22 June 2023

1. Batch Jobs - Information About Check-In Action

Check-in action now persists information about the checked-in file. The information is persisted as job parameters, which are visible in the Admin UI. The parameters can be also utilized e.g. when triggering new job or sending mail via job event handlers.

Figure 1. Job Parameters

For example:

            <Checkin fileName="${name}.pdf" />
            <NewJob jobcfg="tvc:jobcfg/MyJob.xml" copyParams="true" copyObjectId="true" />
                    File Name: ${job.param.fileCheckin.file.name}
                    Version Object ID: ${job.param.fileCheckin.version.id}
                    Object ID: ${job.param.fileCheckin.object.id}
                    Object Type: ${job.param.fileCheckin.object.type}
                    Object Name: ${job.param.fileCheckin.object.name}
                    Object Revision: ${job.param.fileCheckin.object.revision}
                    Object Current: ${job.param.fileCheckin.object.current}

2. Fixed Bugs

Below is the list of fixed bugs as of this release.

Issue No Description


TIF migration throws Invalid Password TVC Exception


Directory listener for Create/Update integration does not move the file to out/err when using destinations AND update source file set to FALSE.