be executed with this set to the chart.

1.1.3. Data Type

The data type controls how the data series in the chart are calculated. The input to the data type processing is the configurations done in the chart configuration file along with information about which objects that are displayed in the chart.

Output format:

    'labels': ['<label>', '<another-label>', ...],
    'series': [{
        'name': '<name>',
        'data': [{
            'value': <value>
            'objectIds': [

Example output:

    'labels': ['W34', 'W35', 'W36'],
    'series': [{
        'name': 'Created',
        'data': [{
            'value': 1
            'objectIds': [
        }, {
            'value': 0
            'objectIds': []
        }, {
            'value': 3
            'objectIds': [
     }, {
         'name': 'Resolved',
         'data': [{
             'value': 0
             'objectIds': []
         }, {
             'value': 1
             'objectIds': [
         }, {
             'value': 2
             'objectIds': [

Charts comes with a built-in data type strategy, but it also possible to write a custom data type.

Data Type: Group

The objects are grouped by a configured expression, e.g. type or state. Each unique value gets one label and the amount of objects is the data value. It expects there to be exactly one dataserie in the configuration.

Example custom data type




var App = App || {};
var App.custom = {
    timeDataType: function(config) {

        var getObjectDataValues = function(expression, objectId, relId) {
            if (expression.usesBusinessObject) {
                return App.ObjectStore.get(objectId).data[expression.name].values;
            return App.ObjectStore.getRelationship(relId).data[expression.name].values;

        // Check each label how many values there are per serie
        //    - 2015-06-24 5 created 3 solved issues
        //    - 2015-06-25 1 created 0 solved issues
        //    - 2015-06-26 3 created 2 solved issues

        var labels = ['2015-06-24', '2015-06-25', '2015-06-26'];
        var series = [];

        config.series.forEach(function(serie) {
            var expr = serie.expression;
            var result = {
                'name': expr.name
                'data': []

            serie.objectIds.forEach(function(objectId, index) {
                let relId = serie.relIds[index];
                let values = getObjectDataValues(expr, objectId, relId);
                values.forEach(function(value) {

                    // Logic calculating amount of objects which have been created/resolved

                    var dataPoint = {
                        'value': 1,
                        'objectIds': [''],
                        'relIds': ['']


        return {
            'labels': labels,
            'series': series
Example custom data type with support for multi-value attributes




var App = App || {};
var App.custom = {
    customChartValues: function(config) {

        var setLabelData = function(labelPoints, value, objectId, relId) {
            labelPoints[value].value += 1;

        var getObjectDataValues = function(expression, objectId, relId) {
            if (expression.usesBusinessObject) {
                return App.ObjectStore.get(objectId).data[expression.name].values;
            return App.ObjectStore.getRelationship(relId).data[expression.name].values;

        var labels = config.options.labels;
        var series = [];

        config.series.forEach(function(serie) {
            var points = [];
            var expr = serie.expression;
            var labelPoints = {};
            var legendLabel = serie.name || '';

            labels.forEach(function(label) {
                var dataPoint = {
                    value: 0,
                    objectIds: [],
                     relIds: []
                labelPoints[label] = dataPoint;

            serie.objectIds.forEach(function(objectId, index) {
                var relId = serie.relIds[index];
                var values = getObjectDataValues(expr, objectId, relId);
                var filteredValues = values.map(function(v) {return v.value;}).filter(function(v) {return labels.includes(v)});

                filteredValues.forEach(function(value) {
                    setLabelData(labelPoints, value, objectId);
                if (filteredValues.length > 1) {
                    setLabelData(labelPoints, labels[2], objectId);

            labels.forEach(function(label) {

                name: legendLabel,
                data: points

        return {
Figure 1. Chart displaying custom data type with multi-values

Image is showing:

  • DataSet is an inquiry that returns 33 objects based on attribute[Material Category]

  • 29 of these objects have the attribute value ‘Glass’

  • 10 of them have the attribute value ‘Plastic’

  • 6 of them have both attribute values ‘Glass’ and ‘Plastic’

1.1.4. API

The chart javascript api can be found here

1.1.5. Path Support

In 3dexperince, more and more of the data model is moving towards path-based. Change Process is one good example and there is a need to be able to visualize the path-based data model by config only.

Now the path related object/relationship information can be used to generate charts. This can be done using the path query dataset in chart config.

Below example generates a chart based on the attribute Severity of Change Orders related to context part EBOM structure. In this case, the loader must point to Path Query which will return change order id’s and the Expression should point to selects on those change order id’s, in this case, attribute 'Severity'.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Below is the loader definition used in the above example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<PathType>Proposed Activity.Where</PathType>
	<PathSelect>owner.to[Proposed Activities].from.to[Change Action].from.id</PathSelect>
Figure 2. Path Support in Charts

Read the Path Support chapter for more details.

1.1.6. Combination Charts

Combination charts let you display different types of data in different ways on the same chart. You may display columns, lines, areas, and steps all on the same combination chart. Use them to visually highlight the differences between different sets of data.

There could be multiple combinations like line and bar or line, bar and area with different dataseries representing different chart type. One of the serie should have chart type as line.

This can be configured as below :

	<Title>Multi Series Combo Charts</Title>
	<ChartConfig namespace="hex:engineering:homepage">CombinationCharts.xml</ChartConfig>
Figure 3. Combination Charts

1.1.7. Other Chart types

Now all the chart types available in Apex Charts are supported in helium, they can be configured by using below config :

	<Title>EBOM Start Eff date to End Effectivity Date</Title>
	<ChartConfig namespace="hex:engineering">TimelineChart.xml</ChartConfig>

            <Name>Drawing Prints</Name>

    	"xaxis": {
          "type": "datetime"
        "plotOptions": {
          "bar": {
            "horizontal": true

Since every chart types expects data in different format so a js method can be passed in DataType which returns the data in the required format, refer below example.

var getTimelineChartData = function(config) {
		var objectIds = config.series[0].objectIds;
		var chartData = []
		var data = App.ObjectStore.getByIds(config.series[0].objectIds);
			var objectData = data[objectId];
			var startDate = objectData.data['attribute[Start Effectivity Date]'].values[0].value;
			var endDate = objectData.data['attribute[End Effectivity Date]'].values[0].value;
			if(startDate ){
				endDate = endDate ? endDate : new Date();
				"x" : objectData.data['name'].values[0].value,
				"y" : [
					new Date(startDate).getTime(),
					new Date(endDate).getTime()

        return {
        	'dataType' : "version2",
            'series': [{"data" : chartData}]

Figure 4. TimelineChart

1.2. Datatable

The datatable widget presents data in a table. It is possible to interact with data in multiple ways. Some of the things the table supports are.

  • Filtering/Searching

  • Sorting

  • Pagination

  • Inline editing of cells

  • Exporting to PDF, CSV and Excel

  • Custom rendering of cells via either CSS or by applying a Handlebars template

  • Internationalization


Find the possible configuration options for a table below

1.2.1. Widget

To create a data table widget you must first create an xml with the following contents:

    <Title>Data Table</Title>
    <TableConfig namespace="helium">TableConfig.xml</TableConfig>

The <DataTable> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The title of the data table.

Currently not rendered in UI.

<Title>Data table title</Title>


Specifies the data table config file

<TableConfig namespace="helium">


Specifies whether the table should be responsive, i.e adjust it self to small screens. If this element is set to true and the all the columns can’t fit on the screen an additional column containing a plus icon will be rendered. When the user clicks the icon the 'hidden' columns will be folded out. Defaults to true.



This setting is deprecated and will no longer be supported from Helium release 2019.1.0 onward. The pagination setting provided in table configuration will be used for enabling/ disabling pagination.



Specifies whether the table should support sorting or not. Defaults to true



Specifies whether the table headers should be fixed or not. Defaults to false 

This can also be enabled at the global level for all the tables by using the key tvc.helium.datatable.fixedHeader=true in tvc.properties. The default value is false. This global setting can be overridden by individual level fixed header setting if explicitly adds FixedHeader.



Specifies whether the structure will be expanded the same way the next time the same object view is loaded.

Please see Structure Browser Chapter for more details on how to configure persistent expand state and max count through init params



Enables user to use arrow keys for navigating from one cell to another while editing, Defaults to false.

In order to move within a text or select field, user can use arrow keys with ctrl.
This feature is currently supported for non responsive tables with client side processing true.


or globally

tvc.helium.datatable.hotKeysNavigation = true

1.2.2. Table Configuration

The <TableConfig> element can have the following children. Full example.

Name Description Example


The title of the table.

Currently not rendered in UI.
<Title>Title of table</Title>


References to the dataset to be loaded into the table via the child element <DateSet> or <SearchBasedLoader>. SearchBasedLoader can be used when table is expected to load data from search side panel. See On Search Result for more details on search and search based loader.

When SearchBasedLoader is defined, ClientSideProcessing should be false and DisplayMode can only be flat.


Whether to consider input of response received from service call or dataset of dataloader. Valid value is either true or false. By default it is false

if value is true, to make service call ServiceParams should be passed



To load data into table from the response received after making service call. Dataoader will not be needed for this. To pick data from service call it is required have service parameters.


Service url to fetch list of all items to populate in table


Method type for making the service call


JSON path expression where list of objects available from where information can be fetched to populate table data


JSON path expression where objectId is available in data from dataSrc


List of parameters that are to be passed while making service call. Parameters can be given in key : value format. Value can either be a call back function or string.

        "urlParams": {


References to table configuration file that defines the columns

<Table namespace="helium">TableConfig.xml</Table>


Valid options are flat and structure. Note: For structure mode tables, you also must provide the ExpandSettings element.



Mandatory element for structure mode tables. Point out a filter and optionally initial expand depth.


InitialExpandDepth defines how many level root object(s) should be expanded on initial load. Default value is 1.


By default only first root node will be expanded. This can be overridden by using attribute mode on InitialExpandDepth. Valid values are none,first and all.

Custom Expander

In more advanced situations, custom java expander can be used to perform the expansion.

When InitialExpandDepth is defined along with Data Set Expand, InitialExpandDepth takes precedence over Data Set Expand depth.

Optionally this can be set to True (default is False) to evaluate whether a node is a leaf node and make it non-expandable. This will improve usability as leaf nodes are indicated without an expand symbol (plus sign). This can also be controlled globally through the init-param tvc.core.structure.evaluate.expandable.node (default false) in web.xml.

This evaluation will make an extra expand which may affect performance (often very little). This feature is by default off.
    <Filter ns="helium">EBOMFrom.xml</Filter>
    <InitialExpandDepth mode="none">1</InitialExpandDepth>
    <InitialExpandDepth mode="all">1</InitialExpandDepth>


Optional. Reference to the CreateAndConnectRow widget command to create and connect a new child row to the selected parent row. CreateSettings supports different child elements to pass values that are required to create and connect new child row object.


  <Type value="type_Part" />
  <Name useNumberGenerator="true"                   tvcNumberGenerator="false" />
  <Revision firstInSequence="true" />
  <Policy value="policy_DevelopmentPart" />
  <Vault value="vault_eServiceProduction" />
  <Connection value="relationship_EBOM" direction="from" />


Whether the table is forced to load data from the server each time widget is refreshed. Valid value is either true or false. By default it is false.



Whether the rows in the table should be selectable or not. Valid values none, single and multi.



Whether the table should support pagination or not. The element supports the following attributes:


If pagination should be disabled or not. Valid values, true or false


The default number of rows to show


Comma seperated list of values that should be added in the menu as number of rows to show. Defaults to 10, 25, 50, 100. If the size value is not included in this list it will automatically be added.

<Pagination size="15" disabled="false" />


Whether sorting, filtering and pagination should be handled on the client or on the server. The element supports the following attributes:


Valid values true or false


If the table has more rows then the configured threshold (defaults to 10 000) then server side processing automatically will be turned on. For example: Client side processing is enabled via 'enabled="true"' and the threshold is set to 100 via 'threshold="100"'. If the current table contains 101 rows the 'enabled="true"' flag will be overridden and server side processing will be used.

<ClientSideProcessing enabled="true"
                      threshold="100" />


Whether table columns should be evaluated page wise.

It can also be defined globally via structure browser setting tvc.structurebrowser.evalCurrentPage. Setting defined in table config takes precedence over global setting. Default value is true.


Only when client processing is disabled, page wise evaluation if enabled will take place.



Whether the expand button should be rendered in its own column or in the first configured column.


The expand button is rendered in its own column.


The expand button is rendered in the first configured column in the table.

In-cell editing is deactivated for the column that is used as the structure navigation column.


Allow table columns to resize from UI. Valid value is either true or false. By default it is false.

Resize columns feature can also be enabled at the global level for all the tables by using the key tvc.helium.datatable.resizeColumns.enabled=true in tvc.properties. The default value is true.

While resizing the column if column header or data is truncated, then tooltip automatically enabled on column header and data. This feature can be disabled at the global level for all the tables by using the key tvc.helium.datatable.tooltip.onResizeColumns=false in tvc.properties. The default value is true.



Allowing the specified number of left most non reponsive table columns to fix while horizontally scrolling.



If row drag should be allowed from the table



A Drop config defines what happen when a object is dropped on the row.


Defines the type of object on which can be dropped.


Defines the type of object on which the row is being dropped.


Defines the relationship for the connection.


Defines on which side the dropped object should be connected.


Defines if the row should be refresh or expand after an object is dropped.


Defines the request method when the 3DExperience service is called.


Some javascript function that can be invoked before calling 3DExperience service.


Some javascript function that can be invoked after calling 3DExperience service.


the url for the 3DExperience service.


Describes the request body of the 3DExperience service.

        <AllowedDropType>Part,Some Other Type</AllowedDropType>


While editing cell content, this enables to auto select contents of cell. This applies to all eligible columns in the table. Defaults to false.

This can be overridden by defining autoSelectContent setting at column level.

Auto select of content is applicable only for textbox and textarea fields.
    <!-- This is the title element -->
    <Title>This is the default title</Title>
    <Title>Table title</Title>






    <Pagination size="15" disabled="false" />

    <ClientSideProcessing enabled="false" threshold="100" />
Figure 5. StructureGUI in default vs caret mode

1.2.3. Column configuration

How to configure columns is described below. This is the file that is referenced above in the Table configuration

The <Table> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The display name of the table.

Currently not rendered in UI.
    Basic Information


Creates a column in the table

See Column specific details below


The <Column> element describes the properties of a data table column.

The <Column> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example




The brief details of the column that is rendered as a column header tooltip.

<Description>Brief detail of column</Description>


This setting renders brief details of the column as a column header tooltip. This setting is an alternative to the Description setting.

If Alt and Description settings are defined together then Description setting is given preference.

<Alt>Brief detail of column</Alt>


Whether the cells in the column should be editable or not.

If column editable setting is defined as false, then cell cannot be made editable via DataHandler. If it is intended that DataHandler should make cell editable or non-editable depending on some condition, then column editable setting should be set to true.



The expression that fetches the data from the backend. If column is populated using data received from response of service call, JSON path expression in the dataSrc is to be specified and additional setting option jsonResponse is to be given.


<Setting name="options">{


If the column is editable, what input element should be rendered. Allowed values are:


will render a text input field


will render a text area


will render a select box


will render radio buttons


will render checkboxes


will render a date picker

If no input type is given the cell will default to an textbox.



The name of the column that is rendered as a table header.



The name of the column

The name is mandatory

<Name>Column name</Name>


This setting defines whether the column’s values will be wrapped or not.

The column’s values will not be wrapped. This is default behaviour.

The column’s values will be wrapped whenever needed to fit within the bounds of the column without enlarging the table too much.



Column specific setting. The supported attributes are:


the name of the setting


the value of the setting

If the ColumnType is set to helium-column-actions a setting with the name menu must be added and a value that points to an menu xml file. See second example.

If the name of the setting is options it is possible to add a json object as the element value. This way you can control client side validation, autocomplete settings,On Edit and column filter.

If the name of the setting is class it is possible to add class names as value for custom CSS classes

If the name of the setting is groupHeaderClass it is possible to add class names as value for custom CSS classes on group header just like class

If the name of the setting is autoSelectContent it is possible to auto select content when it is edited. This is applicable only for textbox and textarea fields.

If the name of the setting is parseHTMLContentToText it is possible to parse the value to plain text if there are any html tags when it is exported to a file.

<Setting name="template" value="helium/templates/table/test" />
    <Setting name="menu" value="tvc:menu:helium/ColumnActions.xml" />
    <Setting name="options">
            "footerFilter": true
            "autocomplete": {
                "selectize": {
                    "preload": true
                "handler" : {
                    "name": "user",
                    "localize": "true",
                    "contains": "true",
                    "caseSensitive": "false"
<Setting name="class" value="col-weight col-bold col-red col-small" />
<Setting name="groupHeaderClass" value="green-color" />
<Setting name="autoSelectContent" value="true" />
<Setting name="parseHTMLContentToText" value="true" />


This setting can be used to control to which object the user should be routed when the column’s data is displayed as a hyperlink.

While using Alternate OID Expression, the default template is used and no custom template is supported. The value for this setting should be a valid select expression that returns object-ids.




This setting can be used to fetch the type value of the object by passing the desired expression.



Specifies whether the column should be sortable or not. Valid values: true or false. Defaults to true.



Specifies the sort direction. Valid values: ascending and descending.



Specifies what column to make the initial sort on. Valid values: A positive integer (zero based). For example if you want the initial sorting to be based on the second column you would add the value 1.



Specifies the sort type, i.e numeric, string, numeric or date



Defines number of characters to be displayed before truncation. The rest will be displayed in a tooltip.



Defines truncate direction on column, If the number of characters in a cell text exceeds the text length. Valid values: right, left or center. default value is right.

If truncate direction is center then user needs to provide additional setting LeftTextLength & RightTextLength.


Defines number of rows to be displayed before truncation. The rest will be displayed in a tooltip.



This attribute value on column tag defines if column is for relationship.

Column expression is object selectable . This is default behaviour.

Column expression is relationship selectable

<Column usesBusinessObject="false">


This setting defines whether a column should be visible or not.

The user is able to define his/her own set of visible columns.

The column will be visible (Default).

The column is not visible.


This setting can be used when we are opening routing to emxTree.jsp in 3dspace.

The object will open in same window.

The object will open in popup.


Defines the Href



Specifies whether the column should be mass update or not. Valid values: true and false.



Defines a group header for the column. Typically, a group header is used to group several columns together, with a common label. The setting need to be defined on all columns that are part of the group.

<GroupHeader>The group header</GroupHeader>


Defines the column width in pixels. If content is exceeding the defined width, then truncated content will be shown with ellipses and also tooltip will be enabled for the same.



Specifies if the type icon is shown or not. Default is false.

If it is set to true, a setting with the name template must be added
<Setting name="template" value="helium/templates/table/typeWithIcon" />

If you have already defined template then you can add following content to your existing template.

{{#if cell.values.0.iconURL}}
    <img class="left" src="{{cell.values.0.iconURL}}"  />



Facilitates copying text contained within a column cell. Default value is false.

When working with Date, Connect (Single Value), and Select Range columns, a copy icon will appear on hover. This icon lets you quickly copy the cell’s content.


Column template

The default rendering of a column cell can be overridden with a handlebars template.

  Sample Handlebars template that can be applied to columns in a datatable.

  <Setting name="template" value="/path/to/this/template/test" />

  <Setting name="template" value="helium/templates/table/object-link" />
  <!-- If same table column is used in embeded mode, standalone mode and 3dashboard  -->

  <Setting name="template" value="helium\templates\table\object-link-with-alternate-oid" />
    <!-- For the column which has AlternateOIDExpression or columntype path, same table column is used in embeded mode, standalone mode and 3dashboard -->

  Available variables are:
  - object
  - row
  - cell

  To inspect what the content of the variables are, run {{debug variable}} and check your console

<a href="javascript:App.routing.open('{{objectId}}');">{{value}}</a>
Configurable column CSS classes

It is possible to add configurable CSS classes to columns in the column XML, use <Setting> with class as the name and the custom class names as value, separated by spaces

<Setting name="class" value="col-weight col-bold col-red col-small" />

Then in your custom css, you can target column level styling, e.g.

Some selectors require higher specificity or the use of !important rule.
.col-bold {
    font-weight: bold !important;

.col-red {
    color: red;

.col-small {
    width: 50px;

You can also specifically target a column’s header or body with th/td, e.g.

th.col-weight {
    font-weight: bold !important;
    color: darkred !important;

th.col-description {
    font-style: italic;
    color: darkgreen !important;

td.col-revision {
    color: darkorange;
Client side validation

It is possible to provide a javascript function that performs client side validation. This is achieved by applying the following element to an column:

<Setting name="options">{
    "validator": "App.custom.someJavascriptFunction",
    "validatorMessage": "Error message, either an message or a i18n key"

The javascript function will be executed when the cell is blurred and with the value of the field passed in. The function must return a boolean, true if the value is valid and false otherwise.

Column filter

It is possible to add a filter to either the footer or the header of a column by specifying the following setting. Valid values for position is "footer" and "header". Default value is "footer".

<Setting name="options">{
    "filter": {
        "position": "footer"

This will render an input field in the column footer, where the user can filter out rows based on the values in that column. User can use multiple queries by using "|" as delimeter in between query.

It is not supported to have filters in both the header and the footer in the same table.
Column filter with row filter

It is possible to add a row filter to a column filter by specifying the setting rowFilter. The value should be a css class that matches the a row that the filter should be applied to. For example to apply the filter to only a certain level of a structure table add the value ".row-level-n" where n is the level the filter should be applied to.

<Setting name="options">{
    "filter": {
        "position": "footer",
        "rowFilter": ".row-level-1"

If the filter is applied on a row in a structure table and that row is expanded the child rows will not be affected of the filter.

On Edit

It is possible to configure different behavior on edit of a cell. This can be configured as below :

    <Setting name="onEdit" value="refresh-parents" />

Possible values are refresh-parents, refresh-table, or some custom javascript function.

If onEdit is not configured than only the current row will get refreshed.

In custom js function it will have context of datatable and row jquery element and column instance as arguments.

onColumnEdit : function($rowElement,column)  {
    	    		App.toaster.success("column edit successfully")
Name Description


It will refresh the parent rows of the edited cell.


It will refresh the table.

some custom js function

It will call the js function passed in the value once the cell is edited.


ResizeColumns allow table columns to resize from UI. This will allow user to truncate the column below the actual content of the header. This behavior can be controlled using the headerNoTruncate setting i.e. user can not resize the column below the actaul content of the header. This can be configured as below :

    <Setting name="headerNoTruncate" value="true" />

Possible values are true, or false. The default value is false.

This can also be enabled at the global level for all the tables by using the key tvc.helium.datatable.headerNoTruncate.enabled=true in tvc.properties


All columns which renders an select field have basic autocomplete support. With the options outlined below the behavior can be customized to great extent.

For autocomplete to work the <InputType> element must be set to combobox

To customize autocomplete provide the following setting:

<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
    "autocomplete": {
        "template": "...",
        "selectize": { ... },
        "handler" : { ... }

Each block, template, selectize and handler is described below.


Provide an path to an template to customize the dropdown. Example of template:


The client utilizes Selectize and all options described in the docs can be used here. To show selectize dropdown outside the widget boundaries. The global level property tvc.helium.selectize.showDropdownOutsideFrame can be defined in tvc.properties file or can be configured on specific column as below

<Setting name="options">{
        "autocomplete": {
            "selectize" : {
				"showDropdownOutsideFrame" : true

All settings that are described in the core admin guide can be used in the handler block including all predefined handlers.

If you wan’t to create a custom autocomplete handler, follow the admin guide and pass the java class as the value for the name key.

Full example:

<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
        "autocomplete": {
            "template": "/helium/templates/form/autocomplete",
            "selectize": {
                "preload": true,
                "maxItems": null,
                "labelField": "name",
                "searchField": ["name"]
            "handler" : {
                "name": "dataset",
                "dataset": "tvc:dataset:helium/MyParts.xml",
                "select": ["name",  "current"]
Highlight updated row cross-widget

Datatable rows that have their data updated via another widget will be highlighted to show the changes.

Showing cross-widget object update highlight
There is a API for highlighting any jQeury element here
Access Control

The access restriction for table column in Helium can be defined similar to TVC Classic based upon following settings:

  • AccessMask (Access mask for the current object)

  • AccessProgram and AccessFunction (A JPO and a function that evaluates the access rights)

  • AccessExpression (MQL expression that evaluates the access)

The example below illustrates how you can construct the access restriction:


Or use an access program and access function:


Or use an access expression:

<AccessExpression>policy == 'EC Part'</AccessExpression>

Please refer following links of TVC documentation for more details

<Table xmlns="http://technia.com/TVC/Table" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://technia.com/TVC/Table http://products.technia.com/tvc/schema/latest/Table.xsd">
    <DisplayName>Basic Information</DisplayName>
        <Setting name="template" value="helium/templates/table/test" />
        <Name>Material Category</Name>
        <Expression>attribute[Material Category]</Expression>
        <Label>Material Category</Label>
        <AccessExpression>policy == 'EC Part'</AccessExpression>
        <Description>Describes this object in detail.</Description>
        <Setting name="class" value="col-weight col-bold col-red col-small" />
For Autocomplete functionality with Inquiry Dataset, USERQUERY macro can be used to pass user input to inquiry.


<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
        "autocomplete": {
            "handler" : {
                "name": "dataset",
                "dataset": "tvc:dataset:helium/MyParts.xml",

and Dataset Inquiry is:

    <Code>temp query bus Part '*${USERQUERY}*' * where "owner == '${USER}'" limit 100 select id dump |</Code>
Cell content in modal instead of tooltip

The data in the cell content can be huge and it will be better to such data in the modal as it provides the ability to scroll and makes more user friendly while ready such content.

This can be achieved by adding following configuration.

	<Setting name="class" value="he-tooltip-as-modal" />

By default, after text length limit three dot (…​) will be rendered on UI. If want to change this three dot then need to configure below properties in translation JSON files.

"dataTable": {
 "column": {
  "textLength": {
   "textToShowTooltip": "... (more)"

In some cases user might not want to see the close icon that could be achieved by below configuration.

	<Setting name="class" value="he-tooltip-as-modal he-without-close" />

By default a close icon will be shown on modal, to close the modal. If user doesn’t to see the close icon and wants the modal to close if he clicks anywhere outside the modal. this can be achieved with below config.

	<Setting name="class" value="he-tooltip-as-modal he-without-close" />
Hide static valued column in Data Grouping

Columns may contain static values, such as icons or images. However, these static values may also appear in the rows where data is grouped, which may not be desirable. To address this issue, a setting called DataGroupHidden can be applied to the column that contains static values. By setting this value to true in the column’s XML code, the static valued column will be hidden in the grouped rows.

Below setting is required for static valued columns to be hidden in data grouped rows

	<Setting name="DataGroupHidden" value="true" />

1.2.4. Progress Column

image The progress column will render a progress bar based on the value. Unlike the progress column in TVC Classic this column is only responsible for rendering the value. By default it will also show the percentage as text and in tooltip. This can be controlled with the options setting.

<Setting name="options">
			"showText" : false,
			"showTooltip" : false
	<Setting name="options">
			"showText" : false,
			"showTooltip" : false

1.2.5. Files Column

This feature requires the TVC File Manager license.

In a table displayed in Helium, you may have a column containing links to files related to objects in ENOVIA. There is a built-in column type that simplifies configuring this.

		<ColumnType>helium-files</ColumnType> (1)
1 Column type set to helium-files

This column inherts behaviour from the TVC File Manager component regarding configuration and others.

See this page for more details on how to configure the File Manager.

The screenshot below illustrates the file column

Figure 6. Files Column

Image, PDF and TXT file can be previewed in the modal. Setting tvc.helium.showPreviewFileInModal should be set to true. By default, it’s false.

PDF previews requires browser’s built-in PDF reader to be enabled. Supported image extensions: png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp.

Also, It is possible to reverse the lock icon to match the file lock status. Ex. When the file is locked, show the lock icon and similarly, when the file is unlocked, show the unlock icon.

This can be achieved by using below system property in tvc.properties.

Property Description Default Value


Reverse the lock icon


<Expression> tag support for Column type set to helium-files

A column set to Column type helium-files along with <Expression> tag as shown below, will display the file from related object found through the expression value. And file column with expression will always be non-editable.

		<Label>Related Files</Label>
		<Expression>${from[relationship_ReferenceDocument].to}</Expression> (2)
        <Setting name="options">
			"excludeFormat":"mxMedium Image"

As an example in below screen, a part object displays the file from its related object found traversing through relationship "Reference Document"

All the files from all object found through the expression value will be displayed. For example, out of given expression if 3 objects are found, all files from all 3 objects will be displayed.

Figure 7. Files Column with Expression

Similarly we can show files that are connected the object using path, this can be achived by below configuration:


It might be scenario that some of files with specific format are irrelevant to show on UI. excludeFormat setting allows to exclude specified format files to show on UI.

This behavior can be configured in column as follows :-

		<Label>Related Files</Label>
		<Setting name="options">
			"excludeFormat":"mxMedium Image"

or can be configured with global setting in tvc.properties as tvc.helium.files.excludeFormat=mxMedium Image,GIF

Property Description Default Value


Exclude specified formats to show on UI

mxMedium Image

1.2.6. Drop Zone Column

This feature requires the TVC File Manager license.

In a table displayed in Helium, you may have a column containing a drop zone were the user may drag’n’drop files to be checked into ENOVIA™. Helium contains a built-in column type that simplifies configuring this.

        <Alt>Drop Zone</Alt>
		<ColumnType>helium-dropzone</ColumnType> (1)
1 Column type set to helium-dropzone to enable this feature.

You may include a file-dropzone in many places, as long as you have configured the column regarding what to do with the file depending on what object it is being dropped for. In some cases, you should create a new Document object, connect it with a certain relationship and then check-in the file.

Here is a complete example of how to configure a helium dropzone:

    <Setting name="dropzone:type_Part">

Please see file manager chapter for more details on how to configure a Drop Zone using TVC.

1.2.7. Primary Image Column

Showing a table column with thumbnails of an object’s primary image, is often helpful for identifying a particular object or to get an overview. Helium features a built-in columntype for this.


The tablecolumn uses lazy-loading to only request images that are within the visible area of the web browser, in order to not waste bandwidth. Images that come into the visible screen area after scrolling will be automatically fetched at that time.

1 Column type set to helium-primaryimage to enable this feature.

1.2.8. User Column

Inbuilt ColumnType for showing an avatar/profile picture in a table cell. Useful for indicating who owns, created, or is assigned to an object. Needs a valid <Expression> to identify the User.


The tablecolumn uses lazy-loading to only request images that are within the visible area of the web browser, in order to not waste bandwidth. Images that come into the visible screen area after scrolling will be automatically fetched at that time.

1 Column type set to helium-user to enable this feature.

1.2.9. Attachments Column

Showing a column with an attachments icon and clicking on the icon will open all the attachments related to that row in a modal. This can be configured as

	<Setting name="Relationship" value="relationship_ReferenceDocument"/>
	<Setting name="Direction" value="From"/>

Default value for Relationship is "Reference Document,Part Specification" and is defined on`tvc.office.server.attachmentRelationships` and for direction is "From".

1.2.10. Version Actions

This can be used to show the actions available on a particular version objects like download a file, check in, check out e.t.c

All Versions

1.2.11. Go There

Shows navigate icon which allows to navigate to a widget. The basic use case can be to show properties or structure of any object. This can be configured as below:

	<Setting name="widgetRef" value="tvc:widget:hex:engineering/EBOM.xml" />

1.2.12. Add To Clipboard

Shows add to clipboard icon, which enables user to add an object to clipboard. This can be configured as below:

		<Label>Add To Clipboard</Label>
		<Alt>Add to Clipboard</Alt>

1.2.13. Classification Column

Classification is a Enovia built-in feature provided by Library central. Any business-object can be classified as per the concept of Library central. Classification is maintained as hierarchy where Library objects act as root objects followed by Family or Classification objects . There can be more Family or Classification objects (also known as Sub Family) beneath a Family or Classification object forming a hierarchy. At the end of hierarchy, classified items will be present. Thus Library central forms the classification path for any business-object.

Columntype helium-classification enables you to configure a column to view and edit the classification path for the businessobjects listing in the datatable.

Below XML configuration displays the built-in classification column with options to add and remove classifications for the respective row object.

Figure 8. Default Classification column

Columntype helium-classification was introduced in release 2022.3.0, to display a classification column and a icon to edit the classification from table-column. A edit form was opening on clicking the edit icon, to update the classification path by typing-in the known classifications. But there was no option to see all the available classifications.

From 2023.2.0 release, introducing a structure table to display the classification in hierarchy order. The edit icon in the classification column opens the default dashboard with a structure table to display the classification in hierarchy order. This hieraracal view helps to find the required classification and update to the respective row businessobject.

Figure 9. Edit Classification with Default Form and structure table

Refer a short video where a classification is updated to a row object.

Below are the optional settings to override the default behavior or the appearance of the classification column

Settings Description


By default this setting is false which means classification edit icon will be shown by default. You can configure the setting to true to hide the edit classification icon .

<Setting name="options">{"hideAddClassificationIcon":true}</Setting>


The default dashboard is tvc:dashboard:helium/ClassificationEditByName.xml. There is another in-built dashboard tvc:dashboard:helium/ClassificationEditByTitle.xml which can be used to view and edit based on the classification title. Moreover You can choose to clone these in-built XML files and configure a new dashboard as per your need for editing the classification. The default dashboard has widgets with widget ids classification-form and classification-str. The widgets are identified through these ids to apply the styles and logics. Maintain the same widget-ids in your new edit dashboard.

<Setting name="options">{"editDashboard":"tvc:dashboard:helium/ClassificationEditByTitle.xml"}</Setting>


you can specify the edit dashboard position using this setting and override the default position.

<Setting name="options">{"editDashboardPosition":{"left": "25%","right": "25%","top": "25%","bottom": "25%"}</Setting>


"Classified Item" is the default relationship to get the classification path. This default relationship can be overriden by the below setting in column configuration.

<Setting name="classificationRelationship">relationship_PartClassification</Setting>


This setting helps to specify from which level of the library heirarcy, the business object must be classified. The default value is 1, meaning that once the library is expanded, business objects can be classified from the first level of the hierarchy.

<Setting name="options">{"classifyFromLevel":2}</Setting>


By default, the name of the classification object is displayed in the classification path. This can be override by the below setting.

<Setting name="displayExpression">${attribute[attribute_title]}</Setting>


You can choose to override the default template with you custom template.

<Setting name="template">helium/templates/classification</Setting>

Below is the sample classification column configuration with all optional settings.


	<!-- Optional Settings -->
	<Setting name="classificationRelationship">relationship_PartClassification</Setting>
	<Setting name="displayExpression">${attribute[attribute_Title]}</Setting>
	<Setting name="template">helium/templates/classification</Setting>
	<Setting name="options">{
		"hideAddClassificationIcon": true,
				"left": "25%",
				"right": "25%",
				"top": "25%",
				"bottom": "25%"
Classification Column will work on 3DDashboard only if tvc.core.structure.expand.filter.usePhysicalId is set to true.

1.2.14. Related Object Column

As the user would like to make connections between object while editing a table cell, for ex connecting a specification to part. Now for such usecase we can configure related object column in helium.

	<GroupHeader>Related Data</GroupHeader>
	<Setting name="options">{
				"formWidth" : "300",
				"formHeight" : "300"

As can be seen in the above config in settings we can pass a formconfig reference which would have all the details about the field which need to be edited.

1.2.15. Favorite Object Column

Shows a favorite icon which will allow user to add or remove objects to/from favorite list.

	<GroupHeader>Inbuilt Columns</GroupHeader>
Figure 10. favorite Column

1.2.16. Create and connect row command

In a structure table it is possible to create and insert a new row at a chosen depth. Select a row and click the "Create and connect row" command to add a child row to the selected parent row.

1.2.17. Upload File Command

This feature requires the TVC File Manager license.

This feature is similar to the "Dropzone above table" in the file manager chapter. Creates a row/new rows when a file is uploaded. The row will not be created until the file is uploaded successfully.

Currently supports the following options:

The table below shows and explains what parameters that you can use:

Parameter Value Notes / Description


String or Object

The id of a predefined createSettings or the createSettings can be defined inline here. See the following createSettings: parameters.


String type

The type of object that will be created. Can be a symbolic name or real name


String policy

The name of the policy to be used for the object that will be created. Can be a symbolic name or real name


True or False

Whether or not to create one document object per file that is dropped. E.g. if the user drops three files, if this setting is set to true, three document objects will be created.

Default is false.


String/JS function

Chars that are not allowed in the file name. [1]


Array of Strings/JS function

Valid file extensions. [1]


Number/JS function

The maximum allowed file size in bytes. [1]


JS function

JS function executed before any table row is created.


JS function

JS function executed after all table rows are created.

when not configured, table is reloaded. custom postProcessor can take care of reloading the table or return true to reload.

  1. Can either be a value, or the name of a JS function returning a value


    <Label>Save file</Label>
        "oneFilePerObject": true,
        "createSettings": {
            "type": "type_CADDrawing",
            "policy": "policy_CADDrawing"
        "badChars": "App.custom.noSpaceOrComma",
        "validFileExtensions": [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".bmp", "gif", ".psd"],
        "maximumFileSize": "App.custom.fiveMegaBytes",
        "preProcessor" : "App.custom.validateFileSize",
        "postProcessor" : "App.custom.returnTrue"

1.2.18. Promote and Demote Command

In order to promote and demote business object(s) from a table widget, the promote and demote methods of App.table.BusinessObject JS API can be used. The API requires a data table reference as the mandatory first argument. After the action is performed, an optional status message can be displayed in the UI, informing whether action was successful or not. To display such message, an optional second argument containing a Toaster instance should be passed..


new App.table.BusinessObject(this).promote();
new App.table.BusinessObject(this, windows.App.toaster).promote();
new App.table.BusinessObject(this).demote();
new App.table.BusinessObject(this, windows.App.toaster).demote();

Inbuilt promote and demote command.





To print the content of widget, the print method of App.Widget JS API can be used. Command can be used either in widget toolbar or header actions. In responsive table only visible content can be printed.

This feature is supported only in View mode.


In Widget Toolbar


In HeaderActions

    <Setting name="OnClick" value="App.Widget.print" />

1.2.20. Display Density Command

A built-in command <DisplayDensity /> can be added to a toolbar in a Table widget. This command allows decreasing height between rows resulting in more rows to be visible. User preference is preserved across sessions.

The user preference will be saved only for the Table widget where this command is used.
Change Display Density

1.2.21. File Package Download Command

A built-in command <FilePackageDownload /> can be added to a toolbar in a Table widget. This command allows bulk download of documents from selected objects using native file manager.

    <!-- Optional fields-->
    <FontIcon>cloud download icon</FontIcon>
To use this command, native file manager needs to be installed and enabled in user’s device.

1.2.22. Search And Connect Command

A built-in command <SearchAndConnect></SearchAndConnect> can be added to a toolbar in a Table widget. This command opens a search modal configured with given searchform and relationships and user can select search results and connect to selected object.

In datatable toolbar :

    <SearchAndConnect >
        <Relationships >
            <Relationship default="true">
            <Relationship direction="to">
        </Relationships >

The table below shows and explains the available tags for SearchAndConnect` command:

Field Value Notes / Description



The list of relationships available for connection in search modal.



Name of the relationship to be added.It has two attributes default (sets the relationship as default selected for connection) and direction(the relationship direction to be used for connection)

Default value for direction is false. Default value for default is false.



The search config path for the search modal.For further details see New Search Experience



Whether context object in table should be expanded after new objects are connected from the modal.


The OnSubmit configuration can be used to perform custom action when user click on submit button on search page.



This will overide submit button label. Default value is Submit

<SubmitButtonLabel>Add To Collection</SubmitButtonLabel>


Want to perform custom action which is not dependent on relationship, then this tag can be set false. The default value of this is true.



To enable/disable command based on row selection. Valid values are
none : command is always enabled,
single : only enable when one row is selected,
multi : enable when at least one row is selected
many : only enable when at least two rows are selected.


Improve the Search And Connect command by adding customizable settings like upperSearchLimitValue and enableSelectAllCheckboxes, similar to NSX search.

We can also customize the Search and Connect Form by including a custom message for users.

Search And Connect Objects

1.2.23. Data Group Command

The data grouping function can be used to group data, based upon column values, into different groups.This function is available from any table page (flat list or structure), and operates on the data within a table/structure.

The data grouping function is launched via a built-in command <DataGroup/>, that can be added to a toolbar in a Table widget.

Figure 11. Data Grouping Button

As an example, assume that you have a structure like in the screenshot below.


Launching the data grouping function and define two groups: type + current state, would give a result like the screenshot below.


The different groups have different colours, and above the table there is a legend where the colour is mapped to the group. The first column after the structure shows the value (label) and the number of rows that mapped the group.

A group can be expanded in order to see the content of a particular group.


Creating data groups based on specific conditions provides a convenient and functional way to meet our data grouping needs.

Light Mode Data Group

This enable user to open a data grouping form inline where user can select the column and apply the grouping even user can cancel the grouping.

This can enable by passing an attribute lightMode value as a true in exiting data group commnad.

<DataGroup lightMode="true"/>
Figure 12. Light Mode Data Group Form

1.2.24. Pre configure Data Group

For some tables user might want to see the preconfigured datagroups, the data can be grouped when the tabe is loaded initially loaded by providing simple configurations in the table config as follows :

        <Name>Material Category</Name>
		<Group condition="match" value="Glass" />
	    <Group condition="match" value="In Work" />

1.2.25. Advance Sorting Command

<AdvanceSorting/> built-in command can be added to toolbar in table widget. This command enable the user to sort the table. By clicking on this command, a UI will appear which enable user to choose desired sorting column and direction. Only sortable column will be appear in dropdown with which the user can choose to sort on up to three columns at same time.

When 'Save Sorting' is checked, the sorting preferences will be retained for future sessions or interactions with the application, providing consistency and convenience. If users prefer to sort temporarily for the current session without affecting future interactions, they can sort without checking the checkbox.

1.2.26. Context Menu

Context menus in tables allow users to access relevant operations for a specific row with just a right-click.

The commands and menus can be configured within the right-click context menu.

Context Menu can be configured like below :

	<Toolbar vertical="false">
		<Menu contextMenu="true" ref="tvc:menu:hex:engineering/ContextMenu.xml"/>

ContextMenu xml can have multiple commands and sub menus , like below:

	<FontIcon>icon edit</FontIcon>
		<Label>Edit Part</Label>
		<FontIcon>icon edit</FontIcon>
		<Setting name="OnClick" value="App.form.edit" />
		<Setting name="OnClickParams">{"formConfigName": "tvc:form:helium/EditPartForm.xml","fullscreen": true}</Setting>
		<Label>Quick View2</Label>
		<FontIcon>ti-c ti-eye-c</FontIcon>
		<Setting name="OnClick" value="App.hex.openDashboard2InSidePanel" />
		<Setting name="OnClickParams">{
		<Label>Object Actions</Label>
			<FontIcon>icon forward</FontIcon>
			<Setting name="OnClick" value="App.table.action.promote" />
			<FontIcon>icon backward</FontIcon>
			<Setting name="OnClick" value="App.table.action.demote" />

Figure 13. Context Menu
In 3DDashboard, Context Menu can be combined with OpenWithMenu.
Context Menu is recommended for non responsive table. However it also works witn non responsive table, but on non responsive part.

1.2.27. Internationalisation

The data table widget supports internationalization. If a translation key is given to an <Label> element the translation for that key will be rendered. If no value is found for that key the actual value of the <Label> element will be rendered.

Customize messages

The following messages is defined in the default.json language file.

    "dataTable": {
        "messages": {
            "decimal":        "",
            "emptyTable":     "No data available in table",
            "info":           "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
            "infoEmpty":      "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
            "infoFiltered":   "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
            "infoPostFix":    "",
            "thousands":      ",",
            "lengthMenu":     "_MENU_",
            "loadingRecords": "Loading...",
            "processing":     "Processing...",
            "search":         "Search:",
            "zeroRecords":    "No matching records found",
            "paginate": {
                "first":      "First",
                "last":       "Last",
                "next":       "Next",
                "previous":   "Previous"
            "aria": {
                "sortAscending":  ": activate to sort column ascending",
                "sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending"
        "editor": {
            "messages": {
                "create": {
                    "button": "New",
                    "title":  "Create new entry",
                    "submit": "Create"

                "edit": {
                    "button": "Edit",
                    "title":  "Edit entry",
                    "submit": "Update"

                "remove": {
                    "button": "Delete",
                    "title":  "Delete",
                    "submit": "Delete",
                    "confirm": {
                        "_": "Are you sure you wish to delete %d rows?",
                        "1": "Are you sure you wish to delete 1 row?"

                "error": {
                    "system": "A system error has occurred (More information)"

                "multi": {
                    "title": "Multiple values",
                    "info": "The selected items contain different values for this input. To edit and set all items for this input to the same value, click or tap here, otherwise they will retain their individual values.",
                    "restore": "Undo changes"

It is possible to override the each message in your own language file by providing a key that matches one of the above. For example to override the dataTable.messages.emptyTable key you would add the following to your language files.

        "dataTable": {
            "messages": {
                "emptyTable": "Currently no rows"

Many translations for the tables can be found on here

1.2.28. API

The table javascript api can be found here

1.2.29. Mass Update

When <AllowMultipleEdit> has been set to true on a table column, the column is editable, and the user has access to edit at least one cell in the column, an icon will appear on the column header that the user can click in order to edit multiple cells in a single column to the same value.

Figure 14. Mass Update icon

The mass update form is shown in modal. If there is more than one column allowed for mass updating, the user can easily change the working column from the drop down list showing the column. The user can choose whether to edit the selected rows or all rows.

User can check "Keep Selection" to retain selection for further mass updating other columns.

By default "Keep Selection" is unchecked.

Figure 15. Mass Update form

1.2.30. Customization

The end user can change certain settings of a TableWidget, and automatically persist those customizations. Settings that are customizable include:

  • Column visibility (hide/show)

  • Data grouping (show/hide)

  • Column order (reorder the initial order from configuration)

  • Pagination length (number of table rows displayed per page)

  • Last sorted column (The column based on which the table should be sorted. Overrides the default/configured sort order)

Figure 16. Checkbox indicates column visibility. Drag-and-drop to reorder.
Figure 17. Pagination

Changes to the above settings are stored per TableWidget, and remembered across page changes and browser sessions, as long as the Dashboard Customization property is enabled.

To reset any customizations for a TableWidget, you can use the Widget Customization reset icon.

1.2.31. Styling / CSS

Offline available table rows

If dynamic caching of object pages has been enabled, the TableWidget now automatically applies a CSS class .offline-available on every <tr> element that has a cached entry.

This opens up for conditional styling, that helps the user understand which objects are cached and thereby possible to open while offline.

Below example is achieved with CSS:

tr.offline-available {
	background-color: #9fd39f !important;
Figure 18. Specific styling of offline-available objects

1.2.32. Table Configurator

A built-in command <TableConfigurator /> can be added to a toolbar in a Table widget. This command allows adding,updating and removing user defined tables and maintaining End User Column Configurator for different tables.

The addition of new columns can only be done for end user tables and not the default file based table defined for a widget.

In datatable toolbar :

    <TableConfigurator default="columns" excludeInterfacePrefix="true" />
Figure 19. Table Configurator Menu Columns View
Figure 20. Table Configurator Menu Tables View

The table below shows and explains the available attributes for <TableConfigurator /> command:

Field Value Notes / Description


columns or tables

The default attribute defines which tab is active by default in menu.

Default selected tab is columns.


True or False

Whether the interface attributes should show interface name prefix in available columns' list.

Default value is true.

It is recommended not to add <ToggleColumnVisibility /> command if <TableConfigurator /> is used as it would be redundant to have both together in a toolbar.
Table Configurator

1.2.33. End User Column Configurator

Users can add and remove columns in a table from the existing list of attributes based on objects present in table including the unified type and interface attributes.

In datatable toolbar :

    <TableConfigurator />

Further, this feature has been extended to add advanced columns where config-admin can write the select expression manually. Refer Column Configurator section under In-App Designer section for more details.

Figure 21. Columns menu

1.2.34. CDM document details widget

We can view the versions of the document object by configuring the columntype helium-go-there as given below:

	<Label>Go There</Label>
	<Setting name="widgetRef" value="tvc:widget:helium:cdm/CDMDocumentVersions.xml" />


If a document object would have several files checked in, you will first see the active version objects for each file checked in.

Active Versions

By simply clicking the go-there again for a particular file, you will then see all the versions of that file.

All Versions

1.2.35. Limitations of the date format table columns

When ClientSideProcessing is disabled, then the search performed using the column filter on date format columns will not give expected results if the date format specified with the tag DateFormat in Helium.xml is identified as invalid by the standard java class java.text.SimpleDateFormat.

For example, if the date format specified with the tag DateFormat in Helium.xml is MMMM Do YYYY, then the SimpleDateFormat Class consider this as an illegal pattern by logging error Illegal pattern character 'o'. In this case, the search results won’t be accurate.

1.2.36. Row Highlight Duration

Row highlight duration post actions such as promote, demote, row refresh e.t.c can be configured as below :

tvc.helium.row.highlightDuration= 5000 //1000 is default value

1.2.37. Path Attachment Column type

The File column type is useful to display the related document(s) and their files in the side panel. However, the File column type will only display the related document(s) connected via the given/default relationships.

There might be cases when the table row object can have the document(s) connected via path (A virtual relationship).If there are document(s) related to the object, a paper clip icon will be displayed and the user can click the icon to get the list of files in the modal.

Path Attachment Column type

The list will show all related document(s) and the files related to each document.

For the document(s), the user will be able to check-in new files if user has access to do so, see basic properties of the document or open the document object in a popup window.

Also, per file, the user will be able to download, view, checkout, unlock, lock or update the file (again, depending on access rights, all actions might not be available).

Unless you provide any settings at all to this data handler, it will default look for "Reference Documents" and "Part Specifications" connected from the object in the table. You can change the behaviour by changing the following settings:

Setting Value Description Required

Column Type


This setting defines what type of column a particular column is.




The direction of the connection




A comma separated list of relationship names (or symbolic names)



owner or element

defines the direction for retrieving the path info for owner/element

No (default is owner)


Proposed Activity.Where

The Path type



An expression

The expression to retrieve the information in the context of path owner or to retreive the path owner in case of fetching the element information


The example below illustrates how user/admin can construct the column of helium-pathattachment column type:

	<Setting name="Relationship" value="SpecificationDocument" />
	<Setting name="Direction" value="from" />
	<Setting name="Render as Row Action" value="true" />

1.2.38. Favorites Command

Favorite toolbar commands can be configured like below to handle multiple objects:

		<Label>Add To Favorite</Label>
		<FontIcon>ti-c ti-star-c</FontIcon>
			"selectionCriteria": "multi"
		<Label>Remove Favorite</Label>
		<FontIcon>ti-f ti-star-f</FontIcon>
			"selectionCriteria": "multi"

Favorite Toolbar Commands

1.2.39. Relationship Attribute Column

A column can be configured in table to view all relationship attribute in form.

<Column usesBusinessObject="false">
    <Label>View Rel Attr</Label>
    <Setting name="template" value="helium/templates/tablecolumn/rel-attribute-form"/>
    <Setting name="options">{
        "formConfig": "tvc:form:helium/RelAttributeForm.xml"

Built in template can also be overridden

{{#if this.cell}}
	{{#xif "this.row.objectId !== this.contextObjectId"}}
	    <a helium-tooltip="{{this.alt}}" href="javascript:;"
	        {{icon 'ti-c ti-arrow-fork-c'}}

Form can be configured like below:

    <Title>Relationship Attribute - ${name}</Title>
    <Section dom-id="all">
            <Label>dynamic fields </Label>
Figure 22. DynamicAttributeField With Relationship Attribute

1.2.40. UIP Table

UIP table is a standalone UI component and it can be used for rendering table data in HELIUM and is currently being used for grid browser.

This can be enabled in helium now by adding attribute UIPTable to TableConfig element of dataTable widget like below:

<TableConfig UIPTable="true">
Figure 23. UIPTable - Flat
Figure 24. UIPTable - Edit Mode

UIPTable provides some improvised features as below:

  1. Edit mode - Changes whole table into edit mode, all the cells which are available for edit will change to edit mode.

  2. Row count & Selected row count.

  3. Column filter.

  4. Indication of editable cells - A small indication will be available on the top left corner of cell if it is editable.

  5. Column manager - To hide or show columns.

UIPTable supports the following features:

  1. Simple columns with an expression.

  2. Client side processing only.

  3. Column sorting.

  4. In-cell editable.

  5. Basic actions (commands) involving selected rows.

  6. Access check for editing.

  7. Group header.

  8. Pagination.

  9. Persist customization - Customization of resized columns will be persisted.

  10. Flat mode only.

1.3. Form

The form component is responsible for editing, creating or displaying object data.

A form can be configured to either be rendered inside of a widget or in standalone fullscreen mode.

The form component can be initialized in the following five modes.


the fields of the form is shown in 'view' mode. No editing controls are displayed.


the form is shown in edit mode with the form controls prepopulated with the values from the given object. The object to be edited is given by passing an objectId as an option in the constructor or if the form is rendered as a widget it can be configured to work with the current context object


renders a form that creates a new object


renders a form that creates an object and connects it to an existing object


renders a form that creates an object and connects the created object to multiple existing objects

CREATE & CREATE_AND_CONNECT form support "Create New" button. This button allows the user to create an object and keep the form open to create another object instantly. When the user clicks on "Create New" button, the form will be submitted, an object will be created, the user will be notified of the new object and the form will remain open for creation of another object. If the user wishes not to create another object, the user can simply submit the form as the user used to previously by using the "Submit" button. For further information see Form in modal

The Edit Toggle button will not be displayed in the form unless the user owns modify access to any of the fields. In this case, if the form is opened in edit mode, the Toggle Edit Mode toolbar command can be used to toggle the modes.

There is factory functions for each mode described in the App.form API.

The form widget supports multiple languages, see i18n for more information.

1.3.1. Widget

To create a form widget create an widget definition XML with the following content:

    <FormConfig namespace="helium">Form1.xml</FormConfig>

The <FormWidget> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


Reference to the XML file that configures the form. See [Configuration](#FormConfig) for further information.

<FormConfig namespace="helium">


If the form should use the current context object. Valid value page. If this element is omitted it is up to the function that creates the form to supply an objectId.



What mode should the form render in. Defaults to edit.



Whether the button that toggles between 'EDIT' and 'VIEW' mode should be visible. Defaults to true.


1.3.2. Configuration

A form consists of sections and fields. Each section holds one or more fields.

The root element of a form configuration is <Form>. It supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The title of the form.

    Test Form


The description of the form



Create a new object utilizing the physicalid.



When the form is used for editing or viewing, a dataset can be used to load the source object for the form. If already in context of an object, that object can be used when for example an Expansion is necessary



Describes how the fields in form should be positioned. For further information see Layout



Choose between submit strategies (Empty = default submit button, AUTO = Submit form on each field change)



Always shows the Edit toggle button in the view mode and View/Submit button in the edit mode irrespective of the user access. Default value is false



Used to divide form fields in different collapsible sections.

A form must have at least one <Section>. The <Section> element supports the dom-id attribute, which is used if a form is configured to use an layout template

For further information see the section chapter


The <Section> element groups different form fields together. A form must have at least one <Section>.

The <Section> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The label of the section. This will be rendered as a header for the current section.

    First section


The field element describes the properties of an form field

For further information see the field chapter


A field used for showing / editing of related objects

See this chapter for more info.

Help messages

To configure a help message for a section specify the helperMessage setting.

Tooltip can be configured by passing the settings listed in Semantic Popup Settings into the tooltipConfig attribute.

A help message when configured is indicated by a 'question mark' next to the section label. On hovering over the icon, tooltip is shown. Tooltip icon (Default : question circle) and icon position (Default : right) can be changed as needed. Icons Link

This helper message can be shown as a modal when the content to be shown in the message is large. On hover message will be truncated and shown and on click of help icon a modal will be opened. This can be easily configured by adding a parameter "helperAsModal": true. By default its value is false.

<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
    "helperMessage": "Help message for this section. May contain html such as <a href='http://example.com'>a link</a> or an i18n key",
    "iconClass":"red question circle outline",
    "tooltipConfig": {
        "delay": {
            "show": 300,
            "hide": 800
        "hoverable": true,
        "offset": 10


    "helperMessage": "Help message for this field. May contain html such as <a href='http://example.com'>a link</a> or an i18n key",
    "iconClass":"red question circle outline",
    "tooltipConfig": {
        "delay": {
            "show": 300,
            "hide": 800
        "hoverable": true,
        "offset": 10

The <Field> element describes the properties of a single field in a form.

It is possible to use the ref or namespace and name attributes to point to an external xml file. Example:

<Field namespace="helium" name="Policy.xml" />
<Field ref="tvc:formfield:helium/Policy.xml" />
If user does not have modify access then field is rendered in non-editable mode.

The <Field> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The label of the field. This will be rendered as an html label element.



The expression that is used to fetch the data for the field



Whether the field is editable or not. Valid values true or false

When DataHandler makes a cell editable or non editable, field definition is ignored. DataHandler always takes precedence over field level setting.



What datatype is the field. For instance string or integer



What field type is the field. For instance select, textarea, richtext, markdown, text, radiobutton or checkbox



What default values should the field contain. The element supports the following attributes:


reference to a java class that is responsible for generating the list of default values


reference to a javascript function that is responsible for generating the list of values.

Currently only applicable if the field type is select

If none of the attributes are present the default values should be given as a list of <Value> elements. See the example.

The default values in the xml configuration, the range values from the database and the current value from the database will be merged with no duplicate values in the list. To avoid this, 'mergeDBValue' attribute with value false can be set on Defaults element.
    <Value value="A">
        <Label locale="sv">
        <Label locale="en">
    <Value value="B">
        <Label locale="sv">
        <Label locale="en">


What client side validation rules should be applied to the field. The following child elements are supported


if the field is required or not. Valid values: true or false


the minimum length of the field. Valid value: Positive integer


the maximum length of the field. Valid value: Positive integer


a regexp that the value must match. Valid value: Valid RegExp. Note: All characters within the <Pattern> tag will be included in the pattern, including initial or trailing spaces or newline characters.


This can be used to avoid users to enter invalid or reserved characters in text field.

Globally configured in tvc.properties `tvc.helium.form.badCharacters = #@)~`. with following xml

Mandatory fields that also appear in red color along with an asterisk on the create/view/edit forms. By default this property is true tvc.helium.form.requiredFieldLabel.red = true



A path to an handlebars template that is responsible for rendering the field. Custom field templates only work in 'VIEW' form mode currently.



Defines a custom delimiter used internally to split/join the range value. The default value is |.

If the range contains values including the comma character, another Delimiter character must be configured.
Do not use pipe separated range value.
  <Value value="Metal,Glass">
  <Value value="Plastic,Rubber">


Facilitates copying text contained within a form field. Default value is false.

Applies exclusively to three form fields: Date, Connect field with Single Value, and Select Range form fields only in edit mode.
Rich Text editor support

Especially multi line attributes that otherwise render as textareas, can sometimes benefit from allowing Rich Text (layouted text/HTML) input as well.

Figure 25. Rich Text editor

Configurable Toolbar Options

By granting control over toolbar options, users can selectively display or hide relevant options. Toolbar options for rich text editor can be easily configured using tvc.helium.richtext.toolbarOptions. Example:

tvc.helium.richtext.toolbarOptions=bold italic | bullist numlist outdent indent

Figure 26. Configurable Toolbar Options
Please refer to TinyMCE version 5 documentation for all available toolbar options. This configuration will be applicable to all richtext fields, Ex - 3DComments.

This can be easily configured by setting the <FieldType>richtext</FieldType> tag. Example:


Hint: you may want to disable Table In-Cell-Editing for attributes containing HTML, and instead launch a Form, as showcased in the video above.

All characters will be stored in non-entity form except these XML default entities: & ( stored as &amp;), < ( stored as &lt;), > ( stored as &gt;).
Markdown editor support

Markdown support for inline text formatting can be achieved with markdown editor using markdown field type.

Figure 27. Markdown editor

This can be easily configured by setting the <FieldType>markdown</FieldType> tag. Example:

Markdown editor support is available only for form fields.

1.3.3. Primary Image Field

Images gives visual identification to enovia objects like Part or Assembly. Helium forms can now show primary image mapped to business object. A new field PrimaryImageField is introduced to render the "Primary Image" of the object. This field also allow user to set, change and delete primary image.

Following is example configuration :-

Figure 28. Primary Image

All select fields have basic autocomplete support. With the options outlined below the behavior can be customized to great extent.

To customize autocomplete provide the following setting:

<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
    "autocomplete": {
        "template": "...",
        "selectize": { ... },
        "handler" : { ... }

Each block, template, selectize and handler is described below.


Provide an path to an template to customize the dropdown. Example of template:


The client utilizes Selectize and all options described in the docs can be used here. Apart from those settings, it also supports custom setting called cache, which will clear the cached options after an autocomplete dropdown close if its value is false and this setting is only applicable with RelatedObject. The valid value is either true or false and default value is true.

To show selectize dropdown outside the widget boundaries. The global level property tvc.helium.selectize.showDropdownOutsideFrame can be defined in tvc.properties file or can be configured on specific field as below

			"selectize" : {
				"showDropdownOutsideFrame" : true;

All settings that are described in the core admin guide can be used in the handler block including all predefined handlers.

If you wan’t to create a custom autocomplete handler, follow the admin guide and pass the java class as the value for the name key.

Full example:

<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
        "autocomplete": {
            "template": "/helium/templates/form/autocomplete",
            "selectize": {
                "preload": true,
                "cache": false,
                "maxItems": null,
                "labelField": "name",
                "searchField": ["name"]
            "handler" : {
                "name": "dataset",
                "dataset": "tvc:dataset:helium/MyParts.xml",
                "select": ["name",  "current"]
Custom client side validation

In addition to the validation rules described above in the <Validation> element, it is possible to provide an javascript function that performs validation. The function will be executed when the field is blurred and the value of the field will be passed to the function. The function must return a boolean, true if the value is valid and false if the value is invalid.

This is configured by providing the following setting:

<Setting name="options">{
    "validator": "App.custom.someJavascriptFunction",
    "validatorMessage": "Error message, either an messeage or a i18n key"
Consolidated Error Message

In form by default errors are displayed at two places. One below respective field and one as consolidated error message near submit button. This is useful when form is big and consolidated message can give overall idea. However, in some cases it might be needed to disable consolidated error. This can be done using the key helium.form.error.consolidatedErrormessgae in tvc.properties. The valid value is either true or false and the default value is true.

Initial focus on a field

To set the focus on a field in edit/create mode add the focus option to the field.

If more than one fields have the focus option set to true, then the last form field is given priority and set to focus. It is recommended to have only one field with focus true.
<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
        "focus": true
datePicker settings

The following settings are supported by date picker.

Name Description


The custom java script function which returns valid minimum selectable date.


The custom java script function which returns valid maximum selectable date.


Boolean(true/false). Show the ISO week number at the head of the row.


The custom java script function which returns valid selectable date. This is the initial date to view when first opened.


Boolean (true/false). Make the defaultDate the initial selected value.


Boolean(true/false). Disallow selection of Saturdays or Sundays.


First day of the week (0: Sunday, 1: Monday, etc).


Number of years either side (e.g. 10) or array of upper/lower range (e.g. [200,2030]).


Number of visible calendars.


Callback function that gets passed a Date object for each day in view. Should return true to disable selection of that day.


Boolean(true/false). Enables both date and time to be shown and edited together. if disabled, only time can be accessed. The default value is false.

NOTE: While editing time, user need to select date to trigger submission.

<Setting name="options">{
        "minDate": "App.hex.todayOrLater",
        "maxDate": "App.hex.endOfProjectDate",
        "showWeekNumber": true,
		"yearRange": [2000, 2030],
		"disableDayFn": "App.hex.disableDayFn",
		"firstDay": 2,
		"yearRange": [2000, 2030],
		"defaultDate": "App.hex.defaultDate",
		"setDefaultDate": true,
		"numberOfMonths": 2

<Setting name="showDateTime" value="true"/>
The below setting format is deprecated and will no longer be supported from Helium release 2019.2.0 onward. Please move it into subobject datePicker as shown above.
<Setting name="options">{
    "minDate": "App.hex.todayOrLater",
    "maxDate": "App.hex.endOfProjectDate"
Conditional dependencies

It is possible to make fields dependent on values of other fields. This is achieved by adding the dependsOn and dependsOnValue attributes to the dependent field element.


<Field dependsOn="someOtherFieldExpressionOrId" dependsOnValue="someValue">

Given the example above, the field will only be visible if the field "someOtherFieldExpressionOrId" has the value "someValue". It is also possible to supply a list of comma separated values, if one of those values is equal to the value of the field "someOtherFieldExpressionOrId" the dependent field will be visible. Note: if the values contains commas you will need to create a custom javascript function as described below.

It is also possible to give an reference to a javascript function as the dependsOnValue value. In that case the supplied function will be executed with the value of the dependsOn field as an parameter. The function must return a boolean value. If the returned value is true the field will be shown otherwise it will be hidden.

For cross section dependencies

<Field crossSectionDependsOn="someOtherFieldExpressionOrId" crossSectionDependsOnValue="someValue">

It is also possible to make sections dependent on value of some field. This can be achieved by adding the dependsOn and dependsOnValue attributes to the dependent section element.


<Section dependsOn="someFieldExpressionOrId" dependsOnValue="someValue">

In above example, the section will only be visible if the field "someOtherFieldExpressionOrId" has the value "someValue". It is also possible to supply a list of comma separated values, if one of those values is equal to the value of the field "someFieldExpressionOrId" the dependent section will be visible.

It is also possible to give an reference to a javascript function as the dependsOnValue value. In that case the supplied function will be executed with the value of the dependsOn field as an parameter. The function must return a boolean value. If the returned value is true the field will be shown otherwise it will be hidden.

Loading custom ranges based on other field values

Specify the dependsOn attribute and also add the element <Defaults> with the attribute functionName set. The functionName must point to an existing javascript function. That function will be executed every time the dependsOn field changes passing the value of the field to the function.

The configured function must return either an array containing javascript objects with value and label properties or a Promise that resolves to an array containing objects with value and label properties.

Example of valid array:

    {"label": "Label 1", "value": "Value 1"},
    {"label": "Label 2", "value": "Value 2"}
Help messages

To configure a help message for a field specify the helperMessage setting.

Tooltip can be configured by passing the settings listed in Semantic Popup Settings into the tooltipConfig attribute.

A help message when configured is indicated by a 'question mark' next to the section label. On hovering over the icon, tooltip is shown. Tooltip icon (Default : question circle) and icon position (Default : right) can be changed as needed. Icons Link

<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
    "helperMessage": "Help message for this field. May contain html such as <a href='http://example.com'>a link</a> or an i18n key",
    "iconClass":"red question circle outline",
    "tooltipConfig": {
        "delay": {
            "show": 300,
            "hide": 800
        "hoverable": true,
        "offset": 10
Preserve Output

Whether to preserve the values retrieved from the database or not. Preserve in this case means that HTML sensitive characters will not be escaped when displayed in the field, e.g., when an attribute contains HTML markup that should be displayed as such. Note that this setting will only be effective for textarea type field.


The HTML sensitive characters in the output will not be escaped. This is the default value.


The HTML sensitive characters will be escaped.

<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
    "preserveOutput": false,
Trim Output

Whether to remove leading and trailing whitespace, newline characters in the value retrieved from the database or not. Trim in this case means that all leading and trailing whitespace, newline characters will be removed when displayed in the field, e.g., when an attribute contains any leading and trailing whitespace, newline characters will be removed and displayed. Note that this setting will only be effective for textarea type field.


All leading and trailing whitespace, newline characters will be removed in the output.


All leading and trailing whitespace, newline characters will not be removed. This is the default value.

<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
    "trimOutput": true,
Default User Icon

Whether to have a default user icon for owner field in create form. This icon can be used to populate owner field with logged in user. Value shown in the selectize field for default is configurable and to be given under setDefaultUserLabel. It can be a user info related string or a function. Some of the user info related strings. By default lable will be context user’s full name.











<Setting name="options"><![CDATA[
        "setDefaultUserIcon": true,
        "setDefaultUserLabel": "App.info.user.fullName",
Figure 29. Default user icon
Default user icon is applicable only for person field with FieldType as select.
Files Field

In a Helium form, you can have a field that enables form to checkin files to the main form object(s). Example:


By default the filesfield is editable as shown in below image. In order to make the filefield non-editable, need to specifically include <Editable>False</Editable> tag.

Figure 30. Files Field

you can easily upload a file by using drag and drop.

There are two delete buttons for cdm enabled field, one for delete latest version and other for delete all versions. For CDM disabled field, there is only one delete button.

FilesField can also be used to display files from related objects. For example, tag <Expression>${from[relationship_ReferenceDocument].to}</Expression> can be included in <FilesField> to display all the files from all objects found through expression value . Expression tag will make the FilesField non-editable and displays the files from related objects found through the expression value alone.

All the files from all object found through the expression value will be displayed in files field. For example, out of given expression if 3 objects are found, all files from all 3 objects will be displayed in files field.

Figure 31. Files section with Expression

These are the sub-elements that are specific to a Files Field element:

Name Description Example


The label of field



Specifies the format to use when checking in the file



It specifies if the "Common Document Model" functionality will be enabled for the field or not



Name of store



Whether the field is editable or not. Valid values true or false



What client side validation rules should be applied to the field. The following child elements are supported


if the field is required or not. Valid values: true or false



A path to an handlebars template that is responsible for rendering the field.



A path to an handlebars template that is responsible for rendering the selected field option.



displays the files from connected objects found through the expression


Editable Expression

define an expression used to control edit access.


Related Object

A <RelatedObject> element is used to place a field in a form for showing/editing of related object information.

The following child elements are inherited from the Field element:

  • Label

  • Editable

In addition, the table below shows RelatedObject specific configuration elements:

Name Description Example


Specifies the relationship and direction to use as basis for this field.

Allowed attributes on the <Relationship> element are


The name of the relationship. Must be specified.


from or to. If omitted, from is the default value.


Optional Specify cardinality. Valid values are "one" or "many". The database will by default be queried what cardinality the relationship in question has.


Optional. Specifies a comma separated list of object types, which the related object(s) must be a type or sub-type of. May be used to reduce the number of related objects the field instance operated upon.


Optional. Specifies an additional where clause to be applied on the related object(s). The where clause will be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE.


<Relationship direction="from" name="relationship_PartSpecification" />
    where="current == 'Released' OR current == 'Finalized'" />


May be used to specify an ENOVIA select expression to be applied on the related object(s).

Note that you may define multiple display selectables.



A JSON configuration object that mainly is used to configure Auto Complete settings.

If you enable editing of the RelatedObject, you must configure Auto Complete settings. For additional information regarding Auto Complete, see this chapter.

Do not mix <Settings name="options"> and <Options> in your field configuration. One of those settings will override the other which will result in undefined behaviour.
        "autocomplete" : {
            "handler" : {
                "name" : "businessobject",
                "typePattern" : "type_DOCUMENTS",
                "vaultPattern" : "eService Production",
                "revisionPattern" : "*",
                "whereClause" : "${attribute[attribute_IsVersionObject]} == 'False'",
                "caseSensitive" : false,
                "searchType" : "contains",
                "value" : "id",
                "limit" : 100

A search UI can be also configured for searching and adding value to field. See second example.

        "autocomplete" : {


This can be used to separate different selectables configured in Display.

For Related object field with cardinality many | is not supported.

Now, the RelatedObject field can be used to set the relationship attributes during the creation of the connection. This can be achieved by adding the below two settings in the field definition.

Set Relationship Attribute Names: Can pass a comma-separated list of attribute names for updating multiple attributes at once. This setting only works in conjunction with the Setting Set Relationship Attribute Values. The number of attribute names configured for this setting must be equal to the number of values configured for the Setting Set Relationship Attribute Values. Otherwise, this setting is ignored, with no relationship attributes updated.

Set Relationship Attribute Values: Can pass a comma-separated list of attribute values for updating multiple attributes at once. This setting only works in conjunction with the Setting Set Relationship Attribute Names. The number of attribute values configured for this setting must be equal to the number of attribute names configured for the Setting Set Relationship Attribute Names. Otherwise, this setting is ignored, with no relationship attributes updated.

Also there might be a case where the attribute values contains comma, so in that case Delimiter can be configured and the attribute names and values should be separated with delimiter.

    <Setting name="Set Relationship Attribute Names" value="TestRelAttribute2|TestRelAttribute" />
    <Setting name="Set Relationship Attribute Values" value="Mukesh|Ashish" />


    <Setting name="Set Relationship Attribute Names" value="TestRelAttribute2,TestRelAttribute" />
    <Setting name="Set Relationship Attribute Values" value="Mukesh,Ashish" />
Dynamic Attribute Field

Dynamic Attribute Field can be used to render multiple fields for an object, either from object type or classification interface. Dynamic Attribute Field is supported only on edit form.

<DynamicAttributeField> element is used to place a field in a form for showing/editing objects dynamic attributes.

The following child elements are inherited from the Field element:

  • Label

  • Editable


    By default attribute fields added dynamically are non editable.

Table below shows the DynamicAttributeField specific configuration elements:

Name Description Example


Specifies Exclude elements to exclude attributes. It supports both symbolic and actual attribute name.



Specifies whether DynamicAttributeField is to be used for Relationship. Valid values true or false. Default is false. Relatationsip name and direction can be configured inside <Relationships>.

<DynamicAttributeField id="dynamicField">
        <Relationship direction="to">relationship_EBOM</Relationship>
        <Relationship direction="to">relationship_PartSpecification</Relationship>
        <Relationship direction="to">relationship_ReferenceDocument</Relationship>


Specifies whether DynamicAttributeField is to be used for ClassificationField. Valid values true or false

Supports below attributes -


Attribute expression to be evaluated on related ClassifiedItem object for retrieving Interface. Default is mxsysInterface.


Field Id of corresponding ClassificationField.

<DynamicAttributeField id="dynamicField">
    <ForClassification interfaceAttribute="attribute[mxsysInterface]" classificationFieldId="classificationfield">true</ForClassification>


Specifies whether DynamicAttributeField is to be used for Interface. Valid values true or false. Default is false.

Supports below attributes -


Attribute expression to be evaluated on the context object for retrieving Interface. If interface attribute is not defined, then it will load all attributes from the interface which is applied to that object.

<DynamicAttributeField id="dynamicField">
    <FromInterface interface="Component Compliance,Material Compliance">true</FromInterface>
Include hidden attributes

In case object has hidden attributes and user would like to have them in the form, an attribute includeHiddenAttributes="true" to be added to DynamicAttributeField tag. This will display the hidden attributes in the form. Values true or yes can be give for attribute includeHiddenAttributes to display hidden attributes. By default its value is false.

	<DynamicAttributeField includeHiddenAttributes="true">
Classification Field

Classification Field is designed based on Enovia Library Central classifications with flexibility to configure classification relationship. It works in correlation with DynamicAttributeField, which renders attributes from interface as defined on classification object. Classification Field is supported only on edit form.

A <ClassificationField> element is used to place a field in a form for showing/editing object classification information.

The following child elements are inherited from the Field element:

  • Label

  • Editable


    By default Classification Field is non editable.

In addition, the table below shows ClassificationField specific configuration elements:

Name Description Example


Specifies the relationship and direction to be used for classification field. By default Classified Item is used as relationship.

Allowed attribute on the <ClassificationField> element is


from or to. If omitted, from is the default value.

<ClassificationField direction="from">relationship_ClassificationItem<ClassificationField/>


References to the dataset to load libraries for this classification field, via the child element <DateSet>. These libraries are passed as argument "libraryIds" to auto complete handler. In default auto complete handler, these libraries are expanded to show families beneath for user selection.

LibraryLoader is mandatory for ClassificationField as it provides initial libraries.
		<DataSet namespace="helium">PartLibraries.xml</DataSet>


Whether to allow multiple classifications. When enabled user can select more than one classification for same object. By default MultipleClassification is disabled and previous classifications are removed.



May be used to specify an ENOVIA select expression to be applied on the related object(s).



When DynamicAttributeField is intended to be used to display attributes corresponding to this ClassificationField, this element should point to DynamicAttribute field id.

This works in correlation with DynamicAttributeField and corresponding DynamicAttributeField should also point to Classification Field.
<DynamicAttributeField id="dynamicField">
    <ForClassification interfaceAttribute="attribute[mxsysInterface]" classificationFieldId="classificationfield">true</ForClassification>
<ClassificationField id="classificationfield">
    <Label>Classification Field</Label>
    <DataSet namespace="helium">Libraries.xml</DataSet>


A JSON configuration object that mainly is used to configure Auto Complete settings.

If you enable editing of the ClassificationRelationship, you can configure Auto Complete settings. If no autocomplete handler is specified, a default autocomplete handler is used to retrive Classification objects. For additional information regarding Auto Complete, see this chapter.

Do not mix <Settings name="options"> and <Options> in your field configuration. One of those settings will override the other which will result in undefined behaviour.
        "autocomplete" : {
            "handler" : {
                "name" : "businessobject",
                "typePattern" : "type_PartFamily",
                "vaultPattern" : "eService Production",
                "revisionPattern" : "*",
                "whereClause" : "current == Active",
                "caseSensitive" : false,
                "searchType" : "contains",
                "value" : "id",
                "limit" : 100
Default Classfication Auto Complete Handler

There is a in built auto complete handler for Classification field, it expands libraries loaded from Library Loader on relationship Subclass. In built handler allows following configurations

Name Description Example


Type pattern to expand Library object

		"autocomplete" : {
				"handler" : {
					  "typePattern" : "Part Family"


Relationship pattern on which Library object should be expanded. Default is Subclass

		"autocomplete" : {
				"handler" : {
					  "relPattern" : "Subclass"


Object Where clause.

		"autocomplete" : {
				"handler" : {
					  "whereClause" : "current == Active"


How the search criteria will operate. Available values:

  • contains

  • startsWith

  • endsWith

Default is startsWith

		"autocomplete" : {
				"handler" : {
					  "searchType" : "contains"


Whether to show classification path in drop down. By default, it is true and classication path from library is shown.

		"autocomplete" : {
				"handler" : {
					  "showClassificationPath" : "true"

It is allowed to configure custom auto complete handler using standard Options and auto complete handler settings.

Structure Editing UI

Below are the optional settings to override the default behaviour or the appearance of the classification field that can be added in editClassification JSON object.

Property Description


The default dashboard is tvc:dashboard:helium/ClassificationFormEditByName.xml. There is another in-built dashboard tvc:dashboard:helium/ClassificationFormEditByTitle.xml which can be used to view and edit based on the classification title. Moreover You can choose to clone these in-built XML files and configure a new dashboard as per your need for editing the classification. The default dashboard has widgets with widget ids classification-form and classification-str. The widgets are identified through these ids to apply the styles and logics. Maintain the same widget-ids in your new edit dashboard.



you can specify the edit dashboard position using this setting and override the default position.

"editDashboardPosition":{"left": "25%","right": "25%","top": "25%","bottom": "25%"}


"Classified Item" is the default relationship to get the classification path. This default relationship can be overriden by the below setting in column configuration.



This setting helps to specify from which level of the library heirarcy, the business object must be classified. The default value is 1, meaning that once the library is expanded, business objects can be classified from the first level of the hierarchy.



By default, the name of the classification object is displayed in the classification path. This can be override by the below setting.


Below is an example to add classification form field configuration to open the classification heirarchy in a modal view where the settings are slightly changed as per use case.

<ClassificationField id="classificationField">
		<DataSet namespace="helium">ClassificationLibrary.xml</DataSet>
		"editClassification": {
			"classifyFromLevel": "3",
				"left": "20%",
				"right": "20%",
				"top": "10%",
				"bottom": "30%"
			"displayExpression": "attribute[Title]"
		 "autocomplete" : {
			 	"handler" : {
			 	    "searchType"             : "contains",
			  		"whereClause"            : "current == Active",
			   		"showClassificationPath" : true
The settings are provided under <Options> where the properties of classication form field are configurable.
Classification field is not supported in create forms.

The <Layout> element is responsible for how the sections and fields in the form should be positioned. If the <Layout> element is omitted all sections and fields will be rendered from top to bottom.

The <Layout> element supports the following child elements.

Name Description Example


The number of columns the form should consist of. Each <Section> element ends up in a column. The value given must be evenly divisible by 12 and cannot be greater then 12. The columns will only be rendered on large screens, if the screen is small the columns will be stacked on top of each other.



A path to an handlebars template that is responsible for rendering the form. If the <Columns> element is present this element will have no affect. For more information regarding layout templates see [Layout template](#LayoutTemplate)



In-built template for showing labels and values separated in a table-like, column based template view. For more information regarding TableTemplate see TableTemplate


Using TableTemplate, form can be rendered in table-like, column based template view.


    <!-- Lots of field elements -->
    <!-- More field elements -->

It can also be combined with <Columns> setting.


    <!-- Lots of field elements -->
    <!-- More field elements -->

NOTE : While using table template with <Columns> setting, choose the number of columns according to the width of field labels for proper layout.

Layout template

By configuring a form to use a layout template it is possible to specify exactly where the different <Section> elements should be rendered. This is accomplished by given each <Section> an dom-id attribute. The attribute value should match an id in your template.

Consider the example configuration below:

    <Section dom-id="left">
    <!-- Lots of field elements -->
    <Section dom-id="right">
    <!-- More field elements -->

And the following handlebars template (/path/to/my/template.handlebars):

<div class="form-template-example">
    <div id="left"></div>
    <div id="right"></div>

This will render the <Section> with dom-id="left" in the div with id="left" and the <Section> with dom-id="right" in the div with id="right".

Form in modal

A form can be rendered in a modal via a custom command. This is achieved by passing in the fullscreen: true parameter when the form is created. Example of such a command:

    <Label>Create Part</Label>
        "formConfigName": "tvc:form:helium/CreatePart.xml",
        "fullscreen": true

It is possible to configure Create New button with Reload Form on Create Part & Create Connect Part form. This is achieved by passing in the showCreateNew:true and reloadForm:true parameter when the form is created.

Default Value of showCreateNew and reloadForm is false.


    <Label>Create Part</Label>
        "formConfigName": "tvc:form:helium/CreatePart.xml",
        "fullscreen": true,
    <Label>Create Part</Label>
    <FontIcon>icon plus</FontIcon>
    <URL href="javascript:App.form.createNew({options: {'formConfigName': 'tvc:form:helium/CreatePart.xml', 'fullscreen': true, 'showCreateNew':false, 'reloadForm':false, modal: {resizableHandles: {autoHide: true, handles:'e, se, s, sw, w'}} }});" />

It is possible to configure the size, position, resize and drag properties of the modal by the following modal property:

    <Label>Create Part</Label>
        "formConfigName": "tvc:form:helium/CreatePart.xml",
        "fullscreen": true,
        "modal": {
            "position": {
                "top": "20%",
                "bottom": "20%",
                "left": "20%",
                "right": "20%"
            "resizable": false,
            "draggable": false

Resizable and draggable properties are by default true. Valid values for the position is either the string auto which will try to center the modal in the middle of the screen or you could pass in an object containing the properties top, bottom, left and right as the example above.

To toggle the controls that are visible in the header pass in the controls object. See example below:

    <Label>Create Part</Label>
        "formConfigName": "tvc:form:helium/CreatePart.xml",
        "fullscreen": true,
        "modal": {
            "position": {
                "top": "20%",
                "bottom": "20%",
                "left": "20%",
                "right": "20%"
            "controls": {
                "dock": true,
                "expand": true,
                "close": true

resizableHandles property is used to enable resize from different positions like right(e), left(w), bottom(s), left bottom(sw) or right bottom(se) of the modal. Default value is se.


    <Label>Create Part</Label>
    <FontIcon>icon plus</FontIcon>
    <URL href="javascript:App.form.createNew({options: {'formConfigName': 'tvc:form:helium/CreatePart.xml', 'fullscreen': true, modal: {resizableHandles: {autoHide: true, handles:'e, se, s, sw, w'}} }});" />
    <Label>Create Part123</Label>
        "formConfigName": "tvc:form:helium/CreatePart.xml",
        "fullscreen": true,
        "modal": {
            "resizableHandles": {
            	"autoHide": true,
            	"handles": "e, se, s, sw, w"

    <Title>Test Form</Title>


        <Columns>2</Columns> <!-- If columns is set it will override the template -->

    <Section dom-id="left"> <!-- If a template is set the dom-id attribute will determine where the section should be rendered -->
        <Label>Section 1</Label>
    <Section dom-id="right">
        <Label>Section 2</Label>
            <Validation> <!-- Validation rules which are sent to the client -->
            <Defaults>   <!-- Defaults supports attributes className='java.class' and functionName='javascriptFunctionName' -->
                <Value value="Test Everything">
                    <Label locale="en">Everything, Test</Label>
                    <Label locale="sv">Testar</Label>
                <Value value="Ove">
                    <Label locale="en">Ove</Label>
                    <Label locale="sv">Ove</Label>
                <Value value="Patrik">
                    <Label locale="en">Patrik</Label>
                    <Label locale="sv">Patrik</Label>


1.3.4. Templates

Create Forms have built-in functionality for users to save form data as templates that be used for later.

As shown below, the form data can be saved as templates and same saved template can be used to load data on the new form.

Figure 32. Save Form Templates
Figure 33. Load Form Templates

Please note that the templates that are saved on one form can only be loaded on the same form type. Templates are saved per user, meaning they cannot be shared to other users.

Templates can be enabled/disabled on individual forms using a configuration:



Templates are currently available on forms in Create mode.

1.3.5. Multivalue attribute field

Multiple values can be added by selecting multiple values from the drop down or type in new values, this can be configured as below:

    <Label>Test Multi Value</Label>
    <Expression>attribute[Test Multi Value]</Expression>
    <FieldType multiple='true'>select</FieldType>

For allowing free text value can in multivalue attribute fields, this can be configured as below:

    <Label>Test Multi Value</Label>
    <Expression>attribute[Test Multi Value]</Expression>
		<Setting name="options">

            "autocomplete": {
                "selectize" : {

    <FieldType multiple='true'>select</FieldType>
For dynamic multivalue attribute fields from interface this will be available by default based on schema configuration of attribute.

1.3.6. i18n

The form widget supports multiple languages via the i18n framework. To make your form multilingual use translation keys in your configuration instead of hardcoded names.

For example instead of configure your form like this, where the <Label> is hardcoded to always show Weight:

    <!-- more elements -->

Use a translation key that is defined in your language files instead. For example:

    <Label>form.fields.labels.weight</Label> <!-- a key that points to a translation -->
    <!-- more elements -->

If the translation key can’t be resolved the actual value of key will be rendered, in this case form.fields.labels.weight.

Form messages

The following form messages is defined in the default translation file (default.json). By looking at the key names it should be pretty self explanatory when they will be rendered in the form.

    "form: {
        "messages": {
            "invalidPattern": "This field should have pattern {0}",
            "stringTooShort": "This field should contain at least {0} numbers or characters",
            "stringTooLong": "This field should contain at most {0} numbers or characters",
            "invalidTime": "Invalid time",
            "invalidEmail": "Invalid Email address",
            "invalidIPv4": "Invalid IPv4 address, e.g.",
            "invalidPassword": "Invalid Password",
            "invalidURLFormat": "The URL provided is not a valid web address.",
            "wordLimitExceeded": "The maximum word limit of {0} has been exceeded.",
            "invalidZipcodeFormatFive": "Invalid Five-Digit Zipcode (#####)",
            "invalidZipcodeFormatNine": "Invalid Nine-Digit Zipcode (#####-####)",
            "keyNotUnique": "Keys of map field are not unique.",
            "keyMissing": "Map contains an empty key.",
            "stringNotAnInteger": "This value is not an integer.",
            "invalidDate": "Invalid date for format {0}",
            "stringNotAJSON": "This value is not a valid JSON string.",
            "editorAnnotationsExist": "The editor has errors in it that must be corrected",
            "noneLabel": "None",
            "stringValueTooSmall": "The minimum value for this field is {0}",
            "stringValueTooLarge": "The maximum value for this field is {0}",
            "stringValueTooSmallExclusive": "Value of this field must be greater than {0}",
            "stringValueTooLargeExclusive": "Value of this field must be less than {0}",
            "stringDivisibleBy": "The value must be divisible by {0}",
            "stringNotANumber": "This value is not a number.",
            "stringValueNotMultipleOf": "This value is not a multiple of {0}",
            "invalidValueOfEnum": "This field should have one of the values in {0}.  Current value is: {1}",
            "notEnoughItems": "The minimum number of items is {0}",
            "tooManyItems": "The maximum number of items is {0}",
            "valueNotUnique": "Values are not unique",
            "notAnArray": "This value is not an Array",
            "addItemButtonLabel": "Add New Item",
            "addButtonLabel": "Add",
            "removeButtonLabel": "Remove",
            "upButtonLabel": "Up",
            "downButtonLabel": "Down",
            "chooseFile": "Choose file...",
            "chooseFiles": "Choose files...",
            "dropZoneSingle": "Click the Choose button or Drag and Drop a file here to upload...",
            "dropZoneMultiple": "Click the Choose button or Drag and Drop files here to upload...",
            "disallowValue": "{0} are disallowed values.",
            "notOptional": "This field is not optional.",
            "tooManyProperties": "The maximum number of properties ({0}) has been exceeded.",
            "tooFewProperties": "There are not enough properties ({0} are required)"

It is of course possible to override all of these messages in your custom language files, for example to override the stringTooShort key you would add the following to your language files.

    "form": {
        "messages": {
            "stringTooShort": "The string you provided is to short. It should contain at least {0} letters"

1.3.7. API

The javascript API is described here

1.4. Lifecycle

The lifecycle widget can be used to display the lifecycle of an object you are in context of. It will render all of the states horizontally and has functionality for simple promoting and demoting.


Currently the lifecycle widget is not able to render signatures.

Below is an example of how this widget is configured:


1.5. History

The history widget can be used to display the history of an object you are in context of. It will render all of the history entries in a table with the ability to filter on it. Also it supports sorting and initial sort will be on basis of date in ascending order.

The data from history widget can be exported to excel or PDF and provision to print history can be included as toolbar commands.


Below is an example of how this widget is configured:

    <OnInitOption name="sortDirection" value="asc" />
    <OnInitOption name="sortColumn" value="when" />
    <Toolbar vertical="true">
            <FontIcon>ti-c ti-large ti-excelexport-c</FontIcon>
            <FontIcon>ti-c ti-large ti-file-pdf-c</FontIcon>
            <FontIcon>ti-c ti-large ti-printer</FontIcon>

1.5.1. Sorting options

The OnInitOptions listed above can be used to change the initial sorting, which by default is sorted by time, oldest first.

sortDirection is either asc or desc (default asc)

sortColumn is any column name from ['when', 'state', 'action', 'user', 'description'] (default when)

1.6. Count

The count widget executes a dataset and renders the number of hits.


1.6.1. Options

Name Description Required


Reference to a dataset to load



The text color (#FFF)



The widgets background color (#34495e)



What icon to show (could be icons from semantic-ui.com)



The icon color (#FFF)



Possible values: right, left, center



Your own handlebars template



Reference to a dashboard used for drilldown



A function that is executed when the widget is clicked



If the result contains more hits than maxCount a + sign will be added (99+)


Below is an example of how this widget is configured:

<CountWidget xmlns="http://technia.com/helium/Widget">
    <!-- Title will be used in drilldowns -->
    <!-- Required -->

    <!-- Optional -->
    <OnInitOption name="background" value="#34495e" />
    <OnInitOption name="color" value="#fff" />
    <OnInitOption name="iconColor" value="#fff" />
    <OnInitOption name="iconClass" value="icon file" />
    <OnInitOption name="iconAlignment" value="right" />
    <OnInitOption name="maxCount" value="999" />
    <!-- You can specify dashboard to drilldown to -->
    <OnInitOption name="drillDown" value="tvc:dashboard:helium:main:projectspace/ProjectDrillDown.xml" />
    <!-- Or execute a Javascript function-->
    <OnInitOption name="onclick" value="App.custom.yourCustomFunction" />

1.6.2. Limitations

The Count widget does not support headerless template.

1.6.3. Customization

If the icon doesn’t align properly a class can be added to the "iconClass" option for custom css.

<OnInitOption name="iconClass" value="icon file custom-class" />

1.7. Tile

The tile widget can be used to display a table, rendered in another way. It still uses a TableConfig for defining and retrieving its data, but using a Handlebars template the objects can be rendered in a fully custom way. There is also a default tile template provided.


1.7.1. Options

Name Description Required


Reference to a tableConfig to load



Enable selection of objects, for performing actions. Default is false.



Your own handlebars template



A function that is executed when the tile is clicked. Default is to navigate to the object.



Below is an example of how a TileWidget is configured:

    <Title>Tile widget</Title>
    <!-- Optional parameters below -->
    <OnInitOption name="selection" value="true" />
    <OnInitOption name="onClick" value="App.routing.open" />
    <OnInitOption name="template" value="helium/custom/hex/templates/common/widget/images-tile" />

1.7.2. Built-in commands

Tile Widget supports local search (filtering) in the same way as a TableWidget. To enable it, configure the <Search/> command as described here


1.7.3. Limitations

The Tile widget does not support TableConfigs with server side processing. Other commands from the TableActionHandler are not guaranteed to work in the same way for Tile Widgets as for TableWidgets.

1.8. Recent Objects Widget

The recent widget can be used to display a list of objects that the user has recently visited. The built-in widget uses TableConfig for defining and retrieving its data and a handlebars template to display the data. Both of them can be overridden if needed, for e.g. to fetch and display information in a different way.

Figure 34. Recent Objects Widget

1.8.1. Options

Name Description Required


Title for widget, default, 'Recent' or value returned by i18n key, recent.title



Reference to a tableConfig to load



Your own handlebars template


By default, 20 latest visited objects are stored/ displayed. A TVC property, tvc.core.recentobject.limit can be used to define different limit, e.g. tvc.core.recentobject.limit = 30

Below is an example of how a RecentObject Widget is configured:

<RecentObjectWidget />

If you’d like to use your own table for loading data and template for rendering, a sample configuration could be:

    <Title>acme.label.last.viewed</Title> <!-- i18n key  -->
    <OnInitOption name="tableConfig" value="tvc:tableconfig:acme/LastViewedObjects.xml" />
    <OnInitOption name="template" value="helium/custom/templates/common/widget/last-viewed" />
    <OnInitOption name="selection" value="false" />
    <OnInitOption name="onClick" value="App.custom.openObject" />

In addition, the com.technia.tvc.core.recentobject.RecentObjectHandlerManager Java class has APIs that can be used to get, save, and clear recently visited objects. See TVC Core Admin guide for more information of configuring recent objects.

Looking to configure recent objects within a menu in Topbar instead? See Recent Object Menu for more information.

1.9. Favorite Objects Widget

The favorite widget can be used to display a list of objects that the user has added as favorite. The built-in widget uses TableConfig for defining and retrieving its data and a handlebars template to display the data. Both of them can be overridden if needed, for e.g. to fetch and display information in a different way.

Figure 35. favorite Objects Widget

1.9.1. Options

Name Description Required


Title for widget, default, 'Favorite' or value returned by i18n key, favorite.title



Reference to a tableConfig to load



Your own handlebars template


By default, 10 latest added objects as favorite are stored/ displayed. Property, tvc.helium.favoriteObjects.limit can be used to define different limit, e.g. tvc.helium.favoriteObjects.limit = 30

Below is an example of how a FavoriteObject Widget is configured:

<FavoritetWidget />

If you’d like to use your own table for loading data and template for rendering, a sample configuration could be:

    <Title>acme.label.favorite</Title> <!-- i18n key  -->
    <OnInitOption name="tableConfig" value="tvc:tableconfig:helium:favoriteobject/Favorite.xml" />
    <OnInitOption name="template" value="helium/templates/favorite/favorite" />
    <OnInitOption name="selection" value="false" />
    <OnInitOption name="onClick" value="App.custom.openObject" />

In addition, the com.technia.helium.core.ui.favorite.FavoriteDataObjectService Java class has APIs that can be used to get, add, and clear favorite objects.

Java class com.technia.helium.core.ui.favorite.FavoriteObjectLoader can be used as a dataset to build desired UIs with favorite object list.

Looking to configure recent objects within a menu in Topbar instead? See Favorite Object Menu for more information.

1.10. Clipboard Widget

The clipboard widget can be used to show objects, selected by the user. The content of the clipboard is maintained between sessions. The built-in widget uses TableConfig for defining and retrieving its data and a handlebars template to display the data. Both of them can be overridden if needed, for e.g. to fetch and display information in a different way.

Clipboard objects can be removed by clicking on minus circle icon.

Clipboard widget is not supported with offline pages.
Figure 36. Clipboard Widget

1.10.1. Options

Name Description Required


Title for widget, default, 'Clipboard' or value returned by i18n key, clipboard.title



Reference to a tableConfig to load



Your own handlebars template


Below is an example of how a Clipboard Widget is configured:

<ClipboardWidget />

If you’d like to use your own table for loading data and template for rendering, a sample configuration could be:

    <Title>acme.label.clipboard.items</Title> <!-- i18n key  -->
    <OnInitOption name="tableConfig" value="tvc:tableconfig:acme/ClipboardItems.xml" />
    <OnInitOption name="template" value="helium/custom/templates/common/widget/clipboard-items" />
    <OnInitOption name="selection" value="false" />
    <OnInitOption name="onClick" value="App.custom.openObject" />
User can defined at most one clipboard widget per page.

1.11. Clipboard Store

The content of the clipboard is by default stored into a set in the database.

This set is saved with the name mxClipboardCollections, if the ENOVIA version is V6R2009 of later. For earlier versions, this name is .clipboard.

It is however, possible to change this name through the following init-parameter (the name must not be longer than 127 characters, and might only contain characters that are valid for ENOVIA sets):

    <param-value>My Clipboard</param-value>

1.12. Clear Clipboard

To clear the content of the clipboard, the clear method of App.clipboard JS API can be used. The command can be used in Clipboard widget toolbar.


In Clipboard Widget Toolbar

			<Alt>Clear Clipboard</Alt>
			<FontIcon>ti-c ti-broom</FontIcon>

1.13. Collections

Helium contains functionality allowing the user to work with collections. A collection is used to store arbitrary business objects.

1.13.1. Configure Collection:

Collections can be enabled from widget toolbars.

Adding <collection/> elements in toolbar, will enable a collection menu with 4 default commands.

  1. Add to Clipboard

  2. View Clipboard

  3. Add to Collection

  4. View Collection

Collection default menu will appear in UI as shown in below image.


Add to Collection command

This command opens a 'Add to Collection' widget in sidepanel and allows the user to add the selected objects from datatable to an existing or new collection. New collection can added by selecting the Add New Collection option in the select input field.

Add new Collection option can be internationalized by key helium.collection.addToCollection.addNewCollection using String Resource properties file.


View Collection command

This command opens a 'View collection' widget in sidepanel and allows user to view and manage collection objects. Collection widget has 6 default toolbar commands for managing the collection objects.


1.13.2. Manage collections:

User can manage the collections and its content from collection widget. Below 6 default toolbar commands in Collection widget enables users to manage their collection objects.

  1. Filter

  2. Create Collection

  3. Clear collections

  4. Delete collections

  5. Distribute selected collection(s)

  6. Merge selected collections



Lists the collection that contains the given search string in collection name.


Create collection

Enables to create a new collection object


Clear collections

Removes all the contents from the selected collections


Delete collections

Deletes the selected collections.


Distribute selected collection(s)

Enables to distribute the selected collections to another user within the same company as the user.


Merge selected collections

Enables to merge selected collections to a new or an existing collection object. User can choose to retain or deleted the old collections after the merge operation using the 'Keep old' field. And if merging to an existing collection, user can choose to append or not.


1.13.3. Manage collection

User can manage the individual collection widget content by using default toolbar commands:-

  • Search and Add

  • Remove

  • Clear Collection


Search and Add

This command opens a pre-configured search form to allow the user to search object and add to the collection.


1.13.4. Remove

This command will removed one or more objects from the collection widget.

1.13.5. Clear Collection

This command will clear all the content of the collection.

1.13.6. Customize Collection


Collection default commands can be customized to change the label, font Icon, alt and visibility as shown in below xml.

    <FontIcon>Collection Icon</FontIcon>
    <AddToClipboard />
    <ViewClipboard />
    	<!-- 1 . Add to Collection label changed to My Collections -->
    	<Label>My Collections</Label>
    	<!-- 2. default Font Icon changed to 'Favourite Icon' -->
    	<FontIcon>Favorite Icon</FontIcon>
    	<!-- 3. Default Alt changed -->
    	<Alt>Add your favourite object</Alt>
    	<Label>My Collection</Label>
    	<FontIcon>Collection Icon</FontIcon>
    <!-- 4. visible='false' will hide "View Collection" command -->
    <ViewCollection visible='false'>
    	<Label>Display Collection</Label>
    	<FontIcon>Collection Icon</FontIcon>

Collection widget is configured to open in a sidepanel by default. But it can be customized to include in your required dashboards.

In order to configure in required dashboard, two widgets need to be included in the required dashboard as shown in below sample XML. The first widget (Collections.xml) is for viewing all collection objects, and the second widget(Collection.xml) is required for opening the individual collection object. Hence both the widgets should be included in the required dashboard.

Ideally no element values in the below widgets are suggested to change, except the positioning values.

		<Widget namespace="helium:collections" name="Collections.xml">
		<Widget namespace="helium:collections" name="Collection.xml">

1.14. IframeWidget

While Helium is designed as a JSON-driven Single-Page Application, and we generally discourage the use of legacy iframes, sometimes embedding web pages from other applications or even servers can be necessary.

Another useful scenario of when to use an <IframeWidget> is if you want to reuse a JSP based tvc-action from the TVC Classic component family. Because the IframeWidget will receive the context objectId as a parameter, this enables using Helium for its standalone mode, while embedding TVC views that normally are seen inside 3DExperience.

The below example shows how you can embed the Gantt Chart view from TVC Graphic Reporting. Note that the Page’s objectId is passed into the <IframeWidget> automatically.


1.14.1. Options

Name Description Required


Widget title, seen in header



The URL to embed within the IframeWidget, to which ?objectId={objectId} will be appended



A way to pass CSS classes and styling, see below


Full example, showing the configuration for above Gantt Chart scenario.

  <Title>Gantt Chart</Title>
  <!-- Wrap the URL in a CDATA section to avoid issues with ampersands and other special characters -->
  <!-- Some ${macro} variables can be used within the Src element: ${CONTEXT_URL}, ${ROOT_DIR}, ${TVC_ACTION} -->
  <Src><![CDATA[${TVC_ACTION}/ganttChart?name=Sample&subHeader=TVC Graphic Reporting Sample&suiteKey=ProgramCentral&suiteKey=ProgramCentral&emxSuiteDirectory=programcentral&emxSuiteDirectory=programcentral&StringResourceFileId=emxProgramCentralStringResource&StringResourceFileId=emxProgramCentralStringResource&mode=replace&valueIndex=0&colName=Name&targetLocation=content]]></Src>
        <!--"id": "hidden-iframe",-->
        <!--"template": "some/other/template",-->
        <!--"classes": "additional classes separated with space",-->
        <!--"width": "100%",-->
        <!--"height": "100%"-->