21 March 2016

1. Tables

This section describes available configuration possibilities when you create your own tables and/or modify existing tables in order to configure how the Structure Browser displays information.

Figure 1. Structure Browser in action

1.1. Selected Row Counter

The selected row counter gives the user the count of the number of objects that have been selected. This features is applicable for all tables.

Figure 2. Selected row counter

1.2. Column Parameters

Tables consist of column definitions. Each column has a number of configurable parameters, which are described in the following table.

Parameter Description Accepted Values/Examples


The access tab can be used to assign which persons, roles, and groups who should have access to a specific column. The default value is "All", which means that all users will have access to the column. Note that if no explicit access has been defined on the column, the system assumes that all users should have access.

Persons, roles, and groups.


This field defines a tooltip text that will be available when the column’s values are displayed as hyperlinks. The value can be either plain text or a string resource ID. Note that using a string resource ID requires that the "Registered Suite" setting have been defined.

Applies To

This property defines whether the expression applies to business objects or relationships.

Business Objects



The select expression that should be used to retrieve the data that will be displayed in the column. Note that the "Applies To" parameter defines whether the expression applies to business objects or relationships. This parameter accepts select expression macros. See Using Select Expression Macros for more information.







This field defines the column heading. The value can be either plain text or a string resource ID. Note that using a string resource ID requires that the "Registered Suite" setting have been defined.






This field defines which URL to request when the column’s values are displayed as hyperlinks. Note that the objected parameter is added to the URL by default and its value is the business object ID for the current row. Use the setting "Alternate OID expression" to configure which business object ID to send with the parameter. Also, note that directory macros are supported on this parameter. See Using Directory Macros for more information.





The name of the column definition.




Additional settings that can be used to configure the behaviour of the column. See Column Settings for more information.


1.3. Column Settings

Every column within a table can contain an arbitrary number of settings. Settings are made up of name-value pairs. The following table describes the settings that are recognized by the Structure Browser.

Setting Description Accepted Values/Examples

Access Mask

Access Expression

Access Function

Access Program

These settings can be used to control user access to a table column.

See Controlling Access to UI Components for more information


Admin Type

Defines the kind of admin type the selected values represents.

Supported values are

  • Type

  • Relationship

  • Role

  • State

  • attribute_<name>


Allow Multiple Edit

This setting can be used to control if the column will have the multiple update icon present in the header.

True / False (Default)

Allow Show More

This setting is used to display conversions for those attributes that has a dimension (Matrix 10.7 feature) associated when using column type dimension.

True (Default) / False

Allowed In Charts

This setting can be used to disallow using a column within the chart tool.

True (Default) / False

Alternate OID Expression

This setting can be used to control which object ID is sent with the objectId parameter when the column’s data is displayed as a hyperlink. It can also be used to define what related id to modify when column is editable. An attribute called usesBusinessObject has been added to element to control if the selected ids is relationship ids. Note, editing of related multi value attribute is not supported.

The value for this setting should be a valid select expression that returns object-ids.



<AlternateOIDExpression usesBusinessObject="false">to[Issue].id</AlternateOIDExpression>

Alternate OID Expression Uses Business Object

This setting can used in combination with Alternate OID Expression to control if the selected ids is relationship ids when column is editable The value for setting is true or false. Default is true

<Setting name="Alternate OID Expression" value="to[Issue].id" />

<Setting name="Alternate OID Expression Uses Business Object" value="false" />

Alternate Type expression

This setting can be used to control which type icon is displayed in a column when the Show Alternate Icon setting is true.

The value for this setting should be a valid select expression that returns type names.



Alternate Policy expression

This setting can be used to localize the related state configured through expression.

The value for this setting should be a valid select expression that returns policy.



Always Visible

This setting is used to disallow hiding the column.

True / False (Default)

Auto Complete Handler

This setting is used to define which autocomplete handler to use.

This setting requires the column type to be set to autocomplete. See more details in the Autocomplete chapter for built-in column Data Handlers and Cell Renderers.

  • type

  • user

  • dataset

Auto Complete Settings

Settings for autocomplete handler. See autocomplete chapter in TVC Core Admin guide for more details.

    "handler" : {
        "dataset" : "tvc:dataset:tvx:enc/ECOs.xml"

Calculate Average

This setting can be used to calculate the average value of the cells within the column.

True / False (Default)

Calculate Maximum

This setting can be used to calculate the minimum value among the cells within the column.

True / False (Default)

Calculate Median

This setting can be used to calculate the median value of the cells within the column.

True / False (Default)

Calculate Minimum

This setting can be used to calculate the minimum value among the cells within the column.

True / False (Default)

Calculate Standard Deviation

This setting can be used to calculate the standard deviation of the cells within the column.

True / False (Default)

Calculate Sum

This setting can be used to calculate the sum of the cells within the column.

True / False (Default)

Calculation Decimal Precision

Default number of decimals when rounding results calculated within tables.

This setting can be used to override the default setting from the AEF system properties.

A negative value will force using the default AEF setting.

An integer value

Card ID

Defines the id of the card opened inside the side panel. If this value equals to "new" or is left unspecified, the side panel will always load a new card.

See this chapter for more information regarding the side panel.


Card Title

Defines the title of the card opened inside the side panel. If this value equals to "auto" or is left unspecified, the title of the side panel is taken from the "title" of the loaded page inside the card.

See this chapter for more information regarding the side panel.


Card Load Script

This setting can contain a Java Script, which is launched each time the card is loaded.

See this chapter for more information regarding the side panel.


Card Reloadable

Defines if the card should be reloaded each time it is displayed, or if to launch the "Card Load Script" upon repeatedly loads.

See this chapter for more information regarding the side panel.

True / False

Card Width

Defines the width of the side panel, when displaying the specified resource.

See this chapter for more information regarding the side panel.


Cell Editable Expression

This setting can be used to define an expression used to control edit access to a particular cell. See this chapter for more information.

current == "Create"

Cell Showable Expression

This setting can be used to define an expression used to control show access to a particular cell. See this chapter for more information.

context.user.isassigned[A Role]

Cell Renderer Class

Defines the class that responsible for rendering the content of the cell. The value must be a fully qualified class name of a class that inherits from com.technia.tvc.structurebrowser.render.cell.TableCellRenderer.


Check From Access

Whether to check modify access on the from-side of a relationship when rendering a cell in edit mode. If the value is true and the current user has modify-access on the from-side of the relationship the cell will be rendered as a form input field.

True (Default) / False

Check To Access

Whether to check modify access on the to-side of a relationship when rendering a cell in edit mode. If the value is true and the current user has modify-access on the to-side of the relationship the cell will be rendered as a form input field.

True / False (Default)

Classification Attribute

It is used along with the editable setting for the interface attribute column. When the interface attribute is used for expression and its default value is blank then this setting is required to be true to make the column editable.

True / False (Default)

Column Function

This setting is used to render the cell at client side using defined function in value. Defined function will be executed with two arguments. one is JSON object which is containing cell values and another is cell HTML element.

Column Icon

This setting defines which image file to use when the "Column Type" setting is an icon. The value of this setting should be a relative path to an image file originating from the "common" directory.

  • images/iconActionEdit.gif

  • images/iconSmallFile.gif

Column Type

This setting defines what type of column a particular column is. Accepted values are program, programHTMLOutput, checkbox, image and icon.

The number of column type values is not fixed. Different TVC components can provide their own column types.

The values for this column are retrieved using a JPO. See the "program" and "function" settings for more information.


The values for this column are retrieved using a JPO. The difference between this value and "program" is that the values returned by the JPO are rendered as HTML. See the "program" and "function" settings for more information.


The column values will be rendered as checkboxes. Depending on optional business logic defined in a JPO, a checkbox can be shown enabled or disabled. See the "program" and "function" settings for more information.


The column will be rendered as an icon. See the "Column Icon" and "Icon Class" setting for more information.


This support requires that the MatrixOne program for images is present, e.g., the "emxImageManager" program. Images are not exported to Excel. Use the column type primaryimage if this is required.

Column Width

This setting defines the width of the column header. However, the width might be changed dynamically, depending on the width of the content within any cells in this column.

Any integer value greater than zero


This setting applies to the input elements of type "textbox" and "textarea" when a column is rendered in edit mode. The value should be an integer defining the width of the input element.

Any integer value greater than zero.

Data Handler Class

This setting defines a custom data handler for a particular column.

If you have implemented your own Data Handler, all settings mentioned within this table may not work since your implementation might not consider all settings.

The value must point to a Java class available in the classpath, which implements the interface com.technia.tvc.core.db.table.evaluator.DataHandler.

Decimal Format

This setting defines a custom decimal format to use for the display values of numerical cells.

See java.text.DecimalFormat for more details on the format syntax.

The optional init-param tvc.structurebrowser.formatNumberLocale (default false) can be activated to localize the format according to the user’s web browser locale.

A string value pattern conforming to the java.text.DecimalFormat syntax

Example: $ ,#0.0

Decimal Format Scale

Scales a numerical cell value equal to (value * 10n) where n is the configured value.

The scale will only apply if Decimal Format is present.

Example (millions): -6


Defines a custom delimiter used for multi value attributes.

| (Default)


Defines a description for the column. The description appears as a tooltip when the mouse is over the column header.

Display Format

Defines behaviour when the "Format" setting is set to user.


An icon is added

Icon With Link

A link + icon is added


Only the link is generated

Display Separator

Defines the separator that will appear when multiple values are rendered inside one cell. This is only applicable for the HTML view of the table, and will not affect an export or printer friendly view.

Default value is the <br> tag.


Editable Mask

Editable Expression

Editable Function

Editable Program

These settings can be used to control whether a user should have access to edit a column or not. Note that the user must have modify access on the business object on a particular row in the table to actually be able to edit the value of the cell.


Excel Data Format

Defines the format of the value when exported into Excel (Native)


Exclude From Report

This setting defines if the column should appear in reports / exports of the table.

True (default) / False


Defines if the column should be searchable in the finder search form.

True / False (default)

Finder Label

Displayed in the search form to identify the search field. If omitted the label of the column is used.

Finder Order

A number value used to define in what order to display the fields in the search form. The column with the lowest order number is displayed first.

Any integer value.

Finder Tooltip

Additional information displayed when mouse cursor is hovering the search field. The tooltip also supports localization using string resources.

Finder Type

Defines the type of search field to use.

  • freetext

  • range

  • boolean

  • date


This setting can be used to lock a column to the left side in the table when scrolling horizontally.

True – The column will be fixed (if all columns to the left of the column also have "Fixed" to true).

False – The column will not be fixed. This is the default.


This setting can be used to override the default data type of the values in a column. It will affect how the values are displayed, sorted and edited. This is particularly useful when you have an attribute whose data type is a string but it actually contains something else, e.g., integers, dates. For instance, the data type of the attribute "Find Number" on an "EBOM" relationship is a string but usually you want the system to treat the values as integers.


The column’s values will be treated as dates.


The column’s values will be treated as integers.


The column’s values will be treated as numbers.


The column’s values will be treated as booleans.


Converts the user name to the user’s full name


Generates a "mailto:" link.

Format For Edit

This setting defines if the new value in column should be formatted before updating. This could be useful when OOTB JPO is used for updating column value. This allows user to control whether to format the new value or not.


The new value is formatted. This is default.


The new value is not formatted.


The name of the method that will be invoked on the JPO defined by the "program" setting.



Defines if the column is groupable.

By default, the groupable value is the same as the setting "Allowed In Charts"


The column is groupable


The column is not groupable

Group Header

Defines a group header for the column. Typically, a group header is used to group several columns together, with a common label. The setting need to be defined on all columns that are part of the group.

The value can refer to a value from a string resource file, if the Registered Suite setting is defined.

A string

Group Header Is HTML

Defines if the group header is in HTML format.

True / False (default).

Header Rotation Angle

An integer specifying the rotation in degrees for the header.

The header will be rendered vertically when we are not using the legacy mode setting i.e. the value for tvc.structurebrowser.headerRotationLegacyMode is set to false.

Note that Header text will be shown in Tooltip in case of rotated header, except when the <Description> is explicitly given.

An integer, default is 0.

Rotated Header Font

The font to be used for rotated headers.

The value should be a value acceptable by the java.awt.Font.decode(String) method.

This value is only used when rendered in the HTML view.
Multi-byte characters might not be rendered correctly when using Java 1.5 or previous versions. To correct this, copy the font files into the JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/fonts directory on the application server.
  • arial-bold-12

  • arial-plain-12

  • verdana-bold-14

Header No Wrap

This setting defines whether or not the header text for a column may wrap or not.


The column header is not wrapped


The column header is wrapped if needed (Default).

Header No Wrap on Print

This setting defines whether or not the header text for a column may wrap or not when the table page is generated in PDF.


The column header is not wrapped


The column header is wrapped if needed (Default).

Header No Wrap on Export

This setting defines whether or not the table header text for a column may wrap or not when the table is exported to Excel.

This setting will only be used when the new Excel export mode is enabled.

The column header is not wrapped


The column header is wrapped if needed (Default).


Whether a column should be hidden or not.


The column will not be displayed.


The column will be displayed (Default).

Icon Class

Specifies the font icon to use by defining its CSS class(es). The setting "Column Type" must be set to "icon". Font Awesome is included by default.

fa fa-tags

In Cell Edit

If cells in the column can be edited using in-cell-edit


The column will be editable just by clicking it


The cell will not be editable just by clicking it

Input Type

This setting defines the type of input element that will be rendered for a column in edit mode. The default value for this setting depends on what type of value is displayed. If the column has range values the default type will be "combobox", or when the expression of the column returns the value of a multiline attribute the default type will be "textarea", otherwise the default type is "textbox".


The input element will be rendered as text box accepting a single line. Note that if "format" is "date" the calendar will be enabled for the input element.


The input element will be rendered as text area accepting multiple lines.


The input element will be rendered as a combo box displaying a dropdown with accepted values.


In edit mode the input element will be rendered as a checkbox.

Link Type Icon

Whether to add icons on links to business objects (i.e. when the mxLink is used).

True (default) / False


This setting defines if the column is "locked" in the table; e.g. if the user can re-arrange it or not.

Don’t confuse this setting with the "fixed" setting.

True / False (Default)

Match Range On Object ID

This setting can be used to specify that the range value should be matched against the object-id associated with the cell.

By default, the range value is matched against the value of the cell.

True / False (Default)

Match Range On Relationship ID

This setting can be used to specify that the range value should be matched against the relationship-id associated with the cell.

By default, the range value is matched against the value of the cell.

True / False (Default)

Navigation Column Enabled

Used to disable the use of certain columns as navigation column.

True (Default) / False

No Wrap

This setting defines whether the column’s values will be wrapped or not.

By setting this to True will disable the function to resize the column.

The column’s values will not be wrapped unless the actual values contain line breaks.


The column’s value will be wrapped whenever needed to fit within the bounds of the column without enlarging the table too much. This is the default value.

No Wrap on Print

This setting defines whether the column’s values will be wrapped or not when the table page is generated in PDF.

By setting the value to true might result in that the content doesn’t fit the page.

To disallow the text to wrap.


Allows wrapping

No Wrap on Export

This setting defines whether the column’s values will be wrapped or not when the table page is exported to Excel.

This setting will only be used when the new Excel export mode is enabled.

To disallow the text to wrap.


Allows wrapping

On Edit

This setting defines the value which can be applied when the table column is in edit mode.

Supported values are:

  • refresh-row

  • refresh

  • reload

  • collapse

  • expand

  • re-expand

  • expand-fully


This refresh the row


The page is refreshed, but no new data is selected from the database explicitly


This will result in selecting the data for all row again and refresh the page


This will collapse the node and refresh the page


This will expand the node and refresh the page


If the node is expanded this will expand the node again and refresh the page


This will expand the node in all level and refresh the page


This setting determines whether the exported table should have its values sanitized to plain text, removing any HTML tags if present.


The column values will be sanitized to plain text if any html tags are present.


The column values will not be sanitized for html tags (Default).

Popup Modal

This setting applies when the "Target Location" is "popup".


The popup will be modal. A modal popup will not allow the window that opened the popup to gain focus until the popup is closed. This is the default value.


The popup will be modeless.

Preserve Output

Whether to preserve the values retrieved from the database or not. Preserve in this case means that HTML sensitive characters will not be escaped when displayed in the table, e.g., when an attribute contains HTML markup that should be displayed as such. Note that if "Column Type" is set to "programHTMLOutput" this setting will not have any effect.


The HTML sensitive characters in the output will not be escaped.


The HTML sensitive characters will be escaped. This is the default value.


Defines if the column should be present in the printer friendly format of the table


The column is printed (default)


The column is not printed.


The name of the JPO to invoke on a column which "Column Type" setting is "program", "programHTMLOutput", or "checkbox".


Range Handler Class

The name of a class, which provides the column with range values. The class must implement the interface com.technia.tvc.core.gui.table.RangeHandler


Range Function

The name of the method to invoke on the JPO that is used to retrieve accepted range values for a column when editing.


Range Program

The name of the JPO that is used to retrieve accepted range values for a column when editing.


Registered Suite

This setting defines which application the column belongs to. The value should be the name of an application as defined in the emxSystem.properties file when removing the "eServiceSuite" prefix. For instance, if the name of the application in emxSystem.properties is "eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral" then the value for this setting should be "EngineeringCentral".

This setting will cause the system to send the "suiteKey", "emxSuiteDirectory", and "StringResourceFileId" parameters in the URL when the column’s values are displayed as hyperlinks.

Note that this setting is required for the system to know which string resource file to use when the Heading or Alt of a column has been specified as a string resource ID.

  • Framework

  • InfoCentral

  • EngineeringCentral

  • ProgramCentral

Render As Multi Value

Controls how multi value attributes are rendered in edit mode.


(Default) Rendered as one input field field that can hold multiple values. Currently date attributes is not supported.


Render As Row Action

As of TVC 2012.1.0, it is possible to configure the Structure Browser to provide a row-actions menu holding common actions that applies to a row.

This setting can be used to move a column that otherwise would have been displayed in a separate column into this menu. Note that all columns cannot be moved, there are some requirements.


The column will be moved


The column will NOT be moved (Default)


This setting applies to the input elements of type "textarea" when a column is rendered in edit mode. The value should be an integer defining the height of the input element.

"Show More" icon depends on "Rows" and "Text Length" settings. See this chapter for more information regarding the Show More Icon.

Any integer value greater than zero.


This setting can be used to disallow using the column within the structure search function.


The column is searchable (default)


The column is not searchable

Show Alternate Icon

This setting can configure a column to show a different icon than the current row’s object icon. The "Alternate Type expression" setting must be defined in order for the system to know which icon to display.


An alternate icon will be displayed.


No alternate icon is displayed (Default).

Show Object Image

This setting defines whether to show the current row’s business object image in the column or not. This setting will be ignored when "Show Alternate Icon" or "Show Type Icon" is defined.


The image will be displayed.


The image will not be displayed (Default).

Show Type Icon

This setting defines whether to show the current row’s business object type icon or not.


The type icon is displayed.


No type icon is displayed (Default).


This setting defines whether a column should be sortable or not.


The column is sortable (Default).


The column is not sortable.

Sort Comparator

This setting defines a custom comparator to be used when sorting the data within the column. The value is a fully qualified class that implements the java.util.Comparator interface.


Sort Direction

This setting can be used to configure that a column should be sorted by default.


The column will not be sorted by default (Default)


The column will be sorted in ascending mode


The column will be sorted in descending mode

Sort Order

This setting can be used to configure in which order a column sorted in when sorted by default. The value for this setting should be an integer value where a lower value gets a higher priority. The default value is 1.

Any integer value.

Sort Type

This setting defines how the values of a column should be sorted.


This is the default value. It implies that the values are sorted according to the data type of the column, e.g., if the data type is "integer" then the values are sorted as such.


The values should be sorted as numbers.


The values should be sorted as alphanumeric characters.


The values should be sorted as dates.


Will do standard string comparison.

Style Header

Apply custom style information to the table header.

You might override important styles, use this feature with caution.



Style Cell

Apply custom style information to a table cell.

Javascript is applicable for dynamic cell styles. Call print to add style information.

Available JavaScript variables:

  • values (list of the available cell values)

  • relationshipType (row relationship type)

  • type (row object type)

  • name (row object name)

  • revision (row object revision)

  • policy (row object policy)

  • state (row state)

  • rowNumber (the number of the row)

You might override important styles, use this feature with caution.



OR (dynamical)

    if (values.size()==1 && values.get(0)=="") {
        if (rowNumber%2==0){
        }else {

Style Cell Value

Apply custom style information to a table cell value.

JavaScript is applicable for dynamic cell value styles. Call print to add style information.

Available JavaScript variables:

  • values (list of the available cell values)

  • value (cell value)

  • relationshipType (row relationship type)

  • type (cell value object type)

  • name (row object name)

  • revision (row object revision)

  • policy (row object policy)

  • state (row state)

  • rowNumber (the number of the row)

You might override important styles, use this feature with caution.



OR (dynamic)

    if (value <= 0) {

Style Calculation

Apply custom style information to a table calculation.

JavaScript is applicable for dynamic table calculation styles. Call print to add style information.

Available JavaScript variables:

  • value (calculation value)

  • type (calculation type AVERAGE, MAXIMUM, MEDIAN, MINIMUM, STDDEV or SUM)

You might override important styles, use this feature with caution.



OR (dynamic)

    if(type=="MINIMUM" && value<=0){

Target Location

This setting defines the target frame when the column’s values are displayed as hyperlinks. Common values are "content", "popup", and "tableHiddenFrame", but there are other frames as well depending on in what context the table is shown.

The value might depend on your ENOVIA version, some of the targets may not exist or have a different name.

The page is displayed in the content frame.


The page is displayed in a popup window. This is the default value.


The page is displayed inside the side-panel.


The page is displayed in a hidden frame (i.e., it will not be visible to the user).


The page is displayed in the side-panel. The difference between this target location vs. the target location "card", is that the shown page will not appear in the card-history of the side panel.


Text Align

Defines how the text should align in the cell. If the cell represents numeric values, the values are automatically right aligned, unless overridden by this setting.

  • Left

  • Center

  • Right


Text Length

Defines the maximum number of characters to appear in the cell. If the number of characters in a cell text exceeds this value the text is truncated and a tooltip is used to display the full text.

If the value is set to 0 (zero), the text will automatically truncate to a length that fits within the column. If the column is made wider the text will automatically truncate to a higher length or, if not needed, not at all.

"Show More icon" depends on "Text Length" and "Rows" setting. See this chapter for more information regarding the Show More Icon.

Auto truncated cell content is not supported for Tiled, Tiled2 and Hierarchy view.

An integer value


Defines whether values should be localized or not.

In order to set the localization for the Table on a global level, the below config needs to be added in web.xml or tvc.properties:

  • tvc.core.db.table.enableLocalization Whether or not the localization functionality is enabled. The default value is TRUE. FALSE turns it off.

  • tvc.core.db.table.strictLocalization Whether or not the localization functionality should be strict with the AEF specification. Strict localization means that columns whose expression refers to an attribute will get their localized values from the localized attribute ranges, instead of getting them from the range values on the cell (which supports localization). The default behavior is to localize the value using the range values, i.e., not strict.


Values might be localized (default)


Values will never be localized

Truncate Direction

Defines truncate direction on column, If the number of characters in a cell text exceeds this text Length .

If truncate direction is center then user needs to provide additional setting LeftTextLength & RightTextLength. By default truncate direction is right.


The text will be truncated from the start.


The text will be truncated at the center.

Update Function

The name of the method to invoke on the JPO that is used to update the value of a row in the column while editing.


Update Program

The name of the JPO that is used to update the value of a row in the column while editing. See Update Column Values for more information.


Use Rule

This setting defines if to handle access rights according to the rule assigned to the attribute for the column.

Using rules will affect the performance, since this will require selecting additional information to evaluate whether or not the user has access.

True / False (default)

Use Transaction On Edit

Defines if an update transaction should be started that surrounds the modification of the cells value.

True / False (default)


This setting defines whether a column should be visible or not.

The user is able to define his/her own set of visible columns.


The column will be visible (Default).


The column is not visible.

Visible In Edit Mode

This setting defines whether a column should be visible in edit mode or not.


The column will be visible in edit mode (default).


The column will not be visible in edit mode.

Visible In Flat Mode

This setting defines whether a column should be visible in flat mode or not.


The column will be visible in flat mode (default)


The column will not be visible in flat mode.

Visible In Read Mode

This setting defines whether a column should be visible in read mode.


The column will be visible in read mode (default)


The column will not be visible in read mode.

Visible In Structure Mode

This setting defines whether a column should be visible in structure mode.


The column will be visible in structure mode (default).


The column will not be visible in structure mode.

Window Height

This setting applies when the "Target Location" is "popup" and defines the height of the popup window in pixels. The default value is 600.

Any integer value greater than zero.

Window Width

This setting applies when the "Target Location" is "popup" and defines the width of the popup window in pixels. The default value is 700.

Any integer value greater than zero.


This setting applies to publishing an event on the edit of the column. If the gadget has Subscribes to event, then that gadget will be automatically refreshed.

Example: <Publish>SubscribeJqplot</Publish>

Display Today’s Date

This setting applies to the calendar whenever the user wishes to open a calendar with today’s date as the default.

True / False (Default)


This setting applies to link column to make them draggable. This setting should be applicable in context of 3DDashboard only.


The column will draggable in 3DDashboard widget.


The column will not be draggable(default).

1.4. Rotated Column Header

Column header rotation can now be achieved using pure CSS as opposed to the exisiting action call and generating an image. The rotated headers will render the column labels vertically. The existing method of generating rotated header using as an image can be achieved by using the below configuration in web.xml :-


The default value for this setting is set to false.

Figure 3. Rotated Column Headers

1.4.1. Column Header Rotation

Users can rotate the column headers through the column context menu. The headers can be either vertical or horizontal. This feature requires the setting tvc.structurebrowser.headerRotationLegacyMode to be set to false. The user selection for column header orientation will be remembered for every table.

1.5. Show More Icon

To show many rows within one cell we truncate the cell value using Show More icon. On clicking the "Show More" icon all the values present in cell display as tooltip. Show More icon depends on "Rows" and "Text Length" setting. Default value of "Rows" is 3. This value can be override through global parameter as shown below.



Single Value

Single Value is the cell value having single object seperated by new line character. "Show More" icon for single value can be controlled through global parameter like below:

    <param-value>true/false</param-value> (1)
1 Default is 'True'

"Show More" indicator for single value can be enabled at column level using "Rows" and "Text Length" setting, as shown below and the show more icon for single line text can be enabled if the user can provide zero in the Rows tag.


Table 1. Single Value
Without Show More Icon With Show More Icon

Multiple Values

Multiple Values are the cell values having multiple object.

"Show More" icon for multiple values can be enabled at column level using "Rows" setting like below:


    <Expression>from[Multiple Objects].to.name</Expression>
Figure 4. Multiple Values Show More