01 December 2023

1. Widget

1.1. Widget header actions menu

While designing heium widgets, you would like to direct the end user’s immediate attention to core features that you want your user notice. Now, all the right sided header icons on widget can be grouped under header actions menu(ham-burger) icon. It allows your widget header to have a neater design, with less clutter on the screen. Other icons will be visible on hovering over the ham-burger icon.

This feature can be configured by using tvc.helium.widget.enableHeaderActionsMenu=true global setting or by using <EnableHeaderActionsMenu> tag for individual widget where priority will be given to <EnableHeaderActionsMenu>.

When header actions menu icon is configured:

Figure 1. Ham burger icon visible

When header actions menu icon is not configured:

Figure 2. Ham burger icon not visible

Refer Widget for more details.

1.2. FontIcon on widget title

Well-designed icons, in combination with text, will enhance usability and readability, and creates a meaningful link between the icons and ideas expressed in the content. Now, an icon can be configured with a widget title using <FontIcon>. It also has the flexibility to position left/right of widget title as per convenience using <IconPosition> tag. The default value for widget icon will be towards right of widget title.

FontIcon when position if left:

Figure 3. Left positioned of font icon

FontIcon when position if left:

Figure 4. Right positioned of font icon

Refer Widget for more details.

2. Table

2.1. Table Configurator - Reset Table

Helium allows end user to customize table according to their requirement. These customizations allow to have preference over column order, size, and column visibility. The widget reset function served to reset both the widget and all tables. Now, with this release, we’ve introduced individual table specific reset functionality. This feature allows you to restore default settings for user preferences in each table independently.

Figure 5. Reset Table

Refer Table Configurator for more details.

2.2. Preview Image for Files Column

Helium Table have capability to display all data from single view. Like files can be shown in row with respected connected object itself. It would be helpful for end user to show files preview from this view. From this release onwards, Image can be previewed in the modal. Setting tvc.helium.showPreviewFileInModal can be configured to true in 'tvc.properties' file. By default, it’s false.

Figure 6. Files preview in modal

Refer Files Column for more details.

3. NSX Search Panel

In earlier release, it is enabled to select/deselect all range options and add custom message in NSX Search panel for the search feature. Now we are extending the same features for the Search and connect search panel.

3.1. Select / Deselect All

It is now enabled to select/deselect all the range options in search and connect Search panel through the setting enableSelectAllCheckboxes.

    <Setting name="enableSelectAllCheckboxes" value="true" />
Figure 7. Select all
Default value for enableSelectAllCheckboxes is set to false.

3.2. Custom message

It is now enabled to configure custom message on the search and connect search panel through the Message tag.

<Message color="red" position="bottom">
    Warning : This query can cause performance issues.
Figure 8. Custom Message
position attribute supports top and bottom values. It supports all standard colors. Default color is red and position is bottom.

4. Form

4.1. Classification Field - Structure Editing UI

From this release onwards, same structure UI is present for the classification form field like we have for table column. The properties are configurable and can be changed as required. The structure UI opens the dashboard in a modal view in case the classification heirarchy is required to show in a structured format. Kindly refer the short video below for more clarification.

Classification Field has been enhanced to display the classification (Library and Family objects ) structure in edit classification modal. From this release, introducing a structured table to display the classification in hierarchy order. This hierarchical view helps to find the required classification and update to the respective field.

5. Other

In addition, a lot of small improvements and bug fixes have been made as well.