06 May 2016

1. General

1.1. New Documentation Format

As of this release we have switched from using a mix of PDF/HTML documentation into one common HTML format for our products.

Administration Guides, Installation Guide, Developer documentation and Release Information are all combined into the same bundle, which can be downloaded and installed offline or installed into a server with HTTP access depending on your choice. The documentation will also be browseable directly from https://products.technia.com

The TVC documentation bundle also includes a search tool making it easier to find the information of interest without having to search through multiple sources.

1.2. TVC Helium

A new version of TVC called TVC Helium is as of this release available. TVC is now available in two different versions, Classic and Helium. TVC Classic is still often referred to as just TVC, and TVC Helium is sometimes just called Helium.

TVC Helium is available for download from https://products.technia.com

1.3. Browser Support

As of this release, the lowest Internet Explorer (IE) version supported is 9.0.

Customers using IE 8 should stay on the 2015.3 version of TVC.

1.4. Better Integration With ENOVIA 2015x+

A helper page has been provided to make it easier to load pages into the content frame and make it hide the extra user interface area that otherwise would be been blank.

Please see more details here.

2. Core

Below are the changes related to TVC Core.

2.1. Tab Page - Reset

The tab page now has a reset button that will reset the tabs to its initial state.

Figure 1. Reset button

2.2. Collaboration / Discussion

2.2.1. Notification Categories

It is possible to categorize messages like in Microsoft Outlook™ using up to six different categories.

Each category may be renamed by the user.

Below is an image illustrating this

Figure 2. Categorization

2.2.2. HTML Content in Messages

Discussion messages may now contain HTML markup.

2.2.3. Custom Inbox Context Actions

It is possible to add additional context actions to Inbox Context Menu.

Below is an image illustrating this

Figure 3. showing additional context actions

3. Structure Browser

3.1. New Toolbar

The toolbar has been redesigned in order to have a more modern look & feel, use less browser screen real estate and also be responsive and behave better on narrower screens.

Below is a screenshot how the new toolbar.

Figure 4. The new toolbar

The new toolbar may if wanted be configured to look like how it was in previous versions of TVC via a configuration parameter.

The new toolbar will impact the UI in the Structure Browser, Grid Browser, MCAD Optimizer and XBOM Manager components,

3.2. UI Improvements

Table / Loader / Forms / Icons

3.3. Forms - Interface Attributes

Support for using attributes defined on interfaces added for both Fields and DynamicAttribute fields.

3.4. Forms - Classification Field

Ability to configure which page config to use for the ClassificationField in a Create form used when navigating the libraries.

3.5. Forms - Warn Message

Possibility to configure forms to warn user when leaving form without saving changes.

This can be configured globally or per form instace.

4. Graphic Reporting

4.1. Workflow

The workflow functionality allows you to create custom workflow process around any type of object in Enovia. The workflow functionality is located in a side panel on the right side of the page content. This allows the users to create workflows around an object while still being able to navigate around the different pages of an object.

Some of the features are:

  • Workflows in context of ENOVIA™ objects

  • Real time notifications on workflow events

  • Inbox to view received tasks

  • Approve or reject a task

Below is a screenshot showing the workflows in context of an object.

Figure 5. Listing context object workflows

This feature is part of Graphic Reporting but requires installing the Collaboration component through the TVC Installer.

Read more here.

4.2. New jqPlot Chart Types

A number of new chart types has been added

Chart Type Example

Date chart


Donut chart


Horizontal bar chart


Multi Date Chart


Multiline Chart


Multiline Date Chart


Stacked Bar Chart


4.3. Charts with Multiple Series

Multi dimensional chart can be implemented using SeriesExpression or multiple Expressions.

Below are some examples illustrating this:

Figure 6. Multiline Date Chart
Figure 7. Stacked Bar Chart

Read more here

5. Closed Bugs

The table below contains the bugs reported by any customer.

Issue No Description


TVC Collaboration panel incorrect enabled for non-specified Types


Sidpanel not loaded properly


Replication of threads/notifications in ehCache between instanances doesn´t work


Export To Table not working as expected in GridBrowser


Users with organizations not rendered at reply


Subject over 48 charachters break styling/alignment of DiscussionThread


Title attribute on Subject is missing


XML Schema does not match documentation


Undefined error popup when doubleClick on filterItems


DiscussionThreads not found when searching in ehCache


Group by and printer friendly displays null values


CheckIn Field does not consider BadChar setting


Forms returning duplicates created objects


Fixed setting not working in Grid Browser


2015.1.4 post Updrade issue


Basic and Optional tabs are not static in Create Part form


Freeze row axis column not working in grid browser when use sort by setting in dataloader


Create Graphics: Create page closes but does not take you to the Graphics properties page if created when PPM page is open.


"404 - Resource Not Available" when resizing column on empty 'Resizable (Frozen)' table


Calendar week display in US locale


BadChars setting in top panel and table giving extra message