22 June 2018

1. New Features

1.1. Number formatting in chart tooltip

Number formatting in statistics chart tooltip has more convenient presentation.

1.2. Content disposition header in Configurable REST Services

Content disposition header can be configured in file read operation of Configurable REST Services. The header is used to indicate to client how it should treat the downloaded file.

1.3. Support for using custom Java implementation in batch jobs

File modifications in batch jobs have so far required to be run on Windows based OS.

It is now possible to use custom Java classes to perform file modifications. There are also some Java based reference implementations bundled with TIF:

  • externalFileConverter can be used to call an external file converter process to convert file to PDF.

  • lowagiePdfWatermark stamps PDF watermark using Lowagie PDF library contained in TVC.

  • poiPropertyUpdater updates Office document properties using Apache POI Java library contained in TVC.

See chapter "Batch Jobs" in ENOVIA/3DExperience Connector documentation.

1.4. Proxy Configuration

You can configure proxy settings via the following properties within ${TIF_HOME}/etc/tif.properties:

  • http.proxy

  • https.proxy

1.5. SSL configuration for HTTP destinations

SSL settings such as keystore and truststore can be configured for HTTP destinations. The configuration is common for all HTTP destinations.

1.6. Pickup delay per job configuration or queue

Pickup delay can be now configured per job configuration or queue via TVC init properties.

1.7. Support for custom Java class to provide text for PDF watermark

In batch jobs, it is possible to use a custom Java class to provide text for PDF watermark.

1.8. HTTP response evaluation

Response from a HTTP destination can be evaluated more precisely per job configuration. You can either configure a list of HTTP success status codes or implement a custom status evaluator.

2. Fixed Bugs

Below is the list of fixed bugs as of this release.

Issue No Description


TNR id locator fails to identify objects having forward slash in their TNR


TNR id locator escapes type, name and revision parameters incorrectly


Issue with sending payload, if the encoding is unknown


Content-Type configuration for HTTP destination


HTTP destination only accepts status code 200 as successful response


Configurable REST service does not store transformed end result of outbound payload