03 February 2017

1. General

1.1. Java 8 Required

As of this release, TIF now requires Java 8.

The ENOVIA/3DExperience client JAR is still compiled for Java 6 meaning that you can connect TIF with an older ENOVIA/3DExperience version.

2. New features

Below are the new features as of this release.

2.1. Configurable Create/Update Integration - Input Format Support

The create/update integration now supports other input formats that just XML.

You can for example use a ZIP file, containing the create/update information along with files that will be checked-in to objects in ENOVIA/3DExperience.

There is also support for using JSON and CSV data directly. Such data will automatically be transformed into XML.

E.g. the supported formats are

  • XML

  • JSON

  • CSV

  • ZIP, which contains data in any of these formats

    • XML

    • JSON

    • CSV

For XML data, you may also use an additional transformation step to convert the data into a different XML format.

Note also that the ZIP format allows including additional files that may for example be used for checkin during processing of the data.

Read more here.

2.2. File / Directory Listener

The file/directory listener can be configured to either delete the file(s) after processing completes, or, move the file(s) to a configured done or error folder.

Also, some improvements has been made under the hood, for example allow processing any existing files in the directories being watched during startup of TIF and process the events in a separate thread in order to prevent overflow events to occur due to slow processing.

2.3. Admin UI

A large number of enhancements has been made in the Admin UI.

2.3.1. Resource Monitoring - Include Disk Space

On the resource monitoring page, which displays CPU and Memory usage, you can now configure to display disk space utilization. You will configure the paths representing the mount points / filesystems to monitor within the tif configuration files.

2.3.2. View Configurations

You can inspect the configurations/settings that is configured through the Admin UI.

Figure 1. Admin UI, View Configurations

2.3.3. Start/Stop Individual Job in Timetable

From the Admin UI, you can now stop / start individual jobs defined in the timetable.

Figure 2. Admin UI, Start/Stop Timetable Job

2.3.4. Configurable Log Levels

Log levels may be configured within the Admin UI during runtime.

Figure 3. Admin UI, Configure Loglevels

2.3.5. Disable Resend Job Button

The "Resend job" button can be configured to be visible/hidden for certain jobs.

2.3.6. Restructure Content

The Application Events and Resource Monitoring has been moved to separate pages.

3. Fixed Bugs

Below is the list of fixed bugs as of this release.

Issue No Description


Search Field for Application Events Does Not Work


404 error after clicking on Back button of opened Application Event


Disable option to resend a specific job from the admin UI for Messaging Jobs


In Firefox Charts Present under Resource Monitoring of TIF Admin UI not Displayed correctly


Function to resend individual job from admin UI is missing


OLD executed job & tif 2016.2.0


Cannot Start/Stop Service Activator


Fail to update attribute value of object by using Java updater in SOAP Web Service


Null Pointer Exception on TIF Server Console while sending Notifications for TIF Job Status


Services Max Allowed limit


Jobs fails but no error is written to the log and the job is marked as successful