08 December 2015

1. IBM MQ (Native MQ)

The subchapters below describes the configuration aspects for a IBM MQ / Native MQ destination.

1.1. Reply To

You can specify a destination to which replies are generated. This is done via the replyTo attribute. The value of this attribute must be the ID of an existing native-mq destination inside the destinations configuration file. See chapter Configure Destinations for more information.

Below is an example how to configure the replyTo.

<NativeMQ id="mq-dest-id" replyTo="mq-reply-dest-id" />

And within the destinations.xml file:

<NativeMQ id="mq-dest-id"
    <Queue name="partdata_req" options="INPUT_AS_Q_DEF,OUTPUT"/>

<NativeMQ id="mq-reply-dest-id"
    <Queue name="partdata_resp" options="INPUT_AS_Q_DEF,OUTPUT"/>

When you have set the attribute replyTo, then you should setup a so called reply-handler that is able to update TIF when the reply arrives in order to track whether or not the integration job failed or not.

If you do not set up such reply handler, your jobs will stay in the state "Awaiting Reply".

See this chapter for further details.

1.2. Correlation ID

The correlation id of a MQ message is by default set to and ID, which resolves to the ID of the transfer.

A correlation id of a MQ message can only contain maximum 24 bytes.

This value accepts macros, which during runtime are resolved to real values. The information in the correlation id is used for example by the reply handler to correlate a message back to its origin.

You may change this, but, please note that if you do then you must consider so in the reply-handler that you might use.

Below is an example how to configure the correlation id.

<NativeMQ id="dest-id" correlationId="${some.macro}" />

See this section for more details regarding macros.

1.3. Group ID

A MQ Message sent from a TIF server contains per default the tif instance id as group id value. That information is used by reply handlers to only filter messages originating from a particular TIF instance.

If you only use one TIF instance, you may disable the use of group id’s.

To disable the use of group id’s, either specify this on the destination element as shown below or globally in tif.custom.properties using the property nativeMQ.defaultUseGroupId = false.

<NativeMQ id="..." setGroupId="false" />

1.4. Message Type

There are different strategies available how to send the message. You may choose between one of the following


The message read into a string and is sent using the writeString on the MQMessage


The message read into a string and is sent using the writeUTF on the MQMessage


The message bytes are written using the write method on the MQMessage.

You configure the strategy as shown below

<NativeMQ id="..." type="string" />

The default strategy is byte.

1.5. Additional Settings

On the destination definition you may specify character-set, encoding, priority and expiracy. See this section for more details.

However, you may override these on the <NativeMQ> element per use case also.


<NativeMQ id="..."
  expiracy="604800" />