27 April 2016

1. Other

1.1. ENOVIA 2015x+ - Load Page Into Content

In ENOVIA 2015x and above, it can be problematic to load a page into the "content" frame and at the same time hide some of the user interface related to page headers etc.

Example shown in screenshot below.

Figure 1. Load page example

For example if you have loaded an object specific page, you might have the categories to the left and some extended page header area above. This is exemplified in the screenshot below.

Figure 2. Object page

Simply having the Target Location setting on the command set to content will not result in that the extra area highlighted above is made hidden.

TVC contains a JSP page that will help to work around this problem. Instead of calling your page directly, you can do as shown in the example below:

MQL<1>pri command TVXHomePage;
command TVXHomePage
  label 'TVX Home Page'
  href '${ROOT_DIR}/tvc/core/enovia/LoadContentPage.jsp?page=tvc-action/tvxPersonalTopPanel/foo.jsp?panel=tvc:toppanel:tvx:common:toppanel:personal/PersonalHomePage.xml'
  setting Target Location value content
  user all
  created 4/26/2016 3:18:57 PM
  modified 4/27/2016 10:02:42 AM

E.g. you can load the page ${ROOT_DIR}/tvc/core/enovia/LoadContentPage.jsp that first will reset the view before loading the page as provided via the page parameter.

1.2. Dialog window behavior

In Enovia 2015x OOTB , emxNavigator.jsp?isPopup=true is used to open popup windows.

From TVC - 2018.4.0 onwards, the requests for opening popup windows are redirected to emxNavigatorDialog.jsp In 2015x some FP versions work fine with new method of redirection to emxNavigatorDialog.jsp, while some FP versions work fine with old method of emxNavigator.jsp If for a specific enovia version the new method is not required then below configuration can be used to go back to the old method.

The old method of opening dialog windows can be activated globally by setting tvc.core.dialog.forward to NAVIGATOR.

tvc.core.dialog.forward accepts following values:

Value Description


It uses the emxNavigator.jsp to open popup windows.


It uses emxNavigatorDialog.jsp to open popup windows.


It opens the URL in the popup directly without navigating through emxNavigatorDialog.jsp or emxNavigator.jsp

Example using tvc.properties:


Example using web.xml:


1.3. User cache (com.technia.tvc.core.db.UserUtils)

The user cache is caching the roles and groups available with the default settings below if a role or group is not found in the cache it will be added incrementally There are a couple of properties to control the behavior of the user cache listed below.

Property Description Default Value


Cache is loaded during tvc initialization



Use cache or always query database for role or group



Name pattern to filter what roles are initially cached on start up



Where clause to filter what roles are initially cached on start up

name nmatch ctx* && name nmatch *PRJ


Name pattern to filter what groups are initially cached on start up



Where clause to filter what groups are initially cached on start up

1.3.1. PerosonInfo cache (com.technia.tvc.core.db.model.PersonInfo)

The PersonInfo class is responsible for retrieving a person’s information from the database and caching it. The following property is to control the behavior of the PerosonInfo cache.

Property Description Default Value


Use cache or always query database for person information


1.4. Recent objects

Recent objects is a filter that can be used to store recently visited objects. It is configured via servlet filter in the web.xml


There are some settings to control the recent objects below:

Property Description Default Value


What handler to use to store recent objects. There are two built in handlers, dataobject and set



The limit of how many recent objects should be stored



When using the set handler the name of the set to be stored

Recent Objects


Defining a custom RecentObjectHandler by implementing com.technia.tvc.core.gui.recentobject.RecentObjectHandler

There is a built in loader defined that can be used to populate a structure browser table with recent objects com.technia.tvc.structurebrowser.recentobject.loader.RecentObjectLoader

1.4.1. ObjectId request parameter for FCS checkout URL

The FCS checkout URL, in conjunction with the jobTicket request parameter, serves as the means to download or checkout a file. In scenarios where a filter is defined to perform additional operations on the FCS URL based on the objectId, it becomes necessary to include the objectId as a request parameter. To facilitate this requirement, consider utilizing the following system property.

Property Description Default Value


add ObjectId as a new request parameter in FCS checkout URL
