18 October 2016

1. File Package Creation

If you have a license to the "TVC File Manager" component, you are maybe familiar with the feature called File Package Download.

This feature lets you configure the creation of a ZIP package containing files checked-in to objects in ENOVIA/3DExperience, files containing meta-data from ENOVIA/3DExperience and/or other files.

The File Package configuration format is described in the "TVC File Manager" documentation.

The File Package job works in the same way as the <TransferData> job, the only difference is that you for the <FilePackage> element need to define the file package creation rules.

1.1. JAR + License

Note that the File Package feature requires both a valid "TVC File Manager" license and that TIF are using the "tvc-filemanager-nnn.jar" file.

The latter can be fulfilled by one of the below two ways:

  • You configure the TIF start-script to include the ENOVIA/3DExperience webapplication

    • And this webapplication contains the JAR file under the WEB-INF/lib directory

  • You manually copy the "tvc-filemanager-nnn.jar" file to the $TIF_ROOT/modules/enovia/lib/custom folder

1.2. Create Package Using a FPD Configuration

One way to create a file package is to point out a File Package configuration. The format of such configuration is defined in the TVC File Manager documentation.

Below is an example how to accomplish this:

    <Name>PDX Creation</Name>
      	<Config>tvc:fpd:tvx:enc/PDX.xml</Config> (1)
            <File id="file-dest-3"/>
1 Point out the FPD configuration
The <FilePackage> element supports one attribute called transferZIP. This attribute accepts a boolean value and if set to false, each file in the package will be transferred individually.

1.3. Create Package with TIF handler

A special TIF handler is provided as a part of the product. This handler can be used to specify what data to be included such as files and payload content into the generated package.

An example is shown below:

    <Name>PDX Creation</Name>
            <Files dataSet="tvc:dataset/PartSpecifications.xml"
            <Files dataSet="tvc:dataset/RefDocs.xml"

            <Payload config="tvc:payload/BOM.xml" saveIn="data" saveAs="bom.xml" />
            <Payload config="tvc:payload/Specs.xml" saveIn="data" saveAs="specs.xml" />
            <Payload config="tvc:payload/RefDocs.xml" saveIn="data" saveAs="ref-docs.xml" />
            <File id="file-dest-3"/>

Within the <Content> element you may declare elements of type <Files> and <Payload>, which will define the files to be added to the package including what payload/meta-data to be included.

For the Files element you need to point out a data-set, which should return business objects that contains files. Each of the files found from these objects will be added, unless any exclusion/inclusion rules denies so, to the package.

Inclusion/Exclusion can be specified with either a file-name pattern or based upon format.

The <FileFilter> can be shortened, and be written like these examples:

<FileFilter includeFormats="a,b,c" />
<FileFilter excludeFileNames="*.exe,*.dll" />
<FileFilter excludeFormats="a,b,c" />
<FileFilter includeFileNames="*.exe,*.dll" />

Note that the files found should be saved in a way, which prevents them from overwriting each other. Typically you need to use object-id and format as a part of the folder name. The default saveIn value unless specified is files/${id}/${format}.

For Payload data inclusion, you need to specify the payload configuration as minimum. Optionally, you can specify the folder to save the data in with the saveIn attribute. The saveAs attribute specifies the file name of the payload data. By default, the file name is constructed using this file name format payload_%03d.xml. The format will get the payload sequence number as input. E.g the %03d will then be converted to "000" for the first payload.

1.4. Create Package Programmatically

A simpler configuration allows pointing out a so called File Package Download handler directly, without having to specify a FPD config that in turn points out the handler.

See below for an example:

    <Name>PDX Creation</Name>
      	<Handler className="com.acme.fpd.MyFPDHandler" /> (1)
            <File id="file-dest-3"/>
1 Define the class name inline